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The sun was only an hour away from setting when Amaranth set the woman down on the beach, far enough away from the range of the pointed weapons in her direction.

She thrummed as the woman took off, running toward the camp, her naked body shimmering in the dying light from the sweat that still covered her.

Five ships were sinking in the waters, joining the previous one he had sent just a few weeks ago.

Two of them required a dragon arrow, leaving him with only three left.  Their hulls had resisted his attacks, even charged as much as he could with a standard arrow.

The other three finally gave in to the barrage he sent down upon them.

Once that was done, Pammon and the other two moved back to the mountain, ending the life of the one still standing and consuming all the flesh that they could.

Kaen dug through the remains as they ate, finding three more bracelets.  His mind fought with the possibilities of these weapons.

You aren’t going to use them, and we both know that.

Kaen nodded, knowing Pammon wasn’t watching him to not risk the sight of those bracelets again.

You are right.  I see their potential and power, but at what cost?  What would I become if I used something like this to enslave another being?  I feel as if I would lose my own soul in doing that.

Put those away so I can join you.  You need to come sit by me.

Taking one last look, Kaen put the bracelet he held in a pouch with the other three and tied it to his belt.

I’ll join you.  We need to talk.

As Glynnis and Amaranth worked on the one, Pammon continued eating the other dragon's corpse.

Standing beside his friend, Kaen rubbed Pammon’s haunches as he looked up at the stars.

“I’m sorry again for that. Having to do that to you felt like I had torn a piece of me away.”

Pammon swallowed the piece in his throat and turned his neck to look at Kaen.

At the time, I felt the same thing.  I know you did it only because I couldn't see the wisdom of your first attempt to warn me.  I do not hold it against you.  It does make me realize now how dangerous what you are is.  The stories of the last rider like you who did what he did makes sense.

Which is why I cannot use these abominations.  Imagine if Stioks or someone else got their hands on one.  Imagine our kingdom filled with these.

Turning slightly, Pammon moved till his nose barely tapped Kaen in the chest.

You carry a lot inside you.  Do not forget you are not alone.  I am here to help with that load you feel burdened under.

Kaen reached out with both hands and scratched the growing snout.

“If you keep growing, I may not be able to get both hands around your mouth soon.

Pammon thrummed, enjoying the scratches momentarily before returning to his meal.

Let me finish eating so we can rest.  We will be back on land in four days, and we both know what is waiting on that side.

Kaen nodded even though no one was watching.

Too many things were waiting on that side, and none were good.

The following day, as they left, Kaen had commented that the only surviving ship was gone.

Still on the beach were the weapons they had set up, but Kaen imagined with a lot of survivors and limited ships, choices had to be made, and those were the least of their concerns.

Are we poking a dragon we don’t want to fight by everything we did?

Kaen sat there for a few minutes, letting the rising sun warm his face as they flew over the ocean.

I think they may ask themselves the same question once that woman returns.  I cannot imagine a kingdom where a person has no name and just a number.  What kind of horrors must take place there?

Pammon never answered that question, and when night came, Kaen took the pouch with four of those bracelets and tossed them behind Pammon.

A weight that he felt like he had been carrying was lifted as the pouch fell toward the sea.

I doubt anyone will ever find those now.

That was the plan.

Four days of non-stop flying had each dragon and even Kaen in a less-than-pleasant mood.  Each of the females had commented multiple times how they were impressed with Pammon making this flight without anyone to talk with.

Three hours after the sun rose, Glynnis called out in a cheerful tone that had been absent for a day.

Land! I see land!

Everyone fixed their eyes to the east as they saw the brown shape appear over the expanse of the water.  Kaen felt relief flood through their bond.

You two have done well. I know this wasn’t an easy trip, but soon we will be in a new land.  I need to remind you both again to let me handle the people there.

Are they really as unpleasant as you say they are?

There will be some along the coast who are not happy to see us.   As we get closer to our home, the people will be more accepting, but the presence of three dragons may cause some alarm.  As you were all nervous about me, they will be the same.  In time, I think we can prove ourselves worthy of your trust.

Glynnis seemed content with his answer as she turned back toward land, enjoying her turn at the front of the formation as it meant Pammon was getting a view of her.

Kaen could feel the fatigue in Pammon when they landed on the shore, finding a wide open area near no towns.  The three dragons were excited to rest, choosing to hunt tomorrow as they bedded down in the forest a bit away from shore.

Are you sure you are ok with keeping watch?

Kaen chuckled, giving Pammon another tap on his snout before moving to the fire.

You have carried me for a long time. Let me carry you right now.

The game in this forest was not nearly as abundant as Glynnis and Amaranth were used to.  Each of them took over an hour to find enough food that they felt ready to fly for another day.

Amaranth had complained only once, but a glance from Pammon had stopped her.

Kaen could tell the females were anxious about what might happen when they finally reached Ebonmount.  Both had scooted so close to Pammon last night that Kaen almost couldn’t keep back the laughter he felt inside.  It was like watching two predators moving toward the same unsuspecting animal from opposite directions.

They didn’t fly south this time, as it didn’t matter if anyone noticed them returning.  The odds of that happening with how high they were flying were low, but it would be good if someone saw them and reported that three dragons were headed toward Ebonmount.

Are we going to stop by Roccnari and make our presence known?

I would prefer not to right now.  I’m still unsure where Havannath’s loyalties lie, and I would choose not to tip our hand just yet.  Rumors are one thing, but I do not want to give that man the ability to see us with his own eyes.

Are elves really as arrogant as the old stories we have heard say they are?

Glynnis, imagine a dragon’s spirit but in an elf’s body.  They are pretty fond of themselves and consider others to be beneath them.  Not all elves are like this, just as not all dragons are like this, but it often seems those in power exhibit this behavior more than others.

She replied that some dragons are like that, and Kaen saw her look up ahead at Amaranth, who was leading the formation.

Pammon thrummed, and Kaen couldn’t help but feel the tension between the two females again.

Are they already making moves?

Yes!! Pammon exclaimed so loud it made Kaen wince.  They have begun to do whatever causes them to smell again.  It isn’t as powerful as it was in their land, but it has been slowly getting stronger each day.

Have you figured out what you are going to do about them yet?  It seems that they may not take no for an answer.

Pammon snorted and shook his head.

Is it wrong that I would ask Hess and Ava for some advice?  I figured perhaps the two of them might be able to help.

The mention of Ava sent a pain through Kaen’s heart.  He had not thought about her on purpose for most of the trip.  It was hard enough staying focused on everything they had dealt with, but when she took over his thoughts, he found himself distracted and missing her touch.

He closed his eyes, thinking about what he would do when he returned home.  Her soft lips, her skin, her…

Pammon roared, causing him to open his eyes, and saw Glynnis and Amaranth swerve a bit away from him.

STOP THAT!  Pammon roared louder in his mind than he had just a moment ago.  You cannot do that right now!

Kaen sat there and felt coming from Pammon an urge that matched his.  Glancing at the two dragons in the air with him, Kaen realized they had also sensed it.

Pammon began to take big breaths, and then he saw Glynnis moving her tail rapidly in front of him.

Hairy dwarf balls, tell me this isn’t happening, Pammon.

Pammon dove down suddenly, Kaen sensing the frustration in him.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

Like an arrow released from a bow, Pammon surged forward, moving ahead of both of the female dragons as he flew as quick as he could.

Kaen could feel his friend's heart beating rapidly.  His emotions were all over the place, yet what was coming through it more than anything was a yearning he knew all too well.

I’m sorry! I didn’t know!

Pammon focused as he raced ahead.

Leaning forward, Kaen turned his head to glance behind and saw both females hot on their trail.  It appeared they both had the same skill and activated it in turn.

Don’t look behind, but they are not giving up.  They have used the exact skill you have.

A groan came from underneath him, and Pammon almost shook.

I cannot do this.  Not with you.  Not here.  If I did, you might get hurt or die.

Perplexed by the statement, Kaen tried to consider what Pammon was saying.  His eyes went wide at the realization of what Pammon had meant.

What can I do to help? I don’t want to ever be part of that moment.

A slight thrum came from Pammon as he sped forward, barely able to keep the lead on the two females tracking him down.

Almost an hour had passed before both females had given up, falling miles behind Pammon.

[Flight Burst Expired ]

Pammon took deep breaths as they slowed down.  The speed at which they flew now seemed so slow, almost as if they were walking.

He turned his head back, seeing them still coming after him.

I am fine now.  No matter what they do, I should be able to resist their attempts.

Are you sure?  I need to know because I really don’t want to ever come between you and one of them.

Pammon felt the joke through their bond and did a massive snort, sending one of the largest sprays of mucus over him and toward Kaen, who could do nothing but press flat against his neck.

That wasn’t nice at all.

Pammon began to thrum, enjoying the moment he had just earned.

I hope tonight, when I’m dreaming, I don’t dream these same thoughts again.

The thrum stopped immediately, and Pammon turned his head back and looked at Kaen.

I may not kill you, but I will make sure to find a way for you to suffer.  I may give into those desires while you are strapped to my back.

Kaen laughed as he pulled a water skin out and began to pour it over his hair as best he could.  Washing the mucus out of it as they flew across the sky.

Both of them wanting nothing more than to get home soon.


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