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So… you’ve been quiet.  You're going to tell me what you’re thinking about.

Kaen smiled.  He knew what he wanted to do the moment they were in the air, and he had some time to finally check the choices for his new archery skill.

Archery Skill Choices

[ Fan Shot ]

[ Homing Shot ]

Looking at the two choices, Kaen considered the best option.

I'd like your opinion about a skill selection and which one you think I should take.

A hint of curiosity swept through their bond, and Kaen chuckled slightly as Pammon continued to fly into the sky.

I can choose Fan Shot, which Sedel used in that archery contest.  It has many uses but also goes through arrows quickly.  The other is Homing Shot, but if I remember correctly, its cooldown is brutal.

How bad are we talking?

Twenty-four hours.  Fan Shot has a thirty-minute cooldown.

And does the homing shot do what it actually says?

From the two books that I read, it will track and follow its target, but it’s not like I can aim for a specific part of the body.  It simply strikes whatever it hits first.

So, if someone knew that, they could use a shield or even a weapon to block it?

Exactly.  So, against a shielded warrior, it would be better to fire it off behind them and let it come around from behind.  Otherwise, it would make a direct straight line for them and run into their shield.

Pammon was weighing the choices with a different mindset than Kaen was.

One considered it from a dragon’s perspective, while the other considered it from the archers' point of view.

What would happen if one of those was fired at me and I took off in Flight Burst?

I have no idea.  The book only stated the obvious information about it.  It doesn’t avoid walls, but it simply tracks the target.  If you step to the side, it will turn around in an arc and come at you.  If trees, a wall, a mountain, or anyone else gets in the way of it behind you, then it will be gone.

That sounds like a terrible skill to shoot from the air.  It would crash into the ground.

Yet it sounds like a great skill to shoot from the ground into the air or in the air at something already in the air.

Pammon grumbled as Kaen continued to toss out possible scenarios on which skill might work best when.


I’m tired of trying to figure this out… do you have to pick now?

Nope.  I just thought I would ask your opinion. I was going to wait to talk with Hess and maybe Herb, but I have no idea.  We carry a lot of arrows, and that means Fa–

No more… please.  My head hurts, and it’s not even my skill.

Laughing, Kaen nodded and then let out a sigh.

I’ll stop talking about it… it’s just that I waited so long, and now that I finally have a forty in archery, I can –

Kaen froze, realizing again something else he had forgotten.

Sensing Kaen's elevated heart rate and how he was moving behind him, Pammon turned and saw Kaen unhooking his bow and holding it in his hands.

The locked part of your bow…

[Inspect Bow ]

Bonded Bow of Archer -

+ 5 to dex + 3 to archery

Unlocked: Rune of Piercing - Arrow penetrates all armor and defense by 30% more.

Holy dwarf balls… the arrows provide a thirty percent bonus to penetrating all armor and defenses…

Pammon said nothing, continuing to stare at Kaen as they flew to the north.

That seems really powerful.  Tell me I’m wrong.

You aren’t wrong.  Imagine what that would do to even you… Imagine if I had that when we fought Tharnok or Juthom…

This changes some things for sure.  At least you had Tioanoe collect all those arrow tips from the kobolds.  Hopefully, there is enough for a few more arrows.

Kaen nodded, holding the bow his father had made for him so many years ago.  Pammon had turned his attention back toward the sky he was rapidly climbing, and all Kaen could do was feel the power of it through his hands.

Thanks, Hoste… you always keep looking out for me.


The first day flying north toward the elven kingdom reminded Kaen of all the life that still existed.  Everywhere, trees grew tall, and Pammon mentioned how many deer and boars he saw inside the forest.  When they camped, it wasn’t long before Pammon caught one for Kaen to cook once Pammon had eaten his fill.  Skinning a deer and gutting it was not something he wanted to do while he couldn’t see.

How much longer are you going to be blind?

Kaen sighed and looked toward Glynnis, who was reclining on the ground near Pammon.

I have no idea, but hopefully, it will be no more than another week or two. I'm not supposed to take the bandages off, and in case something happens, I have two more in my supplies so that I can put them back on.

Glynnis snorted and shook her head.

Why do men always rush in and fight first, not paying attention to what might be around them? You could have picked up some rocks or trees and dropped them on the castle.

Pammon erupted in a thrum so loud that every bird within a hundred yards lept from the trees and flew away.

After his dragon had settled down, Kaen chuckled a little bit.

You got me there. As you said, I didn’t use my brain.  I was angry and upset and thought I was invincible. Now look at me. One mistake cost me my vision and my child.

What? What about your child?!

Glynnis was shouting in his head, and Kaen winced from how loud it felt.

Calm down.  I will tell you; he does not need to retell the story.


A growl came from Pammon, and Glynnis immediately stopped talking and bowed her head to the ground.


I am sorry for your loss… forgive me for speaking as I did.

Kaen nodded, still feeling the raw, aching wound in his heart, but didn’t take it out on her.

You didn’t know, and as I said, it was my fault.  It also caused me to see how I had failed as a leader and husband, and now I will do what is right by making sure those I promised to protect are safe.

I thought you said the elves were not under your protection after what they tried to do to you.

Pammon snorted, and Kaen shrugged.

That was their old king and his daughter.  They have been dead for three years.  I have been remiss in checking in on them as I should have.  The elves helped as much as possible, sending supplies and food during our battle with the orcs.  Sadly, their land still suffered the loss of their tree.

Kaen turned his attention to the fire and the food cooking on it.  Having only cut off the backstraps, the food was cooking quickly, and he knew it would be ready in another minute.  Pammon, as always, was more than happy to eat the rest of the deer.

I just wish I had known about their tree… who knew a single thing could provide that much power to a kingdom… now their land produces far less, and the elves seem to grow older faster.

Has it really been half a year since we have been there?

Seven months and a few weeks, but not that I kept count. Still, their elders have been kind and understand my reservations about coming that often.  They still profusely apologize every time we come.

Bosgreth has been the greatest asset of all.  We still need to visit him, and then, at some point, I need to stop in and check on the wood elves…

After the elves, you need to go home for a bit, though.  Ava will need you, and you need to be with her.  Do not forsake your obligation to her because of the duty you feel you owe.

Pulling one of the sticks off the spit he had built, Kaen nodded and took a bite of the meat, sucking in air as the hot meat burned his tongue slightly.

I’m a dragon that breathes fire, yet I don’t try to swallow something I know will burn my mouth.

I’ve always wondered how that works.

Glynnis’s head popped up, and a slight trill came from her.

I can tell you! It’s the saliva! As a dragon begins to…


Kaen closed his eyes and relaxed against Pammon.  He and Pammon had no idea that Glynnins would spend half an hour talking about how each dragon had different saliva that protected them based on the magic they used. She also knew about the glands in their mouths and along their throats.  If they had to kill another dragon, Kaen was certain those glands would be useful in some way to the adventurers' guild or Lord Hurem.

With Pammon’s eyes closed, he could only embrace the darkness of the world around him.  He listened to the sound of the insects and the crackling of the logs becoming embers.  He could smell the smoke and the clean air of the trees here.  The land smelled different from the battlefield and town just a day ago.

Without his eyes, it was as if every one of his other senses was on overdrive.  When he concentrated, he could hear or smell better.  The meat had tasted amazing, and Kaen could taste the wood he had speared it with, the oils in it having escaped from the heat and coated the inside of his dinner. He had never noticed these small things, even though he had experienced most of them hundreds of times.

I’m not saying I want to be blind forever, but I wonder what I could learn if I tried while I was.

Going to sleep, Kaen decided to visit Master Brin when he got back and see what that man might be able to teach him.


Something is wrong… can you smell that?

Kaen nodded. He had started to smell it almost the same time Pammon had.

There is smoke up ahead also.  The clouds… a haze beneath them of whatever must be burning.

We had a fire once that did something like what this feels like… it was a massive lightning storm that ravaged one of the territories after a dry season.  So much was destroyed.

Pammon, can we speed up but not use your flight burst?

He felt Pammon begin to beat faster and watched as the green forest below them and up ahead suddenly stopped, a massive line in it that was burning and rotted.


The land's appearance at the edge of Pammon’s vision reminded Kaen of the spell that had missed the two of them the one time they fought.  Not only did the land look rotten and diseased, but it had also been burnt.

This is recent Kaen.  Get your bow and be ready.  Glynnis, stay near me and be sharp.  Don’t engage if we find the two unless I tell you.  If so, harass and always dodge.  Do you understand?

I do.

Kaen felt anger rising up in Pammon as they continued to fly toward where the capital of the elves should be.

If it looks this bad this far out…

Then, no one will be left alive.  You and I need to end this… we need to attack him.

Kaen felt the hatred in Pammon overtaking him and forcing him to desire the same thing as his dragon.

Wait… we need to wait.

Are you going to hide again?! Look at what he has done!

Kaen winced, almost as if Pammon had taken his tail and slapped him with it.  The pain he felt from that comment flowed through their bond, and Pammon immediately knew what he had done.

I’m sorry… it’s just… when I think about him and see what Stioks has done, I cannot help but become enraged. Every part of me wants to tear him apart, and now… many of these people welcomed us and fed us.

I know, and it’s ok.  You’re right.  I’m not going to hide anymore, but we need to find out what we can do here and then return home and plan from there.  You and I know right now is not the time for this fight.  If I cannot see, I cannot fight back, which would put us in a dangerous position if Stioks found out.

Pammon didn’t reply, but Kaen could feel his acknowledgment of the wisdom behind that statement.

Just promise me when the time comes, we end this.  Once and for all.

I promise.


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