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Grateful for his high constitution, Kaen ignored the bruises and red marks all over his body and continued to focus on the sound he heard coming toward him.

His sword barely blocked Phillip's attack, and a slight sound told him to take a step back.

The kick missed as it came low at his legs, a foot grinding into the dirt slightly, and Kaen lifted his shield, preparing for what he could hear coming at his head.

The attack changed as the sound vanished, and Kaen’s mind recalled what he had learned from the other attacks he had endured.

Trusting his instincts, Kaen spun to the left and whirled around, his sword coming, and he heard the movement of Phillip’s feet against the ground, trying to maneuver out of the attack Kaen was launching.

Hearing that sound, Kaen began to swing his sword in a pattern, listening for the slightest noise as Phillip backed up or shifted on his feet. He could feel it, sense it, and know just how far the boy was from him.

With his position firmly in his mind, Kaen’s sword danced to a pattern of swings and thrusts.  Each one came fast, slightly faster than Phillip, but the loss of vision made Kaen feel the speed difference was ok.

The boy’s shield blocked attack after attack, letting Kaen know precisely where his opponent was.

Seizing an opening he felt was there based on how the shield deflected his sword, Kaen dashed forward, his blade coming in for a thrust.

He could hear Phillip ahead and trusted the image in his mind.  His sword came straight at the boy, striking like a viper.

No sound came from hitting Phillip's shield or a blow against the boy.

Suddenly, Kaen’s sword was stuck, and he felt a blow to the top of his head.

“Dead!” Bren shouted.

Kaen sighed, and his sword came free.

He activated his lifestone and immediately saw through Pammon’s eyes what had happened.

That boy is better than you ever were at that age, teased Pammon as he began to thrum.  He baited that so well.  Even if that sword you both had was real, he would have lived while you died.

Kaen groaned softly as he gave a slight bow to Phillip, who was smiling as he wiped some sweat from his eyes.

“Trapping my sword with your arm and side was a brilliant move. I’d like to say I never saw it coming, but…”  Kaen trailed off, both of them laughing at his awful attempt at a joke.

“I still can’t believe how well you fight even if you can’t see,” Phillip replied, watching Bren walk over toward them. “I was trying to be quiet, but you never lost my position.”

Nodding, Kaen turned to see Bren coming at the two of them.  He had aged a lot in the last few years. Bren had fought on the wall some, remembering why he had given up a life of adventuring and instead wanted to train people.  The older man had opened up about the nightmares he had again, seeing people die on the walls.  A light had dimmed in his eyes, but the man seemed different today.  Bren sounded different than he had in years.

“Phillip’s right,” Bren declared as he got closer. “Your footwork has improved, and I can see how you tracked him better.  Against most people, I doubt they would have held you off as long or thought of trading the loss of an arm and their side to kill you.”

Phillip nudged Kaen a little and chuckled.  “I’d gladly give up an arm if it meant defeating you.  I won’t brag, but I managed to get a point in shield and swords from that.”

Kaen snorted and grinned, knowing the young man was vastly outpacing him in different ways. His lifestone wasn’t special, just a standard one, yet the boy's commitment to the cause seemed to somehow push his ability to the limits. Even Hess had repeatedly commented that it was weird how fast Frederick and Phillip progressed.

“Tell me, Kaen, what did you do wrong?”

Kaen tried to consider what Bren was asking, knowing that the simple answer of being unable to see wouldn’t be enough. He replayed what he had done in his mind, and after about twenty seconds into the fight, he groaned.

“I only ever attacked with my sword…”

“Exactly.  Even though you have a shield and legs, you never used them for anything but defense.  Phillip used all three, and you should have picked that up at some point and done the same.”  Bren stopped his commentary for a moment and moved to stand right in front of Kaen.  “Stop using Pammon and get into the ready position.”

Kaen turned his lifestone off and felt the darkness overtake him. Spreading his feet out, bending his knees slightly, and adjusting his hip, he felt comfortable even without being able to see.

“Raise your sword and shield.”

He brought both up, held near each other.  Turning his head just slightly, he inclined an ear toward where Bren was.

“I’m going to attack.  I’m just going to use my hand.  When I do, don’t break it, but stop me.  Are you ready?”

Kaen nodded, focusing every ounce of attention through his ears.


Pammon thrummed, and Kaen reacted, yanking his head back as a hand slapped his cheek.

“Try again.”

Getting into position again, Kaen got ready, and a few seconds later, he felt the impact against his leg from Bren’s foot.



Groaning, Kaen felt overwhelmed. Over fifty times, he had been hit, and not once had he heard or sensed Bren’s attack coming.  It made no sound. There was no clue about where it would impact.

“Tell me what you are doing wrong.”

“I have no idea,” Kaen replied, not trying to hide his frustration in his tone. “I can’t hear you or sense you at all.  Every time, I just get hit.”

“What are you trying to do? Just hear me?”

“Well, yeah, what else should I be trying to do?”

Bren started to chuckle, and Kaen felt his temper decrease slightly as Bren laughed for a moment. It had been so long since the man had laughed. Even though he was upset at his failures, Kaen needed to hear this man return to who he had been.

“How long have we trained together?” Bren asked, his hand suddenly on Kaen’s shoulder.

“It’s been over five years.”

“In all the times we have trained, when have you not been trying to use your lifestone to cheat and get ahead?  I can tell that even now, you aren’t. Why are you limiting yourself?”

Kaen lowered his shield and sword, feeling like he was being chastised for not doing what he had gotten into trouble for always doing.  “Wait, you want me to cheat like that?”

Bren started to laugh and then began to cough because he laughed so hard.  “Kaen… you’re blind.  By the spirits, son, use your damn lifestone!”

He is right.

Did you think the same thing?

I could lie and say yes, but I actually did not. You wanted to do this your way. Bren is right… using your lifestone has always been your way.

Kaen took a deep breath and focused.  He felt his lifestone burn with power and then took one more breath, making it burn even hotter.

Every one of his senses became sharper, and as Kaen settled back into position, he could feel the presence of Phillip and Bren around him. Their scents, breathing, and the slightest shifting of their body as they stood still.  Kaen was almost certain he could hear their heart beating inside their chests.

Slowly, a world around him began to appear.  The ground beneath his feet was somehow there in a weird way.  It stretched for about fifteen feet around him before fading into darkness.  He could make out a slight shape of the other two, their bodies almost like tiny green lights forming a person.  He couldn’t see Phillip’s weapon or shield, but he could see how he held his hands and arms.

Then he saw it. Bren’s hand shot forward toward his left side, and Kaen raised his shield, blocking it with barely any strength.

For the slightest moment, Kaen thought he saw a smile appear on the outline of Bren’s body.

Then a flurry of attacks came.

Bren moved with a speed that defied his age, a speed well beyond what Phillip was capable of and a skill honed over a lifetime of combat and training.

His hands and feet darted out in a variety of attacks, including leg sweeps, double arm punches, a flying kick, and more. Each time, Kaen easily blocked and moved slightly, avoiding the strikes and attacks.

Bren moved near Phillip, and he could see the young man’s arms move. The young man tossed his weapon and shield to Bren, and in a moment, Kaen knew what was coming.

The sound of wood on wood echoed across the courtyard as both men didn’t hold back, Kaen no longer just defending himself but also attacking.

Kaen sent a leg sweep that Bren easily dodged. Bren then swung his sword at Kaen’s outstretched leg, requiring him to yank it back quickly or allow it to be hit. Their shields collided as they both used them for leverage and position.

Unsure of how much time had passed, Kaen saw Bren's green outline change for the briefest moment. A bright light welled inside his chest and raced toward the arm holding the sword.

Kaen knew what had happened.

That bastard used a skill.

The sword became a streak of light at him, but Kaen did not react to the wooden weapon.  Instead, he danced with the body and knew how that arm worked.  He could see each thrust and swipe aimed at him.  His shield sounded like raindrops as the sword struck it over and over.

Another light blossomed inside Bren’s shape and raced toward his legs and shield arm.

Kaen braced, knowing what was coming.

Bren slammed into him, and the shields bashed together. The cracking of wood filled his ears, and Kaen felt his shield falling apart.

Heavy breaths came from Bren, and Kaen could see his friend and teacher going for a combo he hadn’t seen in years. It had surprised him and cost him a duel, but now Kaen recognized how the man shifted and prepared, seeing the power of Bren’s lifestone sending out waves of light to each of his limbs.

The flurry that came felt slow this time.  Even though Bren was attacking with a speed most would never hope to defeat, Kaen knew he would survive this onslaught.  As the seconds ticked by and a string of kicks, punches, and sword thrusts came, Kaen dodged or parried each of them.

A final surge of light came and ended, and the moment it did, Kaen smiled.

He went on the offensive, his sword, broken shield, and legs coming at Bren just as fast as the trainer had attacked him.

Ten seconds later, he stood over his trainer, breathing hard as he held the sword to the man’s chest as he lay there on the dirt ground.

“Dead!” Phillip called out.

[ Magical Energy Detection Learned ]

[ Magical Energy Detection x20 ]

[ Sphere of Detection Gained ]

[ World Sight Gained ]

Kaen moved back, breathing rapidly as the area that he had been able to detect grew by another ten feet.

There, on the edge of it, he saw Pammon’s head.  A dazzling display of magical energy and power that was almost overwhelming flooded his vision as he saw his dragon in a whole new way.

By the spirits, you are… powerful…

What did you just gain?! I could sense something surge inside you!

It’s like I can see a limited range around me.  I can sense life and energy.  It’s–

“Kaen, what in the spirits happened?”

Bren’s question cut him off, and Kaen looked down at the man he still had pinned to the ground.  Tossing the sword away, Kaen extended his hand and helped Bren up.

“I did what you said. I cheated, and now…” Kaen paused, turning his head slightly each way. “Now I can see you two even without Pammon.”

“Holy dwarf balls,” Bren muttered, chuckling as he dusted himself. “Have I ever told you how much I hate how you do that?”

Kaen laughed and heard Phillip laughing as well.

“Yes… yes, you have.”


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