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Pouring his strength into Pammon, Kaen gave all the life force and power he could.

Within a few seconds, his dragon began to control the roll they were in and started to smooth out their descent.

Flashes of lightning lit up the sky above them, and Kaen saw the shape of three dragons fighting in the air as roars echoed from above.

Thank you… I can stay in the air for a–


Pammon folded and adjusted his wings, not wasting a moment, and used his skill.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

A hard bank turn sent them flying out of harm's way as another green bolt appeared and fired past them toward the ground below through the dark sky.

[ Flight Burst Expired ]

Ignoring his desire to smile, Kaen could clearly make out Stioks now. The battle in the sky above them provided light and a glow that radiated off those black scales of Juthom.  The dragon and his rider had overshot their position, and Pammon's sudden move had sent them flying further away than both would have wanted.

Use your flight skills and maneuver around and behind them!  They're turning, but we got a little bit of room.

Kaen could feel the weakness in his friend's body as every stroke of Pammon’s wings seemed to provide less power than expected.

I am feeling better, but I’m unsure what spell he used.  It doesn’t do damage like I thought it would, yet somehow, I feel weaker.

Kaen glanced at his quiver and cursed.

I only have four of the dragon arrows and a dozen more of the regular ones.  I’m going to use one of the dragon ones and see if I can hit.

There is a rider of some sort on this dragon up here.  This dragon is a yellow female!

Kaen wanted to ask questions, but his position left him no time.

The arrow he held was meant for a dragon, and he was going to risk using it.  Time wasn’t on his side, and he knew it.

Drawing the arrow back, Kaen filled it with power, letting the entire arrow turn black as he scanned the sky, looking for Juthom.

His body roared with the power of his lifestone, and everything ounce of rage inside threatened to overwhelm him.

This bastard attacked because he thought we were weak!  We are going to kill him!

Through their connection, Pammon’s rage mixed with his, and both were intent on this moment being the last time Stioks would draw breath.

Power vibrated through the arrow, and Kaen waited, allowing the fight in the sky above them to show where Juthom was.

Hold on!

Kaen’s world spun as Pammon was attacked from underneath. Juthom slammed into them from below, using the same thing Kaen had hoped for on them.

Both dragons spun through the air as each clawed and snapped at the other.

The impact sent his bow and arrow flying from his hands, lost in the darkness of night.

Fire roared around both dragons as they tumbled through the sky, shredding scales and snapping jaws at each other's necks and the rider, who sat on their backsides.

A gust of black flame roared over Pammon’s body, and Kaen felt it burn, smelled the leather, and the rest of his harness melted away from beneath him.

Grasping onto the two scales around him, Kaen held on tight, not wanting to fall from whatever height they were as the dragons continued their assault on each other.

Pammon roared, his breath burning all over Juthom. Kaen felt a massive weight break free as he saw the dragon fall backward and head toward the ground.

End this!

Pammon responded with another roar, diving after the dragon as his flames burnt along the black dragon’s scales.

Juthom rolled over as he fell toward the ground, diving toward the land beneath them, trails of fire wisping behind.

Shoot him!

Pammon’s request pained Kaen, who knew his bow was gone.  All he had at the moment was his sword and shield.

It fell, and Kaen glanced around and then groaned.  Everything is gone… the arrows and the rest.  Only my shield and sword are on me now.  His fire it burnt

Kaen let go of the scale on Pammon’s neck and squeezed tighter with his legs, feeling his body with the free one.

His hair seemed untouched, and even though he smelled smoke and burnt things, Kaen realized that his body was not injured.

I am absolutely fine.  The fire did nothing to me…

Focus! They are beneath us, and I am going to do something stupid!

Kaen started to ask when he realized what it was and leaned forward, wrapping his arm around Pammon’s neck and grasping between his hard scales with his fingers.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

The moment Pammon felt his fingers in his scale, they shot forward, now on the offensive. The massive bronze dragon came down upon Juthom, his back claws raking across the body, narrowly missing Stioks, who sent a green bolt into the underside of Pammon.

Both dragons roared, and Kaen felt the power-sapping from Pammon again, his body weakening once more as a green mist covered them from underneath.

[ Flight Burst Expired ]

Black and bronze bodies tumbled and twisted, each trying to recover from what had just happened as their bodies collided.

Kaen could see gashes in Juthom’s scales, blood flowing from them.

As they flew past, a glow began to cover Juthom, and Kaen felt a pit form in his stomach.

Brace yourself!

Trees snapped, and Kaen felt the impact as they slammed into the tops of trees, loud eruptions of limbs and trunks shattering from the weight and force Pammon hit them with.

Off to the side and behind them, Kaen could hear the same thing, more trees being destroyed as Juthom smashed into them.

Time seemed to last forever as Kaen felt his dragon being beaten by the trees as they fell deeper into the woods, thicker tree trunks now snapping off as they crashed down upon them.

It took less than twenty seconds for them to be on the ground. A long row of trees snapped off at different heights, pointing to where Pammon was breathing heavily.

Kaen slid down from his dragon’s neck, surprised to find himself unhurt.

Are you ok? What is hurt?!

Pammon snorted and then coughed.

In the low light and that close to his dragon, Kaen could see cracked and missing scales, long furrows of claw marks, and a few tears along his dragon’s wings.  Blood was filling the air as the acidic smell hit his nose.

I’ll be fine… I just need a moment.  They crashed, too, off to the south.

Kaen nodded, checking his shield, which was still attached to his forearm, and then reaching for his sword.

It was stuck, the thin layer of metal having melted the scabbard around the blade Elies had given him.  Somehow, the belt had not burnt when everything else had.

It was then that Kaen realized only his chest and leggings were still intact.  His boots had burned off, and his bracers were gone.

Anger and pain filled him as a gift from his father had been burnt away to oblivion.

I’ll be back!

Kaen started running through the forest of trees, listening to the sounds coming from the south. He heard a noise that echoed through the trees.

It sounded like a dragon screaming in pain.


I’m coming! Wait!

Ignoring Pammon’s call for him to stop, Kaen continued to run in the direction he had heard the sound of a dragon’s cry.

His lifestone raged inside him, and he was running with no fear of what had to be coming up soon. It had already been a mile, and he was running so fast that if it hadn’t been for his night vision, keeping up with the constant maze of trees and rocks that littered his path would have been impossible.

Another scream came from his right, and Kaen shifted his direction again.

I’m close! Can you fly?!

His lungs didn’t seem fatigued at all. He had covered a mile in only two minutes, and every bit of power flowed from his lifestone into his legs.

No.  Surely, you can hear me coming.

Kaen slowed for just ten steps, turning his ear and listening to the forest behind him.

Now that he had stopped focusing on Stioks and Juthom, the sounds of trees shattering and the ground shaking reached his attention.

Do not hurt yourself!

I will not abandon you in this fight!

Kaen felt how far Pammon was away and could feel the life of his dragon was very low.  His heart was torn, knowing he couldn’t help Pammon and fight Stioks at the same time.

If I can defeat Stioks, this is all over.  Trust me!

A massive flicker of light and a horrible scream and roar came from the heavens above.

Kaen took off running again in the direction he had been headed.

What was that?

Pride and joy gushed from their bond.

They have killed the female dragon.  Glynnis and Amaranth are both hurt badly, according to Amaranth.  They will land, heal, and try to join us.

Kaen smiled, feeling the battle shifting.  Stioks was alone.  Only one dragon stood in Kaen’s way of Stioks, and he would end it tonight.


The scene before Kaen was not the one he expected.

Fire had been burning, and the light of those fires allowed him to know exactly where to go.  The forest burned, and Kaen ignored it as he ran through the fire, feeling the heat but suffering no injury due to the skill he had suffered to earn.

As he burst into the small burning clearing, Kaen almost tripped.

There was Juthom, his body on the ground, chest heaving, and a green magical chain of some kind wrapped around his snout.

Next to him was a brown dragon, much smaller than the black one, which was taking massive bites from the black dragon’s backside.

Its eyes turned and saw Kaen, an anger burning inside them.

Stioks turned, taking his eyes off Juthom and the dragon that was ripping massive mouthfuls of flesh off the dragon he had been riding.

“Dragon Rider Kaen… thank you for delivering yourself to me.”

Stioks’s smile sent a shudder as blood dripped from the bottom of the man’s chin.  He held a sword ready and a shield that looked to be made like his, only comprised of a bundle of red dragon scales.

“What is…” Kaen’s words froze in his mouth, but he already knew the answer before asking it.

“This is my dragon, Taerar.  Taerar, say hello to the man who just ended your sire's life.”

The brown dragon swallowed the massive bite in his mouth and then roared.


It opened its mouth, and Kaen could see the fire forming inside its throat.

“STOP!” Kaen yelled, holding out his hand, forcing his will upon Taerar.

The brown dragon froze, choking on the fire it was trying to summon and unable to overcome what Kaen had commanded.

Stioks shook his head and growled.  “That is not possible… you cannot be!” The black armored man turned and held up his hand as he looked at his dragon.  “You are mine.  He cannot control you.  Be free!”

As if a stone wall had been holding back a dam of water broke, the young dragon’s throat worked again, and it roared, sending massive blasts of fire at Kaen.

Kaen smiled, standing there as he held up his shield before his face, allowing the fire to wash over him.

Ten seconds of fire poured out around him, and the ground and trees behind were hot and blazing. Ash even burnt away from the power of the flames.

“How?! How?! It’s not possible!” Stioks screamed, seeing Kaen as he stepped toward them through the fire.

The man began to hold up his hands, and a huge green cloud began to form. Kaen knew what was coming.  Time was short, and he had to act.

Willing himself, Kaen dashed toward Stioks, his sword, still locked in its scabbard, held out as he prepared for a fight that would determine who lived or died.


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