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Both females had expressed their frustration at Pammon and his running off.  The aura he had put off when urges had run freely through him had only made their desires harder to hold back.

Each had managed to state they understood his fear of such a thing taking place with Kaen on his back.  Of course, when Pammon had told them he wouldn’t change his mind that night after Kaen had started setting up camp, they had grumbled for a while.

The good news is your little burst of speed cut off almost a day of traveling.  How often do you think you can manage that?

Pammon shook his body as he considered how his body actually felt.

I could do it again for about as long as needed.  It would drain my magic halfway, and I would only want to push it like that once in one day if I had to.

Kaen spun on his saddle and looked at the Glynnis and Amaranth, who had voiced some displeasure in Pammon not letting them take turns leading the formation today.  Both appeared to be okay after yesterday's burst of speed.

I keep forgetting they are both over fifty years older than you.  I’ll ask them if they are willing to fly like that again.

A sensation of something new came across their bond as Kaen turned back around and tried to figure out what Pammon was feeling.

What am I missing? What is that emotion?

I’m not sure, but it comes from my bond with you.  Talking about their age, knowing how young I am, and knowing it doesn’t matter to them feels weird.  I doubt I would even consider it had I not seen you fail so often with older women you flirted with.

The wind swept Kaen’s laughter away as he scratched Pammon’s neck.

I don’t recall that many failed attempts.

Pammon’s neck turned, and his eyes gazed back at Kaen, holding his stare for a few beats of his wings.

I think we both know that is not true.

Shrugging, Kaen ignored Pammon’s stare and looked down at the map he had tied to his leg again.

I still can’t wait to hear what Hess and Ava tell you.  That my friend will be something I doubt I will ever forget.

Pammon started to snort but stopped, knowing that doing so would mess up Kaen’s map, and he didn’t want three individuals upset with him right now.

I should have never told you that.

And yet you did.

Ignoring Pammon’s grumbling, Kaen ran his finger along the map as he glanced down below at the forest and landscape underneath them.

The map only helped a little as they were north above the path they had taken when they left Ebonmount, but it did provide something for him to do as he sketched the land below.

If I’m right and the three of you can manage a Flight Burst like yesterday, we might be home in two more days.

Ask them. I, for one, am more than excited at that prospect.

Sliding his pencil into its holder on his leg, Kaen rolled the map closed and tightened it against his thigh.

Glynnis and Amaranth.  Are both of you willing to repeat yesterday's Flight Burst?  If we can do that today and tomorrow, we might arrive just before sunset back at our home.



The immediate response and enthusiasm caught Kaen off guard.  He had expected the two to complain as they had most of the morning.

Uh… ok.  Follow Pammon once he activates his.

Patting his dragon’s neck, Kaen leaned against it.

Ready when you are.

A quick snort came from Pammon, and then Kaen felt the wind begin to attack his body.

[Flight Burst Activated ]

Leaning over a little, Kaen saw the land beneath them looking like water moving along a stream.  The speed they were flying at now was slower than yesterday.  It was still fast enough to cut off large chunks of their trip.

As he lay there against Pammon’s neck as every stroke of those massive wings propelled them ahead, Kaen thought about how Glynnis and Amaranth had responded.

Then he understood why.

Are you laughing?

Pammon felt Kaen shaking against his neck.  It was almost as if his rider was convulsing from how hard he shook.

Kaen, however, couldn’t even respond.  His chest hurt from how hard he laughed, and the cold air did not help his lungs recover.  Tears were swept away by the wind the moment they appeared on his face.

Kaen… what is…

Pammon began to thrum.  Kaen’s laughter was intoxicating, and it was impossible to resist through their bond.

Streaking across the sky, a dragon and his rider laughed. The exhaustion and frustration from the weight of all the problems they felt began to fade away.

After a few minutes, the two of them finally regained their composure, no longer laughing and enjoying the flight together.

So are you going to tell me what made you laugh like that?

I would, but I need to wait till later.  Tonight, when I can share it with everyone.

A sensation of the joke Kaen knew but still wasn’t sharing itched in the back of Pammon’s mind, but he gave up trying to pry it from Kaen.

I expect a good laugh then when you tell the other two.

Kaen began to laugh again, rubbing the scales along Pammon’s neck.

Oh, I expect there will be lots of laughter.

Kaen sat on the log he had pulled close to the fire and turned the meat Pammon had brought back for him on the spit he had created.

The scent of the deer cooking made his stomach rumble.  The thought of having to eat dried fish or meat anytime soon did not sound appealing at all.

As he cooked, he could feel Pammon’s eyes on him.  He had asked once what the joke was, and Kaen told him to wait, wanting to eat beforehand.

Glynnis and Amaranth had taken up their usual positions, lying right up against Pammon as they waited for what Pammon had told them would be a great joke.

He chose to ignore their actions.  Nothing would change unless he snarled or snapped at them, and he didn’t want to act like that.

Time seemed to stretch on as Pammon waited anxiously.  Kaen was eating exceptionally slow, commenting multiple times on the meat's taste.

After consuming the last bite and tossing the spit and sticks used to cook in the fire, Kaen stood up and stretched.

Are you going to finally tell us what was so funny?

Kaen grinned, chuckling a little as he saw all three dragons with their eyes focused on him.  Each pair shined with the light of the fire, and he couldn’t help but stand in awe at the sheer mass the three of them took up in the clearing Pammon had found.

“Oh, I guess there is no better time than the present.”

Looking at Glynnis and Amaranth, Kaen smiled and raised his eyebrows.

“You two remember when I asked if you both were willing to use your flying skills to cut down on our travel time?”

Though neither of the female dragons could see the other, they both lowered their eyelids some and slowly nodded their heads.

Yes… the way you ask that seems strange, Amaranth replied first.

I most definitely remember! I was more than happy to hear that news!

When Glynnis spoke, Pammon turned his head at the yellow dragon and saw she had shifted her gaze off Kaen and onto him.

Kaen couldn’t hold back the smile he felt would leave stretch marks on his skin.  Small chuckles escaped between his open lips.

“Why don’t you tell me why you were so excited and happy to hear that news, Glynnis.”

The yellow dragon turned her head to face Pammon, who had done the same, anxious to hear her reply so he could figure out the joke Kaen would tell.  Her lips curled into a smile as she stretched her neck toward Pammon.

That’s easy.  The sooner we get to your home, the quicker Pammon will have to keep his promise.

A snort came from Pammon as he pulled his neck back, seeing the silver eyes of Glynnis almost dancing with excitement.

Craning his neck the other way, he saw Amaranth looking at him the same way.

She is right.  When we arrive at your home, we expect you to keep your promise to the two of us, especially after you teased us the other day.

Kaen began to wheeze.  He had started laughing silently as the scene unfolded before his eyes.  Part of him felt bad about it, yet in all his time with Pammon, he had never really managed to tease or give him a hard time.  All these years, his dragon had always had the upper hand, but tonight things were different.

Snapping his snout toward Kaen, Pammon glared, realizing what Kaen had done and why he was laughing so hard.

The only sound for a bit was Kaen trying to breathe between his laughter and the popping of his fire.  Not once did Pammon turn his head from his rider, ignoring the gazes he felt coming from the two females on either side of him.

Finally, Pammon spoke, choosing to not keep it between Kaen and him but allowing the other two to hear.

I see.  That is humorous.

His tone left no doubt that Pammon did not find any of this funny, and the rage that bubbled and seethed through their bond couldn’t be ignored as Kaen wiped away a few more tears and watched his dragon stare at him.

I must give Kaen a point for his well-executed plan tonight.  He managed to do something he hadn’t done in a while.  For that, I will acknowledge the truth of what both of you said.  I will keep my promise when we return to our home.

Glynnis and Amaranth shifted slightly, moving closer to Pammon, their bodies now almost against his as they each lay their tail against him.

Pammon didn’t flinch as he stared at Kaen, a smile appearing along his mouth and his teeth reflecting the fire.  He ensured the following words he heard were only for Kaen’s ears.

You may have won this battle, but just know that when we get home, you may regret the action you took.

A smug and bit of humor came through their bond as Kaen considered what Pammon had said.

What are you going to do?

More teeth appeared as Pammon’s smile grew bigger.

Like your joke today, waiting and showing you when we get home will be best.

Another wave of satisfaction and excitement struck Kaen as Pammon laid his head down on the grass of the clearing.

Don’t stay up too late.  We need to fly fast tomorrow.

Cocking his head to the side, Kaen tried to read his dragon, who had closed his eyes, appearing to not have a care in the world.

Scratching his chin through his beard, Kaen considered what Pammon might be thinking or planning.  Nothing came to his mind.  He wasn’t sure if this was a bluff to mess with him in the coming days, but something inside him told him it wasn’t.  If Pammon was good at one thing, it was ensuring he always won their little games like this.  He would need to be on guard for whatever his dragon might do.


James Squibb

Emotions go both ways Kaen! Muwhahahaha