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The gardens reminded Grace of a time when she was Levi’s age.  Her parents had taken her to the town square during a festival, and lights, decorations, music, and food were everywhere.  People laughed and danced, and she got to play so many games.

“What are you thinking?” Levi asked, seeing his sister's far-off look on her face.

She cleared her throat and smiled, bending down to clean his cheek with her thumb.  “I was just remembering the last time I got to go to something like this.  I was about your age.”

“Was it fun?” he asked, smiling from ear to ear.

“One of the greatest times of my life.  So go and enjoy yourself.”

Levi leaned over and hugged Grace before running off, already laughing as he saw the group of kids playing with all the new toys that had just been laid out.

“You’ve done good,” Max said after Levi was gone.  “Look at this place… who would have imagined it could ever look like this again.”

Grace nodded.  People had found ways to make decorations out of any materials they had found everywhere.  With only one day to prepare once the news broke, all the gangs sent people to clean up and ensure the garden was ready for such an event.

Tables that didn’t go together and were mismatched in size and shape ran in a long row, food already set out and under the watchful eyes of those deemed with the task of protecting it until the party officially started.

A few had made paper lanterns and hung them in spots, not caring about how costly those candles were but wanting to lend to making tonight great.

Laughter and cries of despair could be heard from tables where people played games, not caring if they won or lost, but that they could just play.

Every gang was here, and everyone knew the rules.  Today, no one would fight at all.

Max motioned toward a spot where all of the leaders of each gang waited.

“It’s time.”

She nodded and followed as Max wove through the crowd, people laughing and saying hello to the largest man in the garden. He smiled and waved, giving handshakes and a few good hugs to the older women who stopped him.

Lost in her thoughts, Grace moved without thinking, smiling and nodding at those who greeted her.

How long has it been since we acted like people and not… animals?

“Grace, come up here,” Max said, interrupting her thoughts.

Nodding, she stepped on top of the hastily built stage that seemed to creak under the weight of all the leaders.  “We sure this is safe?” Grace asked.

Laughter came from everyone when they saw her smirk and heard her question.

“It’s quite safe now. Hurry up so we can get this started.”

Grace sighed and nodded, trying to avoid the thank you most men and women mouthed at her.

A loud whistle came from one of the men standing near the base of the platform, and the noise in the garden quieted down except for the kids playing.

Max started to open his mouth and then closed it.  His face got a little red for a moment, and a few chuckles could be heard from the crowd looking at him.

“Forgive me,” Max shouted after finally finding his voice.  “I was going to say citizens of Thoriantian, but then I realized that probably isn’t the right word or name for us to go by.  I wanted to think of a name for each and every one of us that doesn’t upset someone or an entire group.  Do me a favor, each of you, and look at the people around you.”

Max paused momentarily, watching as people began to do what he had asked.  There were some greetings and laughter as people saw those they knew and met someone they didn’t.

When the moment was ready, Max smiled and held up his massive hand.

“I want you all to remember that tonight, we aren’t citizens of Thoriantian.  Instead, we are something far better than citizens.  I believe that after tonight, we could call ourselves a family.”

Some peals of laughter and a few cheers broke out, and Max just smiled and nodded.

“Now, yes, some of us would say that there are a few here who must be distant cousins or perhaps the family's black sheep, but tonight, that is exactly what we are.  Family.”

Motioning the food that had a few people anxiously standing nearby, ready to pounce on when they were allowed to, Max smiled.

“Tonight, we get to share food as a family.  Some of you are playing games as a family.  The children are playing together, not caring where they live in town or what name they go by.  Instead, tonight, we celebrate hope.  And that hope is due mostly to one person.”

Cheers and whistles rose as Max motioned to Grace, standing at his side and behind him.

She tried to smile and look at them, but the attention was more than she had prepared for.  Hearing people call out her name and many wishing her thanks left her frozen.

After no success, Max waved his hand for silence and motioned to the same man who whistled a few times, quieting the crowd.

“Now, Grace found a lot of money in her adventures through the city doing what so many of you do daily.  But instead of spending it all on herself and her brother, she approached me and told me it needed to be shared with you.”

Silence, other than the children still playing with their new toys, hung on to Max's words.

“Almost all of the food and drink tonight you are about to eat, came from her desire to share with you.  The games you play and our children play come from her.  In the coming days, supplies will be given to you by your leaders who stand behind me.  All from her.”

Max reached back and gently moved Grace to stand before him.

Every eye was on her, and Grace did her best to smile as she saw so many looking at her, some with tears running down their faces and others in disbelief at what they were hearing.

“You know, Grace.  Know how she risked her life for many of you when the guards came here.  Her act brought us together in this place and allowed us to stop the conflict that plagued us all.  Tonight, when we celebrate, I want you all to remember that she doesn’t want only this garden to be a place of safety but everywhere we live.  She wants you to join her in grabbing onto a hope of a life beyond what took place here and building a new area for us all.”

Max took a deep breath with one hand on Grace’s shoulder and the other held up into the air.

“Tonight, let us welcome our greatest sister, daughter, and granddaughter to our family.”

Cheers began to break out, and people started to move forward to where she was.

Panic filled her, but the men at the base of the small stage moved to block those who came, gently telling them no.

One last series of whistles brought a moment of silence when Max smiled and nodded at the people protecting the food.

“Tonight, everyone eats at Grace Akem’s table!”

Cheers rose again, and people began to move quickly to the food, taking portions of the meat, fruit, and bread most had not seen in months.

Grace stood there, stunned, unable to focus or move, as she felt Max slowly turn her around.

“Grace, focus, Grace,” Max said as he snapped his fingers before her face.

“Wha… what?”

Laughter and snorting came from all those on the stage.

“Listen to these men and women.  They have something to say.”

Grace watched as the leaders of every gang lined up.

She recognized Marcus as he stood at the front.  She almost moved as he held a small knife in his hand.

“Tonight, we all make a pact with you.  We will share blood and promise to protect you as one of our own.  If you are ever in need and any of us can be of assistance, our people will know you as ours and take you to us.”

Marcus cut his pointer finger and then gave Grace his knife.  She looked at Max, saw him nod, and did the same.  Pressing their fingers together momentarily, she saw Marcus smile before he took his off, and the next one stepped forward.


“I wasn’t expecting that,” Grace muttered, looking at her finger, and the blood smudged all over it.  “Does this really mean anything or…”

Max chuckled and held up his finger, which also had a small dab of blood on it.

“No matter what someone says or even does, the only way you will know is when the moment their life is on the line.  If they stand by you, knowing they might die, then it means something.  You'll know if they either turn their back or run away.”

She nodded and smiled as an older man and a young man who must be his son came up and thanked them.

As they walked away, Grace ignored her stomach that growled.  “I’m not certain I would have signed up for this if I had known this is how the night would go.”

Chuckling, Max rubbed his stomach.  “You’re not the only one who is hungry, but we both know there are things waiting for us at our place.  Most of these people don’t.”

Grace nodded as she looked at the gathering in the garden.  So many people were actively talking to each other and laughing.  As the sun was almost hidden by the houses, the light of the fires, combined with the sun's gentle rays, turned the garden into a dream in some ways.


Hours passed as people drank and celebrated, and when the night had run long, Grace found Levi fast asleep on a bench with Cedric sitting near him.

Cedric stood up, giving her a quick nod as Grace drew near.  “He actually was asleep near the toys. I figured it might be better to move him here.”

Grace sighed and smiled at Cedric.

“Thank you.  Did you get to celebrate at all tonight?”

“I should ask you that question.  If I recall, all the food was gone by the time you finished dismissing your long-lost relatives.  I’m afraid a few couldn’t resist and stuffed some in their pockets.”

Grace shrugged and looked back at the tables stripped bare of all the food they once held.  “It’s ok.  People needed it.”

“Thank you Grace.”

Cedric’s words caught her off guard as she turned and saw the man holding his arm with no hand against his chest.


“Thank you.  Thank you for standing up for what we all knew was right but were too afraid to do so.  It pains me more than I can say that it took a young woman to remind me of a lesson I knew well.  So thank you for teaching me that.”

Holding up her fist, Grace ran her finger over her knuckles.  “I guess we’re even then?”

Cedric shook his head.  “No, after what I ate a little bit ago, I’m pretty sure I still owe you.”

Laughing, Grace rolled her eyes and moved to where Levi was, preparing to pick him up.

“Let me get him.  It’s the least I can do.  That way, you can protect me if something scary jumps out after me.”

Grace burst out laughing, covering her mouth and glancing down at her brother, who was still fast asleep.

“Yeah, I’m sure that's exactly how that would go.”

Chuckling, Cedric bent down and quickly scooped up her brother.  “Lead the way, sister Grace.”