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Glynnis was darting around them as they flew east, headed toward the coast and the journey home.

I am so excited to see this new land and travel with you all!  Things have been exciting since the two of you showed up.

Pammon grunted, doing his best to remain calm under the constant barrage of conversation Glynnis felt she needed to carry on.

She does talk a lot. Should I ask her to stop?

I already did.  Remember?  That bought us half an hour of silence before she started in again.  I think Aethux sent her with us as a way of getting back at us for what we did.

Kaen laughed, having thought the same thing hours ago.

Amaranth had decided to fly behind Pammon, doing her best to ignore the yellow dragon's attempts at conversation.

You will have to deal with the two of them at some point.  I’m unsure how that works as a dragon, but this is all you.

Snorting, Pammon glanced at the two females behind him and looked away when he saw them watching him.

Pammon grumbled, beating his wings a little faster as he looked at the landscape below them.  They still had another day before they would reach the mountains that protected this land from the sea and any possible intruders.

I was actually hoping things would work out on their own.  Are you sure we need both of them?  Wouldn’t one be enough?

I don’t know, Kaen replied as he rubbed Pammon’s scales.  We are facing four dragons, and while I would like to believe all it will take is me telling them to stop but, I know it won’t be that easy.  Nothing about Stioks has been easy.

What about your arrows? It was very effective against Tharnok.

But he allowed me to charge that shot and take it.  We both know Juthom isn’t going to do that.

Pammon’s agreement came through their bond as they flew in silence for a while.  Things were never that easy, and both of them knew they had other problems that would be awaiting them upon their return.

How dare you?!

Amaranth growled at Glynnis, baring her teeth as waves of anger and rage poured off her.

Stop this, both of you!

Both female dragons turned their eyes at Pammon, who had moved in between the two of them.

Why are you this upset?  I simply asked a question both of us were wondering.  I can feel the desire you have every moment of the day.  It is better to ask and resolve things than to fly around in this awkward state you have been in.

Another snarl came from the green dragon as Kaen watched Pammon doing his best to keep the upset and embarrassed dragon from injuring the yellow one.

I said stop!

Pammon roared after speaking, causing the other two to take a few steps back and slightly lower themselves to the ground.

This is foolishness.  I have not even begun to consider a mate, and neither of you should worry about that right now.  We have a long journey ahead of us, and now is not the time to deal with this.

Actually, it is, Glynnis answered, keeping her head low, but her eyes locked on his.  Do you really want to fly for weeks on end with a female who is all but throwing herself at you and not deal with that?  Can you not see how she gets close to you and smell the scent she is giving off?

Kaen could feel the frustration and embarrassment that Pammon was dealing with.  He could sense all those things and had no idea how to deal with them.  He wasn’t even five years old, yet neither of those female dragons thought it mattered.  His size and presence told both of them that he was strong enough.

Be quiet! Amaranth shouted again, moving a little to the left to get her eyes locked on Glynnis, who appeared to still not care how upset she was.  I do not need you to tell him my intentions. I am quite capable of doing that on my own.

A thrum began to come from Glynnis as she turned her eyes toward Amaranth.

Then do it and end this foolishness.  I came on this trip for many reasons; you know he is one of them.

Kaen couldn’t help but cough when he swore Pammon’s scales somehow turned a darker bronze color for a minute.  His dragon had not considered a mate for a hundred years, and now he had two female dragons that appeared to both want him.

A little help?

Kaen saw Pammon glance at him as he spoke.  He knew that the message was just for him and that neither of the females had heard it.

Do you really want me to handle this?  I doubt it will work out in the long run if I do.  It reminds me of a lesson I had to learn the hard way.  Tell them how you feel, even if you do not know.  It is better they see that you are willing to discuss the potential.

Pammon’s frustration melted away as Kaen felt him start to take control of his mixed emotions.  There was a fire inside Pammon that desired Amaranth, but he wasn’t sure how to handle that.  Her touches brushed him as they slept; the scent she was giving off had driven him a bit crazy, but he had ignored them, focused on the task at hand.

Now Amaranth and Glynnis were giving off that same smell, letting him know they were interested in him and mating. It was making it impossible to stay focused.

Enough.  I will settle this matter right now.

Both females turned their eyes to him, watching as Pammon swept his gaze between them.

I am still waiting to see how mating takes place or experience it for myself.

I would be–

Wait, Pammon said, cutting off Glynnis as she began to speak.  For the next two weeks, we need to focus on returning to our home.   Your new home.  The flight over the ocean will not be fun, and I do not need to distract myself with these things.  The mental and physical strain is enough.

He stared hard at Glynnis for a moment before shifting his gaze to Amaranth, who had raised her head and changed how she sat.

Once we return to Ebonmount and have completed the task at hand, I will discuss with the two of you how to handle your desires.  I am unsure how most dragons treat their mates, but I will not consider a mate someone I just casually visit.  If I have learned anything from my rider and his mate, there is a bond, and I will want that same thing.

His gold eyes watched both simultaneously, each side of his head taking the other in.

Is there a problem with that?

Neither replied.  Kaen saw them shifting as they took in what Pammon had just said.  He was surprised to hear how Pammon viewed a possible mate.  The dragons on this island did not appear to have that same view on how many or who they mated with.

I am intrigued and willing to wait and see how this works, Amaranth responded, her tone hinting at something Kaen and Pammon couldn’t pick up.

I, too, am excited to hear more about what you want in a mate, Glynnis chimed in next, her perky tone present again.

Good. Pammon said as he let out a blast of air from his nose.  Then, if that is settled, we need to rest.  Tomorrow will be a long day, and we must prepare for this journey's first leg.

Lying down, Pammon curled up as usual, waiting for Kaen to come and join him.

After both of them were set, Kaen could hear the shifting of the other two as they drew closer toward him.  He felt Pammon almost cringing as he knew what would come later in the evening.  They would find a way to let their tails brush against his scales at some point during the night.

Tell me I am not going crazy.  Tell me this gets easier.

Kaen held back his laughter and reached up, scratching Pammon on the side.

You remember how I acted.  You know how I felt.  Somehow, I don’t doubt this will be twice as bad for you.

Pammon groaned, shifting on the ground.

Someone is punishing me for how I treated you.

Laughing, Kaen gently patted Pammon’s side and closed his eyes.

Whoever it is, I owe them thanks.

The next day had been spent reaching the edge of the mountains, and each dragon had gone and eaten their fill, preparing for the flight to the islands.  Another night passed, and no drama unfolded as both females seemed content to wait and see what would happen once they reached this Ebonmount that Pammon had mentioned.

Kaen had laughed when Pammon informed him that the smell both had been giving off was considerably less now.  It was still there, but just barely.

The flight to the islands was uneventful.  Gentle breezes came as they flew high in the sky, staying in a V formation that Glynnis had informed Pammon would help the three of them fly longer and with less work as they took turns, swapping out who flew in front every few hours.  As the islands came into view, Pammon’s mood went sour, and Kaen sensed the change.

Ships around the island we found Amaranth on.  Half a dozen, in fact.

Kaen willed his lifestone into action, and using Pammon’s eyes, he saw the ships spaced evenly apart, each larger than the two he had seen last time.

I’m guessing someone didn’t like my message.  Are those weapons on the beach?

Pammon’s gaze shifted, focusing on where Kaen had spotted something.

There are five of those weapons we saw in the town of Golden Edge.  They are loaded and appear to be able to turn.  What do you want to do?

They still had four or five hours of sunlight left, and Kaen couldn’t imagine how this would play out if they attacked right now.

The ships have those on them as well.  It seems they have come prepared for whatever might return this way.  You know what I am thinking.

Pammon snorted and then looked at the two dragons flying behind him.  They had also noticed the ships, but both had not said a word.

A night attack might work.  There is no moon, and that will give us the advantage.  Is this a fight you really want to have?  We could land on one of the other islands at night and leave in the morning.

And what of your fellow dragons that might die in the meantime?  Are we okay saying one thing and doing another?

Pammon weighed those words, torn by the truth of Kaen’s statement.  Who knew if other dragons might come this way in the coming weeks or months?  How many might die if they did nothing?

Two roars erupted below, and Pammon’s eyes tracked the sound from where they came.

Do you see that?!  Tell me I am seeing things wrong!

Kaen shook his head in disbelief.  It seemed impossible, and yet Kaen couldn’t deny it at all.

Two dragons were coming out of the trees near the beach, each with someone on their backs.


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