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Reminder... as book 2 ended today (BTW I would love to hear your thoughts on book 1 and 2 if you are willing to share! - comment below or discord / whatever).

I'm writing like a fiend on book 3!

Remember NEXT week there will be no chapters and then on January the 29th I will launch book 3 here with the Prologue and Chapter 1!

I have shed tears (good / bad / the feels) as I write a bunch of these chapters in the third book.  Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Getting to share my vision is one of the great joys of my writing life!


Mario Schade

The start of book 2 was more difficult for me. Somehow I found it difficult to start with the time jump. I think you were able to smooth out many of my subconscious issues with the following chapters and i could feel better after a few chapters. The story in the land of dragons including potential further enemies was great. The power of the leadership suffered a bit from the aspect that Kaen's skill and position had to be so dominant..but I think this development was well described and the "powerlessness" of the strongest dragons can then be somewhat forgiven even as a dragon fan..^^ I have a hard time with how "poorly" the information flows to the different kingdoms and that most are happy to know what is happening in the neighbouring country. With magic and the like, it seems very...ah...wrong wouldn't be the correct term. It feels strange. Was there a reason for that other than the distances? Personally, I feel like in a world with adventurers and their guilds, there should be a much stronger information network, at least in the upper levels. The same goes for the dragons and their enemies more or less in close proximity But...! This is already the search for criticism. The depiction of the various stories in the forest or in the desert or on the coast were good. I think you really showed a lot of creativity here, and even characters who only appeared briefly (at the time) were not, in my opinion, too much. But...! This is already the search for criticism. The portrayal of the various stories in the forest or in the desert or on the coast were good. I think you really showed a lot of creativity here and even characters that only appeared briefly (at the time) were not too flat in my opinion.not too flat. The dwarf king was interestingly written. With the amulet warrior, the arrogance was almost over the top... but since there are always suchcrazy soldiers always exist, okay. The night of love... the chapter was well written, the topic itself, I don't know, the humor and the dilemma of Pammon's dilemma didn't always quite work for me, although the last chapter had some of the best chemistry for my taste. The build up to that point ... hah.... not always quite my cup of tea in the conversations and thoughts of all 4 parties involved. Although I can explain that the incredible growth of Pammon made the original statement (a partner only in decades) was not tenable and that fits within the lore. But the jumps and the topic itself... hah... no idea. Not a fan of the love-struck female dragons. I think that their potential competence, which they should have due to the significant difference in age should have, severely undermined. Yes - even if, by the way the explanation about size being more important than age etc. has been dropped. But... idk... something always bothered me about this whole thread. Unfortunately, I can't put it into put it into words. I thought the characterization of family and Kaen's goal was very well done. I also like the development towards Ava and that she wasn't written into a cliché female love role. The egg at the end was kind of to be expected. That one of Stioks' dragons had to die for it was a nice touch to the characterization of dragons and their nature. That Stioks can keep him in check... I'm curious to see how their relationship developed and what power he has. I hope a looming new time jump is neither too short nor too long. Stioks can't (and in my opinion shouldn't) catch up within 1.2 years - even if the dragon hatches directly. But 10 or 15 years is also too much, even though the kingdom actually has to "create" powers. New adventurers, weapons, allies. I hope you put a lot of care into comprehensible developments under the timeline. But I think that fits. Hm. That's all I can think of at the moment. The development of the first adventures from the academy might have fitted in at the end of the book... but well - the surprise about the number of trained students is bigger. The story with the missing raw material will certainly take up a lot of space. I'm curious to see how big the danger is. Apart from that, I would like to see a little more story about the life stones, e.g. limiting factors for production etc. All in all a great book and a lot of these points are personal taste rather than glaring weaknesses. I found myself well entertained, the world and characters well portrayed and always interested to read the next chapter. There are certainly professional editors who can "iron out" conversations or small descriptions if necessary. I found book 2 slightly better than book 1 as the interplay between many of the characters and Kaen and Pammon in particular had more time to shine. Since I already liked book 1, so the best progression. :D Thank you and have fun with the rest of the writing.

Mario Schade

I just used an translator because of time and wrote my text in my language.. so forgive me some strange grammar... no more time :D