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Experience had made Kaen pack an entire basket of food.  He knew it was the one thing people didn’t have in times of war, and even though it was most of what he had stored for his trips, he shared it willingly, seeing the eyes of those who got a small piece of meat and some hard bread.

Each one bowed and thanked him for his kindness before moving off to enjoy it while they waited for a pot of broth that was being cooked to satisfy their hungry stomachs.


“So you believe this is the work of the other dragon rider?  Do you believe there will be a break from our battle?”

Kaen let out the breath he had been holding in slowly as he studied Tioanoe's face in the light of the fire.  Pammon was kind enough to keep one eye open so that he could react to everyone who had offered him thanks.

“My honest answer is not for long.  Today, they suffered greatly, but they will regroup, and their tactics will change. I cannot keep Glynnis out here forever, as she needs to return soon…”  He paused and leaned close, motioning her to join him.  “She has an egg and has to protect it and be near it.”

Kaen smiled as Tioanoe’s mouth fell open, and she leaned her head to get a better look at the yellow dragon that had defended them this past week.

“Will she allow someone to bound with it?” she whispered.

Kaen nodded.  “I have two young men who are ready.  Over the last five years, both have proven themselves to be someone I could trust with that power and responsibility.  Sadly, it will be a while before the eggs hatch, and even then, it will be many months before either of them can ride their dragon.”

She nodded and tapped her chin a few times while staring into the evening sky.  “Imagine riders again, protecting the land… it seems like a dream we will not want to wake up from.”

“There is still much I must do… we all must do.  Stioks is active, and I have no doubt, after seeing what I saw here and holding those arrows in my hands, that he played a role in your downfall.”

The woman spat on the ground, grimacing at that news again.  “What did we ever do to that man? He has never come to our lands, and we would have allowed him free travel!”

Sighing, Kaen shook his head.  “Stioks doesn’t care about that… in fact, I think he only cares for himself and some dream or vision he has in his head- a place where everyone obeys him absolutely.”

“So what do you think we should do?”

Her question frustrated Kaen as neither of the two choices he felt were good.  Each would mean they would lose a part of who Tioanoe’s people were.  Both could still result in their entire group being wiped out.

“The answer isn’t simple, and you already know what one of my choices would be if not both.”

She grimaced and turned her eyes to the burning fire between them.

“Go join our people who have fled north and try to find a place there…”

Kaen nodded.  “Or…”

She sighed, picking up a small stick, breaking it a few times, and then throwing it into the fire.  “Or move to Ebonmount and try to survive there.”

“Neither of which promises your people will be who they are now.  Both hold problems and may change you and your people forever,” Kaen replied. The question is, what do they want? I know you are a proud and strong group.  There are still plenty of woods to the north where game and opportunities lie.  However, we also know that the king who owns them will one day come, demanding tribute or more.”

Neither spoke as she chewed on his words for a few.

“Being a leader isn’t great, is it?” she asked, frowning as she did.

Kaen chuckled and shook his head. “So many think being in charge is the greatest position one can have.  A worthy leader loses sleep and more because they always care about those they are over.  Life shifts from becoming about them to everyone else.  They sacrifice everything to ensure the people they are responsible for have what they need.  And the choices they must make…”

Kaen smiled as she looked at him.  Pammon was there, listening and watching.

“We have to learn to not regret when our decisions don’t go as we had hoped.  We cannot live in fear of not making another one lest more people suffer.  Sitting by, choosing not to choose, is far worse.  Chaos breaks out, and people lose faith in their leaders.  When that happens, everything will fall apart on the inside.”

“You sound like you are speaking from experience,” Tioanoe said. “Is that what happened?”

Kaen nodded. “It took a great loss and some words from a stubborn old friend to help me realize it.  That is why I didn’t come sooner, and I will always regret not being here as I should have been when your people needed us.  That weight will always be upon my shoulders, but I will not allow it to keep me from acting.  Instead, I will do what I must because I don’t want another to suffer like you.”

She was staring at the fire again, her head nodding slowly.

Minutes passed as neither said a word, each considering the choices to be made.

Eventually, Tioanoe stood up and stretched. “I will decide in the morning when the sun rises.”  She went to a knee and touched her head to the ground.  “Thank you, as always, for your friendship.”

Kaen smiled and gave a slight nod with his head.  She moved off to join her people who had moved back inside the last town they called home.

After she was gone, Kaen stood up and moved to where Pammon was waiting for him.

I am still determining which path she may choose.

Kaen smiled and scratched Pammon’s snout.

I don’t think she will choose either of those.

Do you think she will stay and fight?

Tapping his finger against one of Pammon’s scales, Kaen realized he had tilted his head up toward the sky even though he couldn’t see.

Scratching his beard, he shook his head.

No… she will choose a path she will come up with.  I know she never wanted power, but she also knows the burden of it better than most.  She will be a great leader if she can protect them long enough to survive.

Moving to a small space between Pammon and Glynnis, Kaen sat down and leaned back against the two of them.

Thank you again for being stubborn and wise.

Pammon thrummed once, stopping when he remembered how late it was and feeling Glynnis stir slightly.

Thank you for listening and doing what you must.

Kaen scratched a scale, took a deep breath, and scooted himself back until he was snug between the two dragons.  Letting out the breath, he smiled.

Remind me that tomorrow when I tell you my next plans.

A groan came from Pammon as he snorted.

Go to sleep.


Grateful for the morning and the need to arise, Kaen found himself rested even after a few nightmares that often came.

Tioanoe was waiting for him outside his camp with a fire going.

“Part of me wants to ask what it is like to see through your dragon's eyes.  The other part of me really wants to ask how you go to the bathroom like that.”

Kaen started to howl with laughter, and even Pammon thrummed having heard her question.

“Both are different… I won’t say I have ever hidden anything from Pammon before, but needing his assistance with the second question was beyond either of our imaginations.”

She chuckled and nodded.  “I have decided what we will do.”

Kaen stood where he was, crossing his arms and waiting for her decision.

“We will go collect our older and younger people and then move to a place mentioned in stories long ago. A place that lies between both the elf kingdom and the kingdom of the waters.  There, we will grow strong again and perhaps be able to come back here in a few generations and start over.  We also may decide that is the next place for us.  Living in a space where neither kingdom holds much power and may ignore us, waiting for the other to deal with us.”

“That is a wise plan,” Kaen said, smiling at her. I told Pammon last night you would choose your own path, and I am glad that you have.  When will you leave?”

“The preparations have already begun.  Everyone who can is collecting supplies that we will take with us.  It will be a hard journey, but you are right.  The enemy won’t wait forever, and we need to be gone while we have your protection.  They will wait a few days or maybe even a week to see if you are truly gone before attacking again.”

“Then I will let you and your people do what you must.  Pammon and Glynnis will eat a few more of the bodies before we go.  I also have things I need to do before returning to Ebonmount.”

Moving toward her, Kaen held out his hand once more and smiled as she took his forearm. Both of them pulled forward in a small embrace.

“Know that if you ever need my help, I will do what I can to answer the call,” Kaen said as he broke their embrace.

“I, too, will do what I can to help if you need it.  Until then, I will pray to our ancestors to watch over you and your dragon as you keep the task of protecting this land.”

She bowed once and turned, never the one for long goodbyes.

Kaen chuckled as he and Pammon watched her walk away.

She is in a much better mood today than last night.

It is because she has found her purpose and drive like you.  People are best when they have a goal they know is right and work toward it.

When did you become so wise? I still remember an eggling who always wanted to eat a chicken because he thought it insulted him…

Pammon growled and closed his eyes, keeping them shut so that Kaen couldn’t see where he was moving.

Walking toward where he knew Pammon was, Kaen realized he was centered even in the darkness.  His mind allowed him to use his other senses to start to pick up where things were and what he had seen.

You are not going to make fun of me now are– OUCH!

Pammon’s eyes flew open as he yanked his head from where it had been resting on the ground.  Kaen stood a few steps from where his head had been, smiling and waving his hand in the air.

Dang, your scales hurt…

My scales! You slapped me!

Kaen started to laugh as he saw Pammon diving at him with his head.

He rolled to the side and was on his feet, prepared for the change in direction as Pammon approached him.

They collided, Kaen grabbing as much of Pammon’s snout as he could. He was pushed back along the ground but did not give up his grip on his friend.

How are you doing that?! You’re not using my eyes!

Pammon pulled back the other way, and Kaen let him get dragged again before letting go and rolling to his feet.

I’m not sure, but my lifestone is acting weird. It’s like I can somehow sense what is going on around me…

I swear if you get a skill, I will make you walk home.

Laughing, Kaen walked straight to Pammon and stopped a foot away.

It only works with you right now.  I just know where I am and what was around me…

Snorting, Pammon stood up and moved away from Kaen toward the kobold corpses.

Well, I’m going to get breakfast.  We need to leave anyway.  What is your plan, oh great dragon rider?

The sarcasm of Pammon's question oozed through their bond, but Kaen ignored it.

We need to check on the elves… something tells me that Stioks is probably not keeping his word about them as well.


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