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It's been a crazy month, but things are moving along better than I had hoped!

I'm not bragging, yet I'm over 200k words typed this month, which is always something I can't believe but enjoy.

Dragon Riders - 15 chapters are uploaded! 1 Per day (even the weekend).  February 16th, I'll go back to the normal 5x a week release.   When RR gets released, I'll drop extra ones to make sure you get to stay ahead!  I really hope you all enjoy Book 3.  

Podium has book 2 in their hands, and hopefully soon, I'll get it back for the first round of edits.  Also, I can't wait to show you the cover for book 1 when they let me!  I am anxiously awaiting to hear the audio for book 1!!

Ultimate Level 1 - We are nearing the end of book 2 soon! I love the chapters you all are about to get into, and I'm way ahead in book 3!  I actually turned in the first round of edits today to Mango Media Publishing for Book 2! I'll remind everyone on February 23rd to please go and check out UL1 on Amazon and leave a review if you would! The better the review the higher the chance of me being able to afford college for my kids ;)

Girl Who Killed A God - Daughter is going to go 3x a week on this story.  She is busy with school and sports but just wanted to let you know.  As I watch her work on this and we do this together, sometimes I wonder about those people who like Grimdark stuff... 

Other than that, I'm looking forward to February! 

As always, I appreciate your support!  For those who signed up for the annual membership, thank you especially for that!  I'll be reaching out in the coming weeks.  Going to try and give some cool perks for that!


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