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As always, I'm grateful for you all.  

Hopefully you're having a good valentines day if you celebrate that.  If you forgot, here is a late reminder.

Was out of town at a State Swim meet with kids.  Finally back home and pounding keys again (10k+ words today).

Dragon Riders - SUPER Excited.  Hopefully I'll have cover for book 1 in hand soon... wait is killing me... Book 3 is still in edits.  You're good, got this and next weeks uploaded but really trying to get a better edit than I think I got on book 2.   One of my beta readers threatened to beat me up for the rollercoaster I sent them on.  They enjoyed it and I'm starting to plot some for book 4.

UL1 - I'm past chapter 145 atm in my writing... Book 2 ends soon, trust me its worth it.  Once book 2 ends, I wanted to take a week off to get a few things done.  That would mean the week of the 19th (next week) there would be no chapters.  As long as you all don't curse me too bad, It will give me a few more days to tweak a couple of minor things and start uploading what I've edited. 

BIG stuff is coming down the pipe.  My beta readers on this are digging the direction.  For those wanting others to get into the action, it's coming.... just hang on.  We are also going to hit the towers in book 3! Maybe even some romance? Wait what? In an action book? Hmmm... will have to see.

The Girl who Killed a God - Daughter is trying to stay on top of chapters.  Was gone at swim meet this week so we'll see if she gets Friday this week done.  She's got some solid stuff plotted! I like where it's going and I'm super proud of her!

Goblin Isekai folks - I put my pencil on paper this week.  Foudn my old journal which had notes for book 2.  I won't say when but I'm starting a few chapters here and there as time allows.

Coming soon - Got a new series I've been doing some talking with my Publisher (Mango Media) about.  Excited about this one!

That's all for now! Thanks as always for the support!



We appreciate you. Would suck having a dry week, but it is what it is. You know yourself better and how you wanna pace yourself. Looking forward to the romance.....haha. max is growing up *sniff