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Pammon flew through the air, holding Kaen in his front talons, doing everything he could to not crush him or injure him more.

I am almost to you! Be ready to heal him!

This is my fault… I wasn’t strong enough… I should have waited…

You should have, but we will deal with that problem later.  For now, hold on.  Glynnis and Amaranth are close.  She will heal you.

Kaen fought to keep his lifestone burning.  He felt weak, and the fire inside was struggling to burn. His loss had weakened his resolve, and now he felt like the mountain he believed he could climb was impossible.  If Stioks toyed with him this easily, it was no wonder his dad had died to that monster.

He was too strong… too fast.  Like a child–

Stop it! I cannot listen to you whine! My strength was almost gone, and it took everything I had to appear that I could win in a fight against him.  Had he waited me out, I would have had to sacrifice you.

Kaen felt the truth of what Pammon was saying. He had no strength left to give. He was almost out himself.  Pammon was utterly weak as well.

Juthom is still alive.

Yes… for now, we will leave him where he lies.  If he dies while we are gone, so be it.  He will never fly again.

Kaen saw Glynnis and Amaranth in a field through Pammon's eyes.  Both were covered in blood, scales missing, and wings partially torn.  Pammon’s left wing had a large gash in it, but hopefully, it would heal more in time.

Stay back. I’m not sure how well I will be able to land.


Amaranth touched her snout to Kaen, a green light illuminating the tip and where she touched his shoulder.  The sound of flesh rejoining and bones and ligaments reattaching filled Kaen’s ears as he fought back the pain.  The screams he let out filled the night air.

The green dragon was panting, and Kaen knew she had to be at her limit.  He had no idea how much energy she had spent.  Both she and Glynnis were injured more than he had imagined.

You need me to heal you next.  You are on vapors and can barely move.

Pammon grunted. He had one eye open, watching as Amaranth healed his rider.

Once his shoulder and wrist are fixed, you can do what you wish to me.  Pammon paused a moment, his nostrils twitching as he breathed. How bad is the spell?

Her eyes changed colors, turning gold and then green.

Later, I can work on it… he should recover… in time.  For now, you both will need rest.

Pammon snorted and closed his eyes. " Rest… I have rested far too much.  That is why tonight went the way it did. "

In his mind, Pammon was going over the battle they had just fought.  He had practiced aerial combat with Tharnok and his two mates, but tonight was a lesson he hadn’t been prepared for.  Fights during the day were completely opposite at night.  Flying higher left one vulnerable to the one beneath them.  Their ability to strike first was critical, with no way to see who was below them.

Why were the yellow dragon scales black?  Who was her rider?

Glynnis turned her attention from Kaen to Pammon, shaking her head a few times before responding.

It appears to be someone with a wand.  They tried to use it when we got close, but I think it only had a few charges.  Once Amaranth and I attacked, the rider died quickly.  The scales were covered in some type of black liquid, which hid her true color.  This was definitely well-planned.

Pammon knew that was true.  The tactics employed were those of someone skilled in the art of fighting.  If what he had learned from Kaen was true, Stioks had to be over seventy years old.  The knowledge and power this man possessed felt off.

Kaen.  He has a stone like yours.

Panting, Kaen nodded. His shoulder was sealed, and he could move it.  His wrist was working as it was supposed to, as well.  Rising to his feet, he felt slightly weak.

Slowly! Do not fall and hurt yourself again! I will not heal you if you do.

Kaen chuckled and nodded. He was waiting to walk as he felt weak, knowing it had to do with whatever spell Stioks had cast on him.

[ Ailment Check ]


Diseased - Life-draining magical rot infects your body, limiting natural recovery and healing.  Left uncured, your body will decay.

Weakened - Thirty percent of strength and speed is reduced


Kaen stared at the notification and struggled to imagine how Elies survived so long with these effects.

Did Tharnok ever tell you how bad Elies’s infection was?

Pammon raised his eyebrow slightly, watching as Kaen stumbled toward him.  Amaranth was lying next to him, her head pressed against his neck, and a faint green glow was coming from her.

Yes… what he told me was not good.  Do not worry.  I am sure Amaranth can heal you once she recovers.  You have her.  Elies did not.

Kaen made it to where Pammon was and ran his hand across his friend's scales.  He could see the gouges and tears along Pammon’s flesh, realizing how bad dragon fights were when two large ones got within range of each other's talons.

Rest. I’m here.

Pammon breathed out slowly, and Kaen knew he was going to drift off in a moment.  He looked at Glynnis, who was sitting off to the side, watching the three of them.

Glynnis.  Are you ok?

I am… I just… today was something I had not personally experienced before.  Female dragons rarely fight because we are deemed too valuable.  I had seen a few males fight from a distance before, but actually having to do what I did tonight… it was more complicated than I expected at first.

Kaen watched as she moved closer to them and settled down next to Pammon.

The truth was that the female was soft.  She flew poorly, and I could tell she did not fly often.  She was a little older than me, and her size was a bit of a challenge, but once I took out her wings, the fight was over.

You two were amazing.  Thank you again for what you did.

A slight trill came from Glynnis when Kaen praised her, but she stopped when Pammon shifted.

Rest.  The morning will come soon enough.


Kaen groaned, stretching slightly as the sun's rays struck his face.

Pammon and the other three were still sleeping, exhausted from what they had done the night before.

I wonder how far Stioks was able to get before his dragon–

That thought made Kaen wince as the truth of it hurt.  Stioks had a dragon because he had fallen into the man's trap.  That was the reason why Stioks had asked for a truce.

I should have seen that coming…

Standing up, Kaen felt weak still and wondered how long it might last.

Looking at himself, he realized he was a mess. He was covered in dirt and blood, with a slight stench of rotting flesh and body odor.  With no shoes on, a pair of dragon pants, and a chest piece, his appearance was awful.

Fingering the holes in his armor, Kaen sighed.  He knew they would be broken and damaged one day, but it came earlier than he had expected.

If only I could get that case in the vault to open…

Kaen muttered to himself.  He had cut his hand, hoping that blood would activate it, but it didn’t.  No matter how hard he had hit it again, even with an empowered shot, the glass case withstood everything he had thrown at it.

You are not controlling your thoughts and ruining my sleep.

Kaen glanced at Pammon, who had both his eyes open.

“Sorry.  It’s time for us to go.  The whole kingdom is going to be in a panic.”

Pammon nodded and then grimaced.  He turned his head and saw Amaranth’s snout glowing much brighter as she touched his side.

Hold still.  There are a few things I need to do before you start trying to fly around.

Grunting, Pammon held still.

I’m going to look for that female that we killed.  I am hungry, and I know that will be worth finding and eating.

Kaen rubbed his tongue against his teeth and considered what Glynnis had just said.

That is a really good idea.  Pammon and I can fly back to where Juthom fell. I need to retrieve my sword, at least.  I’m not sure where my bow is or if it survived the fall.

Well, wait until I am finished.  It will only take a few more minutes, and then we can go our separate ways. Will we meet back at the cave?

Yes.  Pammon and I will need to talk with the King. As soon as you are done eating, you two can calm Ava's nerves.

Amaranth snorted.

You have no idea how hard that will be once I tell her what happened.  And before you ask, I will not lie for you.

Pammon thrummed, and Kaen groaned.  He was going to lose on all sides, now it appeared.

He is alive.  Barely but still alive.  Be careful when we land.

His body is broken.  Look at that.  A tree is stuck through his side from when he crashed.

Disgust came through their bond from Pammon.

Stioks discarded him as if he were trash.  After all that dragon had done for him, the man allowed his new dragon to begin eating Juthom while he was still alive.


Come to gloat or finish me off?

Kaen heard Juthom’s voice in his head as they landed behind him.  A massive blaze had burned, and now the trees were gone in such a large area around the fallen black dragon.

Pammon can end your suffering.  I will not grant any other mercy besides that for all you have done.

A slight thrum came from Juthom before it was cut off, a wheezing sound escaping his nostrils as blood flowed from them.

I would do it all again.  This is the life a dragon desires above all things.  You will never understand that.

Kaen moved slowly around Juthom, now getting a full view of the size difference between Pammon and the older black dragon.

Yes… I can see it in your eyes.  Your dragon is larger than me.  Somehow, you two grew… A cough and blood from the dragon's snout stopped him for a moment.  Stioks believed you two were weak… not worth the time… How little did he realize when you two attacked us outside Roccnari that day.  If I could laugh, I would, but the pain is too great.  Now… now you two are trapped.  Neither of you knows what is coming, and I’m not sure you can match him.

Pammon leaned over his head, casting a shadow over Juthom’s snout.  Gold eyes peered into the darkness of Juthom’s eyes.

What is coming?

Why should I tell you? Would you threaten me with pain? Every day since I made a pact with that man, I have felt pain.  Pain you cannot begin to imagine.  There is a reason why his family does not accept him.  He tortures them and others.  No one is safe if he believes you have failed or slighted him.

Slowly, Juthom adjusted his head and looked at Kaen.

He wanted to break you.  If he had his way, you would be in a cell in the castle they built for him.  Every day, he would torture you until you died… like he did your father.

Kaen’s heart skipped a few beats as he moved closer toward Juthom until a gaze from Pammon made him stop.

What about my father?! What did he do?

Juthom laughed, thrumming and ignoring the coughs that came and the blood that flowed.

I will tell you, but it will cost you.  When I am done, you must promise to kill me quickly. End the pain that even now Stioks leaves me in.


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