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Finished second round of edits and uploaded 2 chapters for Monday and 1 for Tuesfay-Friday.

I’ll sit down Monday and edit some more. Goal is a chapter 7 days a week for next 2 weeks. Currently have 53 chapters written.

Looking forward to sharing this next chapter in the story!



Is there a reason the book names changed from rise of the last dragon rider to the fall of the last dragon rider


So Book 1: Dawn of the Last Dragon Rider Book 2: Rise of the Last Dragon Rider Book 3: Fall of the Last Dragon Rider As far as a 'reason' (insert evil laugh), no..... Podium and I talked a lot about the last name for book 3. Knowing where I'm going with story (I have 2 more books in my mind and some notes done) they felt that was a title I should go with. Since I couldn't come up with anything 'better' I kind of like it for a few different reasons :) Does that answer that question?