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(Man that Title sounds so epic - mount up!)

I got my email from Podium asking for some help / ideas for marketing stuff.  I would love it if you all would help me with a few of the questions!  Put your comments / thoughts for Book 1 and help me make this thing great!

1. In one sentence, what is the main emotion or feeling that your book will evoke in the reader?

2. What quote(s) from your book captures its essence? What would be the epic line(s) that would get people talking?

3. Describe someone that would absolutely love your book. What do you say to them to communicate why they would love it?

4. Fill in the blank: If you love ____________, then you’ll love this book.

5. Are there any other books, television series, movies, or video games that invite a comparison to your story?

Ty for those who help!



I’m still working my way through the first book of dragon rider - can’t help yet I’m afraid, my apologies :)


1-adventure and growing up 2-(not sure which one might be best here...the first dance kean had, the time kaen and pammon had to swoop in and save the teams in the forest....) 3-dragons, magic and adventure!! 4-Eragon 5-Eragon,