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Her mind itched as she walked.

Grace focused on what that man had said and how this system would tell her more.

Willing to know more, some words popped into her mind.

“Status,” she whispered as she and Lilly slowly walked down a street.


Grace Akem

Age: 16


Initiate of Balethem

Physical: 7

Mental: 4

Spiritual: 5


Persuade - Usable


Glancing at the red window and back at the street, Grace considered what those words meant.

“Stats definition.”


Physical - The measure of one's physical body. All damage, speed, strength, endurance, resistance to all physical attacks and effects are based on this stat.  As the number increases, perks may be gained at certain thresholds.

Mental - The measure of one's acumen, cognitive intelligence, perception, and wisdom.  All knowledge may be accessed through this stat.  A weak mental state will leave one susceptible to mental attacks. As the number increases, perks may be gained at certain thresholds.

Spiritual - The measure of how one interacts with the hidden world of magic and other forces.  All magical abilities and proficiency with spells are based on this stat.  Some magical attacks use this stat for resistance, while others use the other two stats.  As the number increases, perks may be gained at certain thresholds.


Grace stopped walking as she read the three different stats.  It took her a moment as she read them again and again.

Mental attacks? Magic? MAGIC?!

There were rumors of magic, most often simply stories told to children as most believed magic wasn’t real.  A few days ago, she would have been absolutely certain of that fact, but now, her understanding of the world began to shatter.

Who was that man?!  What did I get myself involved in?!

As she stood there, an older couple with a young man walked toward her, giving her a weird look.  Aware she probably had some crazy expression on her face, Grace forced a smile and moved deeper into the part of town where houses were falling apart.

Her mind raced as she considered what it was telling her.

Not knowing what an average person might be considered for any of those stats, or even if people know of them, she tried to gauge some numbers.

Max was the strongest person he knew.

Even with all she had seen him do and how he had broken men, none of his attacks had done the same damage as she had.

That means he has to have a lower physical stat than I do…

She felt her cheeks becoming warm when she considered that if a fight came between them, she might win.

Doing so would cause a lot of problems.  His size and reputation kept the guard away unless they needed a reason to investigate something.  It also kept the other small gangs out of their space.

If they fought and she won, it would destroy that reputation, and the fallout would be horrible.

She shuddered as she walked, remembering the last time one of the gang leaders had lost in a different area and the death that came from those trying to poach members or wealth.

That knowledge gave her some idea then that an average person was well below her number.

The mental side obviously was why she noticed so many little things she hadn’t before.  This is not to say she believed herself dumb, but there was definitely an improvement in how she was thinking and acting.  Sure, she made stupid mistakes, like buying all that stuff at once and flaunting it, but even intelligent people did that occasionally.

And then came the idea of magic.  Her mind hurt, trying to consider that thought, but then the ability she passed up… Heal… it had to have been considered magical and would have fallen into that stat.

What other magic could there be?  Lightning? Fireballs? Lead into gold?

The thought of being able to turn any metal into gold seemed like a good prospect.  Then, she and Levi could be protected by those she paid.

Of course, then I would have to explain how I was coming up with so much gold…

The house was coming into view, just a few blocks away, and Grace knew what she needed to pick.

If there is a threshold for when something better happens, I need to raise my physical stat.  Once it hits that rank, I will know how high I need to get the others.

Feeling like that was the best decision, Grace sighed before speaking. “Physical.”

Her body felt like it was on fire for a moment.  She had burnt her hand once as a child, but what she felt right now was far more intense and filled every bone and muscle in her body.  Even her skin felt warm and energized.

As the feeling faded, she was left with the truth that she still had no measurable way of knowing what that number actually did.  Looking at the ground, she saw broken bricks in a pile outside one of the decaying buildings.

Grabbing one, she rotated her arm and cracked her neck.

“Here goes nothing,” she muttered as she took a step and tossed the brick into the air.

Grace’s mouth hung open as the brick flew like an arrow over the house she was throwing it at, becoming so tiny that she almost couldn’t make it out as it began to fall to the ground somewhere in the city.

I can throw…

Glancing around and making sure no one was watching, she picked up another piece of brick and gave a quick glance before throwing it at the wall of the house across the street.

It blasted through the wooden side, leaving a massive hole as it made noise, traveling deeper into the house.

Coughing, Grace started walking toward where Levi would be waiting.

“Lilly, why don’t you go to your place.”

The dog gave a small bark and darted ahead, turning at the street she was headed and going to where Lilly knew to stay.

Damn dog is more intelligent than me, I think.


“Yer back early,” Max declared, not bothering to get up.  “Usually, you don’t return till closer to evening.”

Grace saw his eyebrow raise as the man tried to consider why.

She nodded and patted her stomach.

“That girl problem started early… the cramps ar–”

“Stop,” he said, shaking his head and waving his massive hand.  “I don’t want to hear about it.  Just go inside and make sure your brother is behaving.”

“Is he not?” Grace asked as she moved closer to the door.

Snorting, Max shrugged.  “He’s an eight-year-old boy.  The fact that he doesn’t cry or shout all day is one of the few reasons I don’t charge more for you two.  Shame he can’t be a kid and play outside all day, but…”

The large man trailed off, ignoring the grumbling from the three gang members hanging outside.

“Any more bread?” Twitch called out.

“I wish,” Grace replied, frowning as she spoke.  “The merchant wasn’t dumb enough to leave his cart unattended today.”

As Grace approached the door, she stopped and turned to Max.

The large man cocked his head and looked at her, a perplexed expression on his face.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out four copper coins.

“Speaking of rent, I guess I can find some more tomorrow.  I sold some metal I found to a blacksmith.  It’s not much, but I’m always grateful for you letting my brother and I stay here.”

Max stared at her, his eyes trying to read her momentarily.  He slowly began to nod and held out his hand.  “Keep one.  That’s what I like about you, Grace.  Most wouldn’t have told me, forcing me to eventually search them and their room.  You understand the rules and always do right by it.”

Grace gave a slight bow and handed the man three of the copper coins, holding the one between her fingers and looking at it longingly.

“Thanks, Max… if you weren’t so ugly, I’d tell people you’re my dad.”

Max roared, slipping the coins into his pocket as he leaned back on his seat, rubbing his bald head as he shook it.

“If you were a boy, I’d say you got a massive pair on you,” he replied after a moment spent laughing.

“Whose to say I don’t,” Grace said, winking at the man.

All the gang members laughed, and Grace moved to the door, opening it and shutting it quickly, ready to get inside.


Levi was bouncing like a ball on the ground.

Each small bite he took was a battle of willpower, keeping from moaning and talking about what he was eating.

“Meat!” he exclaimed as quietly as possible.

“Shhh, you moron,” Grace said, giving him a playful bop on the head.  “I’d rather not fight everyone over what you are getting.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll have more when we can, just don’t tell anyone.”  She wagged her finger in his face.  “I mean it… this could get us…”

Levi’s smile never left as he nodded and continued eating the piece she had given him.

“Now I need to go get some water.  Do you wanna come with me?”

The only thing Levi loved more than food was getting to leave their room.  It only happened when Grace took him outside to get water and empty their piss pot, and he made sure to make the most of it.

Once he had finished the food and Grace had inspected his teeth, ensuring there were no visible bits stuck between them, she got her neighbor to sit outside their door.

No one would enter if they could be seen doing it, and they all took turns guarding one another stuff.


Levi skipped and danced as they left the front door, chuckling as everyone out front laughed when Grace appeared again.

“What’s so funny?” Levi asked, leading them all to double over and howl again.

“I’ll tell you when you’re older,” Grace said with a wink, earning her a sigh from Levi.


The well everyone used was a safe place.  It had been fought over by gangs, and the number of people who died had been so high that all of the leaders finally agreed that no one would own it.  It would be shared, and no fighting was allowed.

Those who broke that rule served as a reminder to everyone else why the peace was kept.

Each leader would cut off the pieces of those involved, taking them back to their section of town and displaying them as a reminder.

Since that decision months ago, it was the one safe place in the hell hole side of town.  Parents and children came, people traded, and because it was in the garden of an old estate, life for just a moment was better.

People gladly cut flowers, trimmed weeds, and watered without being ordered or asked.  Amid burnt-down homes, abandoned buildings, and destroyed lives, a small oasis replenished the souls of all who came.

It was why when Levi ran ahead as they drew close, Grace didn’t tell him to stop like she usually would.

Smiling to herself, feeling full both in her stomach and in her heart for a moment after seeing her brother and how he was acting, Grace let the sunshine warm her face as she closed her eyes and took a few more steps toward the walls that surrounded the garden and the well.

Levi’s scream shattered that moment.


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