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Lying in bed with Ava, Kaen couldn’t help but smile as he stared at his wife’s face.

“Go to sleep,” she groaned.  “I can feel your stare.”

Snorting, Kaen kissed her on the head.  “I’m sorry. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you with my own eyes, and I just can’t help it.  Everything about you is beautiful.”

“Turn that light off and let me sleep. You wore me out, and some of us aren’t always a bundle of energy like the other.  Besides, you have a lot to do tomorrow.”

Kaen sighed and leaned over, tapping the light stone till it turned off.

“Fine, just remember you are the one who told me to go to bed.”

Kissing her husband’s chest, Ava nodded.  “I did, and I'll try not to snore tonight as well.”

Kaen smiled as he lay back on his pillow, eyes still open, even in the cave's darkness.

With his vision back, there were many things to plan and do, but the world felt like it was heading in the right direction once more.


Kaen had allowed Aldric and Herb a moment to laugh and tease about how he looked before making them sit down so they could discuss some things.

“It’s good to see you healthy again,” Aldric declared as he pulled out a stack of papers and handed Kaen and Herb each a few pages. "I got my men and women skilled in magical crafting to give me some information on what we have in our vaults and what we could potentially create in the coming months and years.  Each page is broken down into possibilities as well as current items and supplies.”

Kaen couldn’t help but be impressed by the detail of Aldric’s report and by how much the man had stashed away inside the palace vault.

“Are all these things listed available for use or?”

Aldric frowned slightly as he shrugged and looked at Herb's spoken volumes.  “Most of what we have that is crafted isn’t that strong in power, as you can see.  The few items that are would not be something we can just give out to anyone.  They would be limited to men like yourself or Kaen.  The value of them are likewise…”  Aldric stopped and stared at his copy, tapping his finger against the table several times.  “I guess cost doesn’t matter anymore.  If we don’t win this war, all the money in our kingdom won’t be worth anything.  Besides, we all know right now it's almost worthless already.”

Herb grunted and nodded.  “It’s gotten bad.  The elves who have shown up are destitute, needing a place to stay and work, and it is already difficult to support the population we have now.  Their money has no value outside of the metal, and without Roccnari to trade with, I’m not sure how long it will take for coins to have a value again.”

“Any news from Golden Edge?” Kaen asked.

Grimacing, Aldric shook his head.  “The last two caravans have come back with less each time.  Now, with the destruction of Roccnari, travel is going to be even worse.  They have continued to gouge us, and the quality they have given is often lacking.  I think that you have somehow upset their king.”

Kaen rubbed his face and nodded.  A yawn slipped out and Kaen felt embarrassed by it.  He had stayed up way too late letting his mind wander.

“I think he is allied with the King Vorlak across the sea.  I’m not sure how we can fix our relationship with King Germain.  Right now, if he isn’t going to help us, we need to stop wasting time there.  That’s another problem for another day.”

“Every day has enough problems,” muttered Herb.

“You’re right,” Kaen replied. "Now, what about the guild? Do they have anything to offer or help with?”

Herb sighed and pulled out one piece of paper from his pack.  “The bad news is that Roccnari was our main guild for producing magical items.  The elves' natural affinity, combined with their high magical proficiency and long lives, led to them doing most of the work.  I have hopes that some of the members are still alive in the guild hall there, but from what I have heard, it may not be possible to gain access or for them to leave for a while.”

“Why is that?” Kaen asked.

“Whatever spell that Stioks unleashed has left a trail of magic that causes an illness or disease to follow.  Anyone who stays inside that area for any length of time acquires it.  It can then spread before that person dies.  Some of the elves who had arrived showed signs of illness and were quarantined.  Most are dead, and some of the workers who helped with them are now getting sick.”

“Is it spreading within the kingdom?” Aldric asked, his tone rising an octave.

“No.  For now, it has not spread.  It doesn’t appear that people live long once they get it.  Maybe seven days.  I can only imagine along the road there are going to be many corpses, and those will need someone to go and dispose of them.”

What kind of man would create something so deadly and horrible… We need to stop him soon!

Pammon agreed, his affirmation of Kaen’s statement coming through their bond.

We need to be cautious though.  We don’t know a lot, and it is concerning to hear about this spell.  It makes me wonder what was used on you and what the orcs have.

Do you think they have wands or that they can cast this spell on their own?

I believe it has to be a wand.  What I saw, the way the spell grew and destroyed, makes me think it must be something Stioks gave.  Both of them used theirs around the same time, which also makes me wonder if they have been working on creating them for many years or just recently.  If the orcs had that kind of weapon a year or two ago, I do not see how they would have held onto it.  Do you?

Kaen found himself nodding.  The line of thinking Pammon had done was correct.  If he had access to that kind of weapon, it would be the first thing he might use.

How many do you think they might have left?

Kaen felt Pammon trying to decide on some things and began to chuckle as he felt his frustration at not being able to come up with an answer.

A cough brought his attention back to Herb, who was smiling at him, giving the same look he always had when Kaen and Pammon were talking.

“Sorry, but I think Pammon just figured something out.  Give me one more minute?”

Both men nodded and smiled, able to see a glimmer of hope of some kind in Kaen’s expression.

How many of those weapons would you give a group like the orcs?  If they only used one but had two, three, or ten more, what would stop them from using them on Stioks' kingdom?

Imagine if they destroyed not only Ebonmount but Luthaelia as well.  Sure, Stioks would be upset, but without a people group or workers, it would put him in a challenging position of power.  So, I believe they must have had one recently.

This means they might be seeking a replacement from Stioks. It also means he will most likely be informed soon of what I suffered.

Which means we might need to prepare for defenses.

Kaen groaned when he knew Pammon was right.

“Pammon believes, and I agree that the orc kingdom most likely only recently acquired the wand they used against me.  We both believe that Stioks is no fool and would not give them multiple uses of that spell lest they get brave and use it against him. That means most likely he has only recently acquired them or is now finishing off the process of building them.”

“That would mean we aren’t so far behind then,” Aldric said.  “Which also means we shouldn’t worry about him suddenly showing up and doing the same to us.”

“Do you really want to risk that being true?  Imagine if we are wrong, and that does happen.  Even if he didn’t get close to the capital and used it instead on a town or the farms, we would be devastated at the loss of those.”

Kaen nodded, agreeing with Herb’s statement. “We also need to prepare for Stioks to arrive.  Pammon is right.  By now, the orcs will have reported to him what they did and how they used that attack.  He will believe the kingdom is weak if he believes I am weak.  Combined those two points make it likely the man will indeed come here.”

Grabbing a pen, Aldric flipped over one of his papers and began scribbling quickly on it.  He wrote for over a minute before looking up at both men watching him.

“Ignore me.  If this is true, I need to write down some things we need to prepare.  I must ensure certain things are done within the kingdom to protect it and the people.”

“Do what you must,” Kaen said. “Pammon and I are going to check on a few more things today after this meeting, and tomorrow, I plan on heading toward Luthaelia.  We need to show ourselves, and I am planning on taking both of the females with us.”

Kaen saw Herb’s reaction and knew the men didn’t want to consider it. Without dragons to protect them, the kingdom was left in a very weak position, especially against a wand or some other spell with the kind of destruction Stioks obviously had.

“How soon?” Aldric asked, not looking up from the writing he was doing.

“How soon what? Till I leave?”

“No,” Aldric replied, shaking his head. How soon do you think Stioks might arrive?”

Tapping the table again, Kaen knew the truth of that question and what it most likely was.  “Honestly, any day.  That man has always seemed a step ahead of me.  Everything I have tried was outdone and outplayed… only once did I manage to trip him up.  Now… well, let’s just say I’ll be ready to meet him if word reaches me that Stioks is here.”

Aldric grunted, turned toward a servant thirty yards away, and motioned for him.

The man ran to the King and gave a bow as he arrived.

“Go tell the mages to activate the wards.”

A quick bow, followed by a man sprinting, told both men how concerned their friend was.

“Are you going to risk those even while Kaen is here?  Surely you know that they won’t last more than three days.”

Aldric turned and stared at Herb, seeing the concern and worry in the smaller man’s eyes.  “For three days, we can know if we are under attack within seconds of him crossing those mountains.  That gives all of us here a chance to react.  If Kaen leaves tomorrow, it will give me two days to form some kind of defense and hopefully be able to defend at least a portion of the people I am responsible for… a number that continues to grow as people enter the kingdom.”

Suddenly, Aldric frowned and groaned.  “Forget that.  I need to shut the pass.  Only certain individuals will be allowed to enter it for a few days.”

Herb started to protest, but Aldirc shook his head and raised his hand.  “You get to deal with adventurer things within the kingdom.  I must deal with others.  I know you won’t like that, but for now, I must.  Imagine if Stioks sent people in with a wand like that- someone crazy enough to use it and not concerned with their own life.”

He pointed at Kaen.  “Someone already came here and spent a long time waiting to strike at him.  They were willing to die for that chance to weaken us.  Do you doubt I am wrong about how much worse things can get now?”

Herb’s face changed about seven times in four seconds as the man struggled with what he felt and knew was the right decision for the people.  “Fine.  You do what you must.  I will make sure our adventurers do what we can.”

Aldric nodded and stood up.  “I know there is more to discuss, but I have to act right now.  There is no time to waste.”

He turned to Kaen and nodded at him.  “Be safe tomorrow.  As always, I am grateful for the man you are and try to be.”

After the king had gone, Herb stood up and collected his papers.  “He’s right, Kaen.  Your father would be proud of you.”

Kaen only nodded as the short guild master walked off toward a door, leaving Kaen and Pammon alone in the castle's courtyard.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Kaen turned and saw Pammon watching him.

No turning back.  It’s time.

Kaen nodded.


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