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Most mornings waking up left Grace feeling sore and stiff, but this morning was different.  She felt alive.  Her body felt terrific, and inside her was some belief that perhaps she and Levi could actually escape this hell hole and find somewhere safe.

A twinge in her gut told her what needed to happen, and she got up quietly, leaving her brother snoring as he always did.

The water she had fetched and boiled before she drank was doing its magic, and soon, three small silver coins were back in her possession.

As she washed her hands and the coins, Grace struggled with the fact that such a dirty ordeal no longer bothered her.  So many times, she had hidden money this way, and now it was nothing to her.

She hated waking Levi up, but the sun had just come up, and if she was hoping to get into town and buy everything before the guards arrived in their piss-poor mood, she needed to get to the small market quickly.

“Levi… Levi…”  She nudged him multiple times with her foot, feeling her eyes roll as he snorted and started snoring again.  Groaning, she bent down and began tickling him, smiling as he fought against her for a moment in his sleep.

At least he can sleep like this… he still feels safe…

“What… why…” Levi groaned, barely opening an eye and looking for his sister.  “Where are you? It’s so dark.”

“No, it’s not. There is plenty of light,” Grace replied.

He squinted, rubbed his eyes, and sat up, shaking his head. “I can’t even see you… the sun isn’t shining here yet, and there isn’t a candle burning or a fire in the stove.”

Her skin broke out in goosebumps as Grace glanced around the room.  Everywhere she looked, it seemed like the early morning sun was lending its light through a window with no curtain.  Then, the realization hit her.

I can see in the dark like it's day!

“Let me light a candle, and you can lock the door behind me and go back to bed.  I need to go see Lilly and then do some things.  Ok?”

Her voice trembled for just a moment as she realized how much had changed since yesterday.  At first, Grace wasn’t sure if she had dreamed it all, but once she had woken up and felt amazing, she knew it was real.

“Fine… can you…” Levi hesitated, his voice having dropped an octave.  “Can you get me something to eat? I’m hungry.”

Grace nodded, gently rubbing his head and moving to the almost-gone candle.  She took her knife and flint and started a fire on some tinder she had ready, igniting a small fire briefly and lighting the candle.

Grace realized how much she could see as the candlelight illuminated the room.  In this light, it was as if it was daytime outside.

Putting out the tinder, she put the candle back in its holder and went to the door.

“Hurry up and lock it so I can go, then blow out the candle and go back to sleep.  I’ll get you something.”

Levi shambled toward the door, yawning, and nodded.


After he had secured the door, she had taken off down the hallway, well aware of every spot on the floor.

Outside the door were two gang members, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in shadows.  She moved past them quietly, and only the sound of the door creaking as she closed it let them know she was there.

She could see them looking at her, neither moving, but she nodded and heard a small grunt.

Darting down the street, she didn’t hesitate to look back.  The world felt alive in ways she had never imagined.

Lilly had been waiting for her as she turned the corner, sitting patiently as if she knew Grace was coming.  The dog’s tail had wagged as always as she gave an excellent scratching, but as they moved, Lilly stayed slightly to her side and behind, never running ahead or chasing after things as her dog had done for so long.

“What did he do to you?” Grace muttered as they jogged toward the place the market would be.  Lilly made no reply, simply keeping the pace as the dog occasionally checked the side streets they ran past.


Vendors were already set up, and most of their wares were displayed.  She got looks from many as she moved by, the owners stepping to the front, moving a jacket slightly to the side to show a sword or knife if they felt it was required.

Ignoring them, Grace found the stall she was looking for, stopping a few yards away as the older woman who sold clothes there eyed her.

“What do you want? I ain’t got no time for you who need charity,” the older woman growled as she spat on the ground.

“I have money,” Grace replied, glancing around as she spoke quietly. “I want to buy a pair of clothes for myself and my brother.”

The older woman eyed her up and down, shaking her head as she took in the girl before her.  The black skin, messy hair, and dirty clothes left no doubt she was one of the children who had survived the purge by the Knights of Grimdom six months ago.

Picking her teeth with her tongue, the woman gave a quick whistle and then grunted at Grace.  She motioned to the table as a young man emerged from behind a cart.  “Show me your coin and be quick or get lost.”

Glancing again, Grace flashed a silver coin, and the woman’s eyebrow rose. She glanced at the other stalls, then gave a quick nod and motioned Grace to come closer with her hand.

“I won’t ask, but you best hurry and spend that.”


She had been charged more than the outfits were worth, but Grace smiled as she held the two small bundles.  The woman had let her change, putting on the clean clothes she had bought.  She even had secured a leather strap that tied her hair back so that it looked less wild.  Best of all was the seven copper the woman had given her as change.

Both of them smiled, happy for the turn of events, one having made twice the standard rate and the other knowing her brother would love his new pants and shirt.

Be careful…

The woman’s departing words haunted her.

Lilly had sat outside the stall the whole time, watching anyone who came by, not barking or growling once.

Now, the pair moved toward the next place on Grace’s list.

Vendors no longer threatened her as she came close, seeing a different girl wearing clean clothes and walking as if she belonged.

Some even called out, motioning to the goods on their table, asking if her parents needed them.

Each time, it hurt when they asked that. A pit in her stomach.  None of them knew how much those questions really hurt.

“Here for some dried meat?”

Grace nodded and smiled, looking at the massive man who had exactly what she was looking for.  “I need to buy a decent amount for my parents.  My dad is considering traveling, and my mom said we may go with him since things are…” Grace trailed off and made a face as she scanned the rest of the market square.  “Things are not as well as they used to be.”

The vendor chortled and nodded, crossing his arms as he motioned to the table with packs of dried meat wrapped in paper.

“Well, it’s twenty-five copper for each of the larger packs.  That should last a while, and I have no doubt that you will struggle to find a better price.”

Grace nodded and glanced at the packs.  Two would easily last over a month for her and Levi.  Buying one would be an option, but returning might also be problematic.

A slight whine from Lilly reminded her that the dog would also need to eat.

“Can I try a small sample of one?  As long as it tastes fine, I will take two.”

The grizzled man scratched his chin for a moment.  “Show me your coin first. Sorry, but I’m not giving away freebies.”

Grace nodded, moved close, checked around them, and quickly flashed her second silver coin.

The man grunted and moved to a pack that wasn’t tied.  Opening it, he pulled out a flat sheet of the pressed and dried meat, using the knife on his belt, and cut off a tiny sliver.

Handing it to her, he watched as Grace took a bite.

She chewed slowly, savoring the first taste of non-rotten meat or rodent she had experienced in ages.

“That will do fine,” Grace replied, giving the remaining small piece to Lilly, who caught it as it flew toward her in mid-air.

The man smiled and stared at the dog for a moment.  “That is a well-trained guard dog.  No doubt your parents were smart to send her with you.  You can see how she acts that she is prepared for anything.”

Grace nodded, pretending the man was right, and bent down, giving Lilly a scratch behind her ears.  She had noticed the difference.

When Grace stood up and looked at the man who held two wrapped paper packs in his one massive hand, she extended hers, dropping the silver coin in his outstretched other.  He then gave her both packs, smiling as he pocketed the silver underneath the apron he wore into what she assumed was his pocket.

“Here,” he said, tossing a small piece of jerky to Lilly, who again caught it mid-air and quickly devoured it.  “Keep her safe.”

“Thank you,” Grace beamed, smiling and waving as she left the stall.

A few shouts from further down the market caught her attention, and Grace saw a pack of guards pestering some people shopping as they made their way through the square.

Cursing to herself, she tsked at Lilly and started moving between people, dodging them as she held her packs of supplies and reached one of the main streets.

It was on the west side of the square, and she needed to get to the east side.

“It looks like we’re taking the long way home,” Grace told Lilly as they set off.


She was half a dozen blocks from where her place was when Grace noticed she had a pair of people following it.  It had actually been Lilly who had noticed it and made a slight whine, catching her attention as she glanced back once and saw two figures darting into an alley.

I look like a fricking mark with all this crap…

Knowing things would not go well, Grace spotted an alley she knew well and picked up her pace.  The two following her were only a block behind, and she wanted to get to a spot that would work best for what might happen.

Once she reached the alley, ignoring the looks of people she passed, she raced down the alley to the south.  Halfway down it, she spotted the broken door of one of the buildings that had partially collapsed.

Kicking it, Grace gasped as the door shattered into pieces and flew inside the building.

“Guess I forgot how strong I am,” she told Lilly as she darted inside, hearing the creaking of wood and catching the scent of rotten wood.  “Careful, these floors might give in.”

She followed the wall, moving to a spot where a barrel was, and glanced inside, seeing it was empty, and tossed the packages in it.

Moving back toward the door, she heard voices coming down the alley and the movement of feet.

Sliding the dagger out from behind her shirt, she froze.

A red box appeared in Grace's vision, and words appeared.


One quest pending

Keep What is Yours:  You must kill the two thieves who desire what is yours.

Reward: Stats Gained

Failure: Stats Lost


Her heart hurt as she saw the results of success and failure.

I’m not a murderer…


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