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The absence of vision made knowing what time it was difficult.  Not needing as much sleep amplified Kaen's frustration as he listened to Pammon.

You need to come with me.  Sitting here will do you no good.

“But if people see me, it will–”

It will be impossible.  I will not fly near the city.  For now, we need to get you out of here.  In a few hours, we can go pick up Ava.  She said she wanted to pack a few things and rest.

Frustrated, Kaen sighed and nodded.  “Fine, we can fly for a bit, but I don’t want to be seen by anyone.  If word gets out–”

It will not come from me, Pammon interrupted, moving closer to Kaen.  Stop complaining because I won’t let you chase a chicken and get on my back.

A chuckle escaped Kaen’s lips, and he groaned.

What is this about a chicken?  Could he not catch one?

Amaranth’s question sent Kaen and Pammon into a fit of laughter as Kaen followed Pammon’s neck until he found the groove he knew to grab onto.  Years of practice allowed him to do this in his sleep, and now, with no way to see, Kaen found himself sitting exactly where he belonged.

I’m still confused about this chicken. Is it a real chicken?

It was a chicken.  Back when Pammon was young.  He wanted to eat it, but I never let him.

So this is one of those jokes you two share…

Pammon thrummed, vibrating beneath Kaen’s legs.

It is.  Do not worry. One day, we will joke about things that make you upset.

That doesn’t seem very wise.

Family often doesn’t seem to care as long as the others think it is funny.

Amaranth snorted.

Go fly.  I will guard both eggs until Glynnis returns.  When she does, I will need some time to be free.

Hearing the click of Kaen’s harness, Pammon turned and moved to the edge of the cave entrance.

When she gets back, we can fly together.

A trill came from inside the cave as Pammon leaped into the air.

She will hold you to that, teased Kaen, feeling the familiar scale on Pammon’s neck as the wind rushed against him.


You are being stubborn. Stop holding back and use my eyes.  Why ignore what we have and limit yourself?

Tired of the last hour plus of Pammon pestering, Kaen gave in, letting his lifestone burn so that he could see the world through his friend's golden eyes.

A calm flooded Kaen’s mind as the world below him came alive.  The world moved beneath them in the light of the evening sun.  Carts flowed in the streets, and people walked along the sidewalks.

Everywhere Pammon’s eyes moved, Kaen saw life and felt connected to it all.

It appears that I was right, as usual.  Next time, you should just obey my advice the first time I offer it.

Ignoring Pammon’s words, Kaen lost himself in the moment.  All the panic and fear disappeared as he saw the world beneath him.  Life went on, and he knew that in time, things would also return to normal for him.  He had things to accomplish.

That is it.  Let go of the frustration you feel.  Let me do what I can.  It has been a long time since you–

Fear and anxiety suddenly rushed over Kaen as Pammon stopped talking and made a complicated twist in the air.


As they raced to the east, he knew his dragon was hiding something, and his dragon’s vision focused on a point well past the edge of town.


She called out to me and sounded panicked… like… when Hess did.

Fear and confusion overcame Kaen as he tried to figure out what could happen.

Is she under attack? Is someone there?!

No… it’s…

Pammon hesitated, knowing the next thing he said would be a blow that might break his partner.

She is bleeding… she fears the baby is…

Kaen’s lifestone roared with an intensity that overwhelmed Pammon, and the dragon used its power without hesitation.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

Neither spoke, and there was a minute of sheer panic coming from Kaen.

She is outside, Pammon said as both saw her on the ground outside the great doors, holding her stomach.

For once, Kaen hated how clear and sharp everything looked through his dragon’s eyes.  The tears and pain on his wife's face were on full display, each small wrinkle and fold in her skin as she squeezed her eyes shut.  Her muscles in her neck were flexed as he saw a spasm come over her.

The blood seeping through the front of her dress…

I will grab her carefully and rush her back to Amaranth. There is no time to stop and help her up.


Trust me, Kaen.  She and I have already spoken.  There is no time…

[ Flight Burst Expired ]

Pammon came out of his skill almost on top of Ava and, through an amazing amount of strength and practice, came to a complete stop, hovering over Ava and gently picking her up with his two front claws.

Kaen saw Ava looking up at him, tears in her eyes.  She mouthed the words, " I’m sorry, " and Kaen felt his heart break.

“Ava! We got you!” Kaen shouted, watching as Pammon didn’t hesitate to climb into the air.

Hold on, Ava… this is going to be a lot of wind, but I have you.

Pammon’s claws had grown so large that he could almost completely surrounder her with both, protecting her from the wind about to buffet her.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

Keep your lifestone burning… I need it.

The tone in Pammon’s voice waivered for just a moment before Kaen poured every ounce of power he had into what he needed to do.

His body ached as the power poured through him and into Pammon.

Gritting his teeth, Kaen wondered what that feeling was, and he realized it as the world beneath them flashed by faster than he had ever seen.

That is enough… do not kill yourself!

Taking a deep breath, Kaen stopped what he was doing, realizing what it was.

Sorry, I–

You are fine.  I have told Amaranth we are coming.  We will be there in a moment.  When we do, stay back.  Do not–

She is my wife! I cannot stay o–

I said stay!

Pammon’s voice thundered inside Kaen’s head, and for the briefest moment, he felt like it must have been when he commanded Pammon to flee.  Every part of him felt crushed by the weight of Pammon’s voice.

But she is hurt, and I need to help!

You cannot with this.  We need to leave her with Amaranth and go get more help.  I need you to communicate with others.  Do you trust me with her life?

As they spoke, the mouth of the cave rushed toward them, the city a blur.

[ Flight Burst Expired ]

Can you trust me with her?

Kaen’s heart was breaking.  He had two loves, and one was obviously worse off than he realized.


The pain of that statement hurt because Kaen knew that Pammon was concerned enough to go get help, believing that Amaranth wouldn’t be enough.

Then wait.  Say nothing when I land.


I have her! Go!

Amaranth’s tone was just as alarming, and Kaen saw the briefest moment of a glow coming from her as she put a talon on Ava’s body.  She looked white, and the amount of blood in her dress was concerning.

Pammon didn’t wait, turning on the stone floor and moving toward the cave opening.

Amaranth… please…

I have her.  Go with Pammon and do what he says!

Pammon leaped from the mouth of the cave and began heading toward the guild hall.

Kaen could see it locked in Pammon’s vision.  No other part of the kingdom occupied a moment of his view.

When I land, I will roar.  They will come.  You need to shout for healers for a pregnant woman bleeding.  They will panic, but you need to remain calm.

Pammon paused a moment, his eyes focused on the part of the courtyard he was about to land on.

Tell them I will carry them.  There is no time.


There is no time to argue, Kaen!

The doubt in his voice and concern had told Pammon that he was about to argue.

Nodding even though Pammon couldn’t see it, Kaen let out a sigh as he did.

I will trust you and do as you say.

No other day felt as crushing as this moment did.  In his mind, Kaen realized what must have happened and what Pammon had avoided.

I caused this, didn’t I?

Pammon said nothing, angling toward the ground, roaring as he descended. The people practicing below scattered as the massive dragon swooped down and landed in a cloud of dust.

One more roar echoed out across the courtyard, and Kaen held up his hands.


It only took a second, and two healers ran toward Pammon and Kaen.

“Where and who?” an older woman asked, looking up at Kaen and flinched.  She just noticed he had wraps over his eyes.

“My wife and Pammon will carry you! Are you ready?”

Both of them glanced at each other and back at Kaen.

“For?” the male healer asked before he realized what would happen.

Pammon moved forward faster than either of the healers could have imagined, snatching each in his claws and leaping into the air.

“Hold on!” Kaen shouted, knowing the pair probably couldn’t hear him and that both were most likely unable to move.

There is no time.

Pammon turned quickly, not hesitating for a moment as he activated flight burst once more.

They surged forward, Kaen snapping backward for a second.

Pammon had been practicing this move that Glynnis had taught him, flight bursting from a standstill, and it was jarring, to say the least.

Seconds after it was activated, Pammon had turned it off, arriving quickly at the cave entrance.

Hurry up with them!

Amaranth’s tone shocked Kaen as they came inside, and his dragon skidded to a halt a few yards from Ava.

Opening his claws, Pammon deposited both healers, who appeared to be in shock for a moment.

The female healer snapped out of shock upon seeing Ava on the ground and the amount of blood pooling around her.  She darted forward, ignoring the green dragon right next to Ava and the glow of magical healing around her.

Kaen started to undo his clips.

No.  We need to go.  I need to get her father.


There is no time, Kaen.  You can see it on their faces.  Stop fighting me and do as I tell you.  I have trusted you, trust me.

“How long has she been like this?” the female healer asked loudly.

Tell her thirty minutes.

“Thirty minutes or so.”

“Where is water?  Anchu, get me water!”

Max pointed to a cabinet along a wall.  “Water is there, as is towels!”

The man took off running, his robes swishing as he moved.

“We need to go get her father, Lord Hurem!” Kaen shouted as Pammon turned.  “We will be back shortly!”

The woman didn’t say a word, a glow surrounding her and Ava as Pammon raced toward the ledge.

How bad is it? How is she and our child?

Kaen’s questions hung in the air as he directed them toward Amaranth.

Pammon never stopped moving, but Kaen could feel sadness coming from the green dragon, even if she said nothing.

The child is gone, Kaen… they are racing to save your wife… I’m sorry.

A hole in Kaen’s heart appeared, and the world went dark.



That…god that last bit hit like a truck.


Well...that was unexpected. Heavy stuff, but I'm really intrigued how they'll deal with that