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Cheers could be heard rising over the city as Pammon swept low, his bronze scales absorbing the last of the sunlight soon hidden by the mountains.  Above, the two females stayed higher in the sky, circling to keep from causing panic or alarm since word of them had not spread yet.

“He has grown,” Hess muttered as they watched Pammon begin to land inside the courtyard of Bren’s place.  Bren had cleared the building, allowing no one but Hess and Ava to stand there with him while they awaited the return of Pammon and Kaen.

“By a lot.”

Ava looked at the two men, both shaking their heads in disbelief.  She could also see the change, but she was more focused on the man sitting behind that massive bronze neck.

Clenching her hands together, Ava fought the shakes she knew would come if she didn’t focus on fighting it.

It had been almost five weeks since Kaen had left, and she felt sadder every day they were apart.

Pammon swooped down, his wings going wide as dust buffeted the walls and the three of them as he landed in the courtyard.

The moment he had started to descend, Ava was running toward them, seeing Kaen hit the ground and run to her the moment Pammon’s claws touched down.

They ran to each other, Kaen grabbing her in his arms and swinging her around a few times before kissing and holding her close.

She smelled amazing. That flower scent from her hair.

They pulled back from their embrace, looking at each other and smiling before coming together again and spending a little more time with their lips against each other.

Please stop that, you two.  Kaen, please tell her why.

Kaen started to laugh as he pulled back, seeing the questioning look on his wife’s face.

“Those two dragons are females, and when we do what we do, it makes it harder for Pammon to resist certain urges.”

Ava turned and looked at Pammon, who had moved close to the two of them, and lowered his head.

She laughed and nodded, reaching out a hand and waiting for Pammon, who moved his snout over and let her touch him.

“Thank you for coming home safe.  I owe you a lot of cows.”

Pammon thrummed and smiled as he let Ava scratch his snout with one hand.

“Did you two eat everything on the other side of the world?!”

Kaen turned his head and saw Hess standing a bit away, not wanting to intrude on the moment he and Ava had been enjoying.

“Go,” Ava said as she let Kaen free of her embrace and watched him move toward Hess. “Those two are something.  Don’t you agree, Pammon?”

You have no idea how hard it was dealing with them.

Ava laughed, scratching Pammon’s head as she leaned against him.

“Thank you for bringing him home,” she said, pausing a second before adding, “Thank you for sharing him with me.”

Pammon let out a trill as her fingers worked his scales and then started to thrum.

Don’t forget your statement about owing me.  I am going to earn that in a different way.

Ava cocked her head for a moment as she stared into Pammon’s gold eye as he continued to thrum. Shaking her head, she chuckled, wondering what in the world Pammon was talking about.

Flying over the city as they came close to their home, Kaen was fighting the desires that he felt as he wrapped his arms around Ava.

She gasped when she saw the two females flying toward them.

How is this going to work?  Are they here to help us fight against Stioks?

That is a much larger question that we can deal with tomorrow.  For now, you should focus on getting to enjoy being home with Kaen.  He has mentioned multiple times on this trip how much he has missed you.

Ava felt her cheeks turn red as Pammon spoke to her.  She turned and saw Kaen looking at her, and he gave her a wink.  Raising her eyebrows playfully, she leaned back and kissed him quickly before turning back around.

Kaen is going to owe you, Pammon, for those words.

Pammon began to thrum and didn’t respond.  They were minutes away from their home.

Ava helped Kaen as he undid all the baskets and set them on the ground.

She watched as the two female dragons sat down across the field, keeping an eye on her and Kaen, but neither had approached.

Pammon was intent on getting the baskets off as he had been forced to endure them for so long.  The ropes were lucky to have survived from the looks of it as she coiled them around her arm.  His scales had rubbed against them in so many spots.

She went inside and started getting things put together, checking to make sure nothing needed adjustment.  She had come out here twice a week, ensuring things were in order for when Kaen and Pammon would return.

She sat on the edge of the bed that overlooked the massive open area, watching Kaen as he carried in the second basket filled with the scales they had collected from Tharnok.  Neither Pammon nor Kaen had wanted to talk about that yet, but she didn’t seem to mind.

As Kaen set the basket down across the room, a loud roar echoed through the house from outside.

Two more roars responded, and she felt something coming through her bond.  Glad to be sitting on the edge of the bed. It almost would have knocked her down. It was so powerful.  So primal.

She saw Kaen on his knees, struggling to stand as he turned and looked at her.

His face was different, and she saw him stand.

Forgive me, you two, but I cannot help what will come next.

A surge of desire flooded Kaen, and he groaned.  He realized it wasn’t a groan but instead a moan.

He could feel what Pammon felt, and he knew even though he couldn’t see what was happening outside in the night sky.

His body yearned for Ava, and all the feelings and longings he had held back and suppressed this past month broke the damn that he had built.  With Pammon’s surge of desire and his own mixing together, he turned and saw his wife sitting on the bed looking at him.

Kaen fought the desire he felt from Pammon and forced his own desire to overcome it.

Rising to his feet, he ran toward her, stopping just a foot from the bed where her eyes were open wide and she was panting.

Pammon’s words rang in his head.

Kaen could see that she was partially affected by Pammon’s temperament.  He saw Ava smile, and then both were ripping the other’s clothes off, grateful that Kaen’s strength made doing so no issue at all.

Amaranth will be first.  Then it will be your turn, Glynnis.

He eyed both of them, no longer to contain what he felt, as they had increased the smell they had given off tenfold since landing on the field earlier.

He roared, unable to hold it back, letting his desire consume him.

Kaen and Ava were both about to give in to their desires, and he felt it boiling inside of Kaen.  How his rider had locked it away so long was amazing, but now they were both a torrent of passion, each fighting for what they wanted.

Fine, but you will regret it if you do not keep that promise.

Glynnis roared once, backing up as Amaranth moved forward.

Her silver eyes glowed, and she let out a roar that almost matched Pammon’s.

Let us begin this.

Amaranth leaped into the sky, her wings beating faster and faster as she rose quickly into the night sky.

Pammon lept after her, his body driving him to catch her and overtake her.

She had gotten a head start and would not make this easy.  It couldn’t be easy.  She fought his attempts to block her path as he came up from behind, darting to the side and continuing the straight path toward the stars.  She could feel Pammon’s hot breath on her scales, and his desire filled her lungs.

Catch me!

She took off like an arrow shot from a bow.

Pammon realized what she had done and responded quickly.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

They flew like two arrows, aiming for those balls of fire that were present every night.  As the miles passed and the air began to grow thin, Pammon saw Amaranth suddenly slow down, her skill stopping, and he barely got his off before he almost slammed into her.

She tried to turn, but he leaned over, his wings covering hers as his next wrapped around hers.

A throaty growl came from her as their bodies intertwined and began to plummet to the ground below.

Kaen fought what he was experiencing through Pammon.

The love he had for Ava and the longing he felt while gone all came together in a moment of unbridled desire.

He wanted to touch every inch of her skin, able to smell her somehow more than usual.

She watched him, smiling before pulling his head close and moaning as he kissed her neck.

The following day, Ava and Kaen woke up to a roar.

Both snapped up, slower than usual but wondering what was happening to cause that noise.


Laughter came through their bond, and Kaen let out the breath he had been holding, wondering if he was about to run outside and fight while entirely naked.

Good morning, you two.  Sorry, I just felt the need to do that.

The massive doors to their home were open, and where Pammon usually slept showed no signs of him coming in at all last night.

Scratching his head, Kaen tried to recall some of the memories that had flooded through his brain but realized he did not want to after a moment.

How long…

“All night,” Ava replied, chuckling as she laid back against her pillow and pulled the sheet over herself.  “All night long.”

Kaen started to laugh a little as he saw the smile she had on her face.

He leaned over, and she shook her head no.

“I need a break.  It was nice, but yeah… give me a day.”

He nodded and slid out of bed.

“Are you ok then if I cook something for breakfast?  For some reason, I’m starving.”

She laughed and threw a pillow at him.

“That is fine, but put some clothes on.  I’m sure Hess and the others will come at some point, and we don’t need to scare Callie like that.”

Bending down, Kaen picked up his pants and gave them a sideways glance.

“Did I?”

Each leg was ripped on the backside in half, and there was a tear that ran through where his butt went.

Unable to hold back, Ava roared, laughing at the sight as Kaen’s cheeks turned a little red as he held up his pants.

“It was a little… different.  You have other pants in the dresser.  Those will probably need to be burned.”

He laughed, picking up all the clothes that needed to be burned to hide the evidence.

How are you this morning?  I can feel that you are… satisfied?

Pammon’s thrum came from outside the house, and he started to move to the doors and stopped.

Kaen saw him standing outside them and began to laugh.

“Hairy dwarf balls,” Kaen finally got out as he saw Pammon towering over the entrance of the massive doors by at least ten feet.

We are going to need a bigger place.  It is likely something for me, Glynnis, and Amaranth as well.

Having forgotten about them for a moment, Kaen darted to the door, ignoring the laughter he heard from Ava as he ran buck naked to where Pammon was.

Outside in the field, he saw the two of them lying beside each other.  Neither were moving, but their eyes opened briefly and then closed again.

“Should I ask?”

Only if you want me to bite off that worm that has taken hold of your crotch.

Placing one hand protectively over the area Pammon was moving his snout toward, Kaen moved back, heading toward the dresser.

I don’t want to know… keep that to yourself.

Have no worries. I am not planning on sharing any of that with you.  Just like I don’t want to see you with Ava.

Kaen smiled as he pulled a drawer out and took out a pair of pants.

Nobody needs to talk about this anymore.



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