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Phaius found himself pacing around the plain reception room.

He knew he was being forced to wait.  Requesting this meeting weakened his position, but there was no other choice.

Some had been forced to wait for decades and even centuries for an audience like the one he had requested.

His offer of power to speed up this meeting revealed how weak he was and how much he needed help.

His frustration grew after the first week had ended and as the second week was coming to a close.  Every day meant time away from his worlds.  Time that allowed plans to unravel and problems to occur.

When did a week or a month seem so long?  I spent decades away from planets before but now…

Glancing around the bare room, Phaius understood why Wekime had this ten-by-ten room of nothing more than stone.  You couldn’t lounge or relax on some chair.  There were no paintings to admire.  Two simple doors were the only break in the pulsating red bricks that made up this room.

You were dependent upon him.  If Wekime wanted, you could be seen now or a millennia from now.

The stories of others like him who had left, losing their chance for his guidance and help, were well known.  Some had waited decades and centuries only to leave and have the story told that Wekime appeared moments later.

A few waited only a day, providing hope for each new supplicant.

Walking the same small circle over and over, Phiaus considered what he knew.  There was a black skill loose.  Someone had unleashed it on one of his worlds.

Everyone played the game.  Each of them would decide whether to strengthen their hand by giving their people skills or limiting them.

Who would be this foolish, though? Who would give up so much power to unleash a black skill?

As he walked around the room again another time, ignoring the thought of keeping count lest he went mad, an actual shudder ran down his back.

Two thousand years ago… had it been that long ago?  The last time someone unleashed a skill like that…

A sound came from near him, the red door opening slowly.

“Phaius, my master will see you now.”



A second one for the day!? Happy Friday indeed!


Will we, too, see him now?! Darn weekend! :D