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Grace moved quickly and took the lantern upstairs.  No one was up there, so she blew it out.

Scanning the room, she saw a knife on a table and grabbed it, moving toward the window on the side of the house. Since it was on the second floor, no bars kept her from using it, so Grace slowly lifted the window.

Peering out, Grace saw nothing to worry about landing on, and in a few seconds, she was on the ground, running toward the houses a bit away.

Lilly joined her as she moved through the night, two shapes hidden from the world.

No one except the man she had seen earlier was on the streets tonight, keeping watch on Max’s house.

They moved quickly and quietly, covering the ground without fear.

Being able to see like this is such a boon… I need to ask Max if every emissary can see like this or if it is just me.

Trying to control her thoughts as she made her way toward the spot she knew the guard was, Grace took a longer route, wanting to make sure to scout and see if there were more, and as the spot she had seen the guard came into view, her instincts had been right.

Two guards were stationed there. A lantern covered in a cloth, allowing only the slightest amount of light to escape, sat on the ground near a guard who appeared to be sleeping.

The guard she had seen before was still looking toward Max’s house.  He was leaning against the wall as he stood guard. For a moment, she almost thought he was asleep until he moved slightly.

“Watch my back,” Grace whispered to Lilly as she began to creep closer to the guards.

She knew the best plan was to kill the one awake from behind.  Grace had no doubt that if she did it right, she could interrogate the other guard.

She moved across the road, placing her feet where no trash or rocks were. No sound came from her boots as she moved.

Holding her breath as the last ten yards quickly vanished with each step, Grace held the knife ready.

The guard shifted, stretching his neck slightly, causing Grace to freeze just five yards from her target.

A sigh came from her target as he leaned against the building again, staring toward the house he was obviously tasked to watch.

Glancing at the other guard, Grace saw the man still fast asleep.

These bastards don’t expect anyone to be alive…

Her mind told her exactly how to attack the guard, who was taller than her and at an angle.

Coming up quickly, she kicked his leg supporting most of his weight forward.  The guard fell backward, his right arm going off to the side, putting himself in the position she sought.

Her left hand came around, covering his mouth as the knife in her right hand sliced with such force she felt the bone in his neck scrape against the blade.

Barely any noise was made as the man died, quickly moving him around the edge, and once he stopped moving, Grace laid him down on the street.

Her hand trembled slightly, and she took a deep breath as she flicked the dagger to remove some of the blood that was on it.

Peering around the corner, she saw the other guard fast asleep, his fingers intertwined against his chest.

She slid the knife into her belt, making sure it would not cut her if she needed to draw it.

Tiptoeing close, Grace moved to where the guard was and grinned.

Her hands lunged forward, grabbing both of his hands and squeezing with all the force she could muster.

Bones shattered, and the guard's eyes flew open as she crushed every bone in both hands.

He screamed, earning a sharp jab to his gut, taking the wind out of his lungs.

Coughing, the guard tried to react, but his mind was overloaded from pain and the inability to breathe.

Grace grabbed his chainmail and threw him off his seat to the ground.

As the guard coughed into the dirt, she picked up the lantern and opened its blinds, flooding the area around them with light.

“I got some questions,” Grace said, growling as she moved to the guard.  “You can answer them and die quickly, or I promise you I’ll make you suffer.”


Grace cursed as she stepped back from the guard.  Snapping his neck hadn’t been a problem, but the fact he required her to do what she had only made her angrier.

His legs were bent sideways, both knees snapped backward.

Keeping him from passing out had been the most challenging part.

Lilly sat near her, watching Grace as she frowned.

“You heard him… they were supposed to wait till tomorrow morning and then kill everyone still alive,” Grace said as she looked at her dog.  “It’s going to be a long night… let’s go help the other gangs.”

Before she left, Grace grabbed both bodies and their stuff, moving them into a burnt-out building and hiding them for the moment.

No point leaving too much evidence… besides the blood, I guess…


Grace was drenched in sweat and blood.  Yanking the dagger from the throat of the guard she had just killed, Grace let out a sigh and stretched.

“Nice job, Lilly.  Thanks for helping me find them all.”

Lilly gave a gentle bark and sat there, licking her snout and the blood that she had stained it with the last few hours.

Sighing, Grace knew the sun would be up soon, and she was worn out.  Grabbing the two bodies, Grace lifted them so easily she was still amazed at how strong she was.  Moving to a burnt-out house a few from where she had killed these two, she hid them inside, covering them up with some burnt timbers, knowing it would only hide them for so long.

Groaning, Grace stretched and gave Lilly another round of scratches before whistling and jogging back home.

I smell horrible and need to clean up…. I might as well get some water for Max and the others before I return.


The sun was just starting to peek out over the houses, the sky a beautiful orange and red, and the clouds above looked like a painting that should hang in someone's house.

Carrying two buckets, Grace made her way around the side of the building and froze when she saw a guard outside talking with Max.

The guard turned and saw Grace, looking her over and watching as she continued to move toward the steps where Max was doing his best to sit and talk with the man.

“I’m sorry, sir. We haven’t seen any other guards.  A few of the people are sick but doing okay.  Some didn’t get sick at all.  It was bizarre.”

Max’s voice was steady as he held the guard's gaze.

“And you’re certain no other guards came by here in the last day?”

Max shook his head and tapped his stomach.

“Honestly, I was inside puking my guts out and crapping my pants all day and night.  Someone could have mugged me in the middle of the night, and I wouldn’t have known,” Max replied.  “As you can see, I’m still pretty pale from whatever I ate that didn’t sit right.  Meat was probably bad or something.”

The guard grunted and gave a brief nod, turning to focus on Grace as she stopped at the steps and set the buckets down.

“What about you?  Where have you been?”

“I just went and fetched some water. I left an hour ago, and there were a few older people at the well, so I helped draw their water before getting ours,” Grace answered, wiping her head and taking a big breath. I was a bit worn out, but I was glad I didn’t get whatever most people here did.”

Levi came dashing out the door and saw Grace as if on cue.

“Sister!” he exclaimed, running to her and hugging her legs and hips.

“As you can see,” Max said, “some got sick and others didn’t.  It was bizarre.”

The guard nodded and then turned to leave.

“If you find out anything, let the guards know.”

Max, Levi, and Grace nodded even though the man didn’t wait for their affirmation.  They watched as he strode away, moving swiftly down the street.

“Levi, can you take a bucket inside and see if anyone needs some water? I’m going to start a broth in a few minutes, so get me some wood from our room, too.  I’m going to cook it out here.”

Groaning, Levi held Grace until she rubbed his hair a little, bent down, and kissed him on the cheek.

“Fine… but you need to stay here.  I’m tired of you not being there when I wake up.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” she replied, gently bopping his nose with her finger.

Laughing, he pushed her finger away and grabbed one of the buckets with both hands, doing his best to carry it without spilling any.

Max watched Levi enter the house before turning and staring at Grace.

Neither said a word for a moment.

“Do I want to know?”

“Yes,” she replied quietly.  “They had two guards at each of the gang's main properties.  Their goal was to kill everyone today that was sick.”

Grace hadn’t expected to see the shock covering Max’s face as the man’s eyes went wide.  Lines from exhaustion were on his forehead, and the massive black bags under his eyes were now more visible.

“Those bastards,” Max cursed.  “They need to pay…”

“They have and will,” Grace said as she moved to sit by Max.  “I killed twenty-four guards tonight.  Each was waiting.  Hid all their bodies for now.  I’m glad I washed up before I came back, or it would be twenty-five.”

Max nodded and put a hand on Grace’s shoulder.

She almost winced at the touch but let out a breath as Max left it there.

“How are you?”

Grace turned and saw a look she rarely recognized on Max’s face.  His lips were pressed together, and his eyes were narrowed slightly.  He was concerned for her.

“I’m ok… tired but ok.  I… I did what I had to in order to save everyone.”

Max squeezed her shoulder a little more and shook his head.

“What did you do?”

Grace swallowed the lump that immediately formed as her events from the last day played over in her head.  The look on the alchemist’s eyes and his daughters still haunted her.  She had pressed those memories into a corner, but they bubbled up to the surface with Max’s questions and how he was looking at her.

“I… I…” Grace stuttered, trying to say words she couldn’t bring herself to.

Max groaned slightly as he shifted, standing up a little and sliding closer to her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her against him.

The damn of emotions broke, and Grace began to cry.  It turned into a sob as she buried her face against his damp shirt and couldn’t stop the rush of pain and hurt she felt.

“I killed them, Max! I killed them!”

Max brushed her hair, gently shushing and rocking as Grace cried.  She repeated the same words over and over into his side.

“You did what you had to in order to save your brother,” he finally said after a few minutes.

Grace sniffed and sat back, snot running down her lips that she quickly wiped with her arm.

“Did I? I killed a dad and his daughter! I… I murdered them!  What am I becoming?”

Max sighed as Grace wanted answers he couldn’t give.

“Cedric is dead! He died to this thing they did! I killed Tom and burned his body! I… I’m becoming a monster!”

Max reached out with both hands and grabbed Grace’s shoulders.  “Listen to me!” he said, his voice louder and firm.  “You are not a monster! We are in a fight for our lives, and both sides are going to lose people.  Cedric told me the other day you showed more commitment to protecting Levi than he has ever seen from anyone else.  Everything you do is for him… and for me.  For your family.”

Grace stared at Max, starting to open her mouth, and he shook his head.

“Listen! I don’t know why you were chosen.  I know that you alone have the strength to help keep everyone here alive.  The time is coming when the fight we are in now will turn into a battle.  If you are unwilling to do what must be done, then we are all good as dead.  If that is the case, take your brother and run.  Get out of town and hope you can find a place where you can live for a year or two before you must run again.”

Max pulled her closer, forcing her to sit upright.

“I’ve seen what happens when people like you don’t obey the path before them,” Max said, his voice quiet and low.  “It… it turns into places like this.”

His last words were like whispers, barely able to be heard, but Grace’s ears picked up the words with ease.

“How do you know?” Grace asked, her eyes seeing the change in Max’s face as he looked down at the steps, avoiding contact with her eyes.

Sighing, Max shook his head.

“Not now… I can’t tell you now or here, but… tomorrow.  Tomorrow, I’ll tell you, I promise.”

Grace bent down, maneuvering her head so she could look up and see into Max’s downcast eyes.

“Swear it.”

Unable to look away from Grace’s dark eyes, Max nodded.  “I swear.”


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