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Grace didn’t expect the gifts that came from each of the other gangs over the next two days.  It almost turned into a competition as word spread about what each one gave, wanting to show their gratitude for protecting those who lived within their section.

She even received a gift from the Branded Crew, which surprised her.  They were usually very reclusive, members who had been burnt badly in the original attacks, but they still felt it was honorable, and she appreciated the blanket they gave.

The seeds of the apple tree she was given and shared were planted in a few different pots near their home, and people took turns making sure they were watered and with any rare compost.

It was as if that one spark of her bravery reminded everyone that the world hadn’t always been like this.  People remembered that everyone had gotten along for generations and worked together to thrive.  The people they hated were the guards on the other side of town.  The ones who had burned everything and still threatened the life they tried to squeak out.


Laughter filled the garden area where at least twenty children, including Levi, were running around playing.  People were playing card and dice games all over, talking and relaxing, and Grace felt a peace inside her that she didn’t believe was possible.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

Grace nodded, not bothering to look at Max standing behind her.  “Who would have believed this a week ago?”

The large man snorted, put his massive hand on her head, and ruffled her hair.

“Just don’t let your head get too big.  The rumor is the guards are still upset, and some don’t like how we have banded together.”

A few seconds passed, and she felt Max’s breath in her ear.  “Some say there are those who want to take you out because of what you represent.”

Grace frowned and turned, looking at Max. “What is that?”

“Hope you fool.  You gave people hope.  Hope that we can actually trust one another and protect each other.  Every person who escaped knew you might die, and they all knew you were aware of that fact.  Many older ones felt shame for not stepping up as you did.  Imagine a teenager leading the way.”

He chuckled and crossed his arms as he watched the kids screaming and laughing.

“Just don’t be stupid.”

“Well crap, we’re in trouble then,” she replied.

Max groaned as he walked away, moving to chat with some others from a different part of town.

Grace smiled and moved to a bench along a stone wall.

Sitting down, she relaxed.

“Fantastic work with the guards.”

Turning her head and saw on the bench next to her a face she hadn’t expected to see anytime soon.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered, glancing around to see if anyone else was watching them.

“Relax, only you can see me like this,” the man said.  He smiled, flashing his white teeth, and ran his fingers through his black hair.  “I don’t think I could have planned this any better.  I had hoped you would kill those six, but this is a better solution.”

“What do you mean?”

“Tomorrow, you need to go to the guards and bring a group to a building. Your heart will lead you there.  You will find a few more guards, dead like the first.”

“Did you kill them?” she asked, ignoring the instructions he was giving.

“Yes, but that doesn’t matter.  What matters is what comes next.”

“And what is–”

Dozens of red boxes with text started appearing in her vision, and Grace felt like she would suddenly throw up.

“Something is coming, and you are not strong enough.  You need to get stronger; the only way that happens is by doing what I require of you.”

Her eyes started reading the messages when a snap of fingers drew her eyes back to the man beside her.

“Listen to me closely, Grace Akem.” His voice had changed.  It was like a file against a piece of metal.  It made her wince from how it reverberated within her head and chest.  “If you do not complete every one of these quests, you need to understand what will happen.”

Darkness washed over her, and the world went black.


Blinking her eyes, Grace felt her vision coming back.  She smelled smoked first.  Then, a smell she knew far too well reached her mind.


All around her, buildings roared with flames, and people were scattered all over the roads, dead from swords and fire.  Screams came from inside the buildings, and then she saw it.

At the end of the street she was on was the building she lived in.

A giant inferno engulfed the building, flames rising thirty feet above it.  Every bit of it was consumed, and inside her gut, Grace knew who was inside.

It was as if she could see through the flames and the walls that were burning.

There on the other side was Levi, a sword pinning him to the ground, his body nothing more than chard remains.

“NOOOOOOOO!” she screamed, dropping to her knees.


“Because you did not fulfill your oath.”

The voice behind her pierced her heart.

“But I didn’t realize what it would require!”

Laughter came.  It echoed louder than the flames and crackling of burning wood.

“No one ever does, but you alone can choose how this story ends.  You alone can choose if this will be your fate.”

A snap of fingers assaulted her ears, and she winced, closing her eyes as the pain subsided in her head.

Opening her eyes as it vanished, Grace found herself in another street.

Glancing at the buildings, she didn’t recognize a single one, but all around her were people with the same dark skin that she and Levi had.

Carts with horses pulled goods, people shouted and waved at each other, merchants called for people to come to shop, and children ran through the streets.

And then she saw him.

He was older, maybe sixteen, but she could see his eyes recognized that smile and laughter.

Outside one of those houses formed with massive stones, Levi was there, talking with a few other boys and girls.  He looked fit and healthy, and his hair would have made their mother cry with joy.

“Where… where are we?”

“Another possibility, but only if you follow the path I put before you and keep the oath you made.

Grace was about to ask a question when she heard Levi shout.

“Sister! Come get your daughter and tell her to leave me alone!”

Running forward and moving to the side, Grace saw a little girl, skin like hers, smiling and only a few years old, pulling on Levi’s leg.

She squealed with laughter as her brother leaned over and tickled her neck.

I’ll be out there in a moment.

That voice was hers…

“Can this be real?” Grace asked, spinning and finding the dark-haired man standing behind her.

“It can, but I will ask once. How badly do you want this?”

Her heart broke.  Every fiber of her being wanted this.  It was everything she wanted to dream of but wouldn’t because she knew it would never happen.

Somehow, he knew this.  Somehow, he showed Grace the very thing she wanted more than life itself.

“I’ll do whatever it takes,” she whispered.

She felt his hand upon her cheek, and pain surged through her as something shifted inside.

“So be it,” he replied.

The world shifted, and Grace heard the noise of children laughing and playing.  Her cheek burned, and when she touched it, she winced.

The seat on the bench next to her was empty, and Grace glanced around the garden, knowing he was gone.  She had sold a part of her at that moment.

No matter what, I will give him the future he deserves.


All the screens were gone except one.

She closed her eyes and when she opened them, read the words displayed on the red screen.


One quest pending

The Time Has Come:  Lure the Grimdom’s guards into a trap and kill them.

Reward: Ability Gained

Failure: Levi Dies


Her body started to shake, and she couldn’t stop.

A pain in her stomach formed, and Grace leaned over the side of the bench, retching into the grass.

Levi came running toward her, noticing how she was acting.

“Sister! Are you ok?”

Grace nodded, one last push emptying the contents of her stomach before she wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

“Something I ate… it didn’t settle.”

“Can I get you something? Water?”

She looked at her brother, saw the concern in his eyes, and smiled.

“Water would be great.  Thank you.”

He nodded and raced off toward where the cups would be.

Forgive me, brother… I am going to have to sin…


Grace didn’t waste time. She could feel the string tugging at her, pulling her toward a house only a few streets from the market.  As Grace got close, she felt the death inside.  She knew what she was going to walk into before she ever looked inside.

Corpses lay all over the room.  Arms and legs were torn off, and heads were piled up in a corner.

Everywhere she looked, death stared back.

Her stomach rolled, but she held it back.

The quest was burned in her mind.  Failure was not an option.

Levi Dies…


“I need to see Sergeant Miles! Tell him the cat is barking!”

The guard, who had been trying to ignore her, raised his eyebrows at those words.  “Say that again?”

“The cat is barking!”

“Shite,” the guard cursed and ran toward the guard house.

Standing there, Grace assumed she shouldn’t move.  The man hadn’t even given her any instructions.

Soon, two guards took off in different directions, both in leather armor, and the one she had talked to came running back, breathing hard from the exertion she guessed he wasn’t used to.

“Wait here! He will be here soon!”

Grace nodded, watching as the man took deep breaths.

That was like fifty yards… how out of shape are these guys?

Trying not to smile, Grace turned and watched the city around her.  People were bustling around all over, working and trading.  It was like an invisible line around three-fourths of the city.  Everyone on the bad three-fourths was struggling to rise from the ashes.

On this side, it almost appeared nothing had been impacted by the fighting six months ago.  Everywhere people walked, Grace started to realize why.

Small red lion insignias were on armbands or some part of their clothes.  A few carts even had them etched into the wood.

This is Grimdon’s side of the town.

That realization sent shockwaves through her.  People on her side of town never really cared about the whole church or god thing.  They ignored the zealots and enjoyed the holidays because of the celebrations.

Here, however, it was everything.  Each person proudly wore it and most likely had to or would suffer from not having it.

This side was spared because they were the ones who assisted in the killing… they were the ones who stoked the flames of hatred between everyone in the city.

She felt her hands tightening and realized they were clenched in a fist.


The voice snapped her out of her anger and thinking.  She turned and saw the Sergeant and four other men coming toward him.


She nodded and grimaced.  “It’s even worse than before and closer to your side than the last two.”

Miles nodded and motioned at the men with him.  “We’ll investigate first and then report.  I don’t want to read about it this time.  I want to see it for myself.”

He turned and looked at Grace. His blue eyes seemed alive.  Anger was behind them.

“Lead on.  I owe you again.”


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