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As the western edge of the sea turned from water to a land mass stretching from north to south, Kaen let a small sigh out.

We made it.  We actually made it.

Pammon grunted in agreement as he flew slightly ahead of Amaranth.

They had taken turns flying out ahead while the other drafted a little off to the side.

Tharnok had taught them this trick, and Amaranth informed them that most dragons only flew together if the council called a gathering.

I am still nervous as to how this might go.  A land filled with dragons.  I can not imagine what this will be like.

Kaen scratched Pammon’s neck, feeling his friend's hesitation through their bond.  Imagining a land where there were almost no humans or other races.  He fought back a shudder when Kaen considered how fights between dragons might ravage a land.

No matter what, I am here with you.  You are not alone in this.

Pammon nodded, focusing on the land that was racing toward them.

Large mountains ran along the entire coastline, rising miles into the air and creating a barrier to those who might risk landing a ship here.  The waves beat against stone cliffs, sending water into the air in a mist before falling back to the sea.

Trees dotted about a mile past the sea's edge and ran up the mountains, creating a lush green carpet that stretched as far as Kaen could see.

This place looks like something out of a dream.

As they approached the edge of the land, Amaranth moved up next to them.

You two need to follow me and keep your eyes open.  There will be those who will come to greet us, but we must head to the council first.  Your presence must be announced to them by you.

Pammon fell behind Amaranth, letting her move to the front as they slowly descended from the clouds.

No matter what happens, I will protect you.

Kaen felt the force behind that statement.  There was a form of pressure that almost overwhelmed him as Pammon seemed to have changed somehow.

What is it?  What is different?

A moment passed before Pammon finally spoke.

When I was small and weak, you and Hess protected me.  You two shielded me from those who might seek to harm me.  Even though I was foolish and felt I was able to overcome anything, both of you were willing to risk everything for me.  Here, I realize you may be how I was.  You may believe you are a dragon rider and, as such, stronger than you really are.   Pammon paused, adjusting his direction as Amaranth shifted to the south more.  Keep all of your items and weapons on you.

Kaen almost said something, but he held back.  Pammon was right.  In a land of dragons, he was weak compared to them.

After crossing over the mountains that bordered the sea, the land continued in a lush landscape with rivers and streams running along the base of the mountain before collecting in a large lake.

Kaen had his lifestone burning and was taking in everything Pammon saw.  Animals were scattered through the woods and grassy areas. Different kinds of deer, boars, horses, goats, and other creatures he had not seen before were abundant.

How are there so many animals?  Don’t you all eat a lot?

Amaranth thrummed as she glanced back at Kaen and Pammon.

We eat a lot, but there are no other predators here.  We have removed those who might eat what we consume.  The land is lush, and there is an abundance of rain from the sea.  There have been years where the council has ordered us to eat even more because the animals have become so abundant.  If our numbers were greater, then we might have to eat less, but that problem usually handles itself.

Pammon turned to look at Kaen before looking back at Amaranth.

Handle itself how?

Slowing down, Amaranth came to fly almost right next to Pammon, her silver eyes taking him in.

Dragons fight, and almost always, the loser dies.  I have prevented a few of those deaths when I have been ordered to, but part of this land is claiming and holding it.  Some factions here sometimes work together to push their boundary out, and when that happens, a dragon dies.  The council only steps in when it must.

Kaen grumbled to himself.  Amaranth had remained tight-lipped about the council and would not go into more details no matter how much he or Pammon had asked.  She had stated that they would understand for themselves once they met them.

Twenty minutes into their flight, Pammon tensed up for a second.

A yellow dragon is coming this way.

Kaen saw the dragon, its path set to converge with theirs.

Ignore that dragon.  She is a pain.

She? You can tell that from here.

Amaranth started to thrum as she continued on the path she was leading them.

Yes.  She is Glynnis, and this is where she typically hunts and waits for the one she mates with.  Prepare yourself.  She will ask more questions than you have bothered me with.

A snort came from Pammon, and Kaen gave him a gentle smack on the neck as he felt the amusement through their bond.

You do ask a lot of questions, and we both know it.

Yes, because you fail to ask any.

The yellow dragon came upon them, and right before she had reached them, Amaranth slowed down and hovered, waiting for what was coming.

A new dragon! And a rider as well! Welcome! Tell me who you are!  I am Glynnis, and welcome to my home!

Pammon let out a soft thrum, and Kaen smiled, feeling the excitement and joy that washed over him as the female dragon came right up next to them, almost touching Pammon as it hovered near them.  Her silver eyes drank in everything she saw.

I am Pammon, and this is my rider, Kaen.  Thank you for welcoming us.

A dragon rider, how strange.  We had one come just a few weeks or so ago.  Did you know him?  Did you know he was sick?  It is a shame that he passed.  His dragon, Tharnok, has not been one to trifle with since then.  Is that why you came?  Do you–

Amaranth roared, cutting off the yellow dragon and causing her to fly back a little away from Pammon.

Enough Glynnis.  We are headed to the council.  There will be times for questions but now is not that time.  If you will excuse us.

Amaranth started shifting her weight and changing directions to begin flying again when Glynnis darted out before her.  Kaen was amazed at how fast the yellow dragon, who was basically the same size as Amaranth, moved so quickly.

You don’t know?  Oh, that is funny indeed.  You might want to reconsider going to the council.  They are furious with you.  They gave a decree.  It was not a nice one.  You should reconsider.  I can take the new dragon, and you can go hide for a while.

Amaranth flew backward, turning her body and looking at Pammon and Kaen.

What do you mean?  What decree?

Kaen and Pammon could sense the fear in her tone as she spoke.

Glynnis let out a thrum, which got louder and lasted a bit before she turned her green eyes upon Amaranth.

I will not say but choose.  I can take them, and you can hide, or you can fly to your own demise.  I know what I –

Enough, Pammon interrupted.  She will lead us.  We must go, but thank you again for the welcome.

A snort came from the yellow dragon as she turned her snout toward Pammon and studied him momentarily.

With a huff, she stopped flapping her wings, plummeting toward the ground before twisting mid-air and suddenly darting off in the direction she had come.

That flying is impressive.  She moves so fast and is very nimble.

I thought the same thing.  I need to try and practice what she just did.

Both of them looked up and saw Amaranth watching the two of them.

Are you sure you want me to lead you?  If they have made a decree, it could mean anything.  I had not realized how upset they might be with me.

You brought us here.  That should count for something.

Not replying, Amaranth continued to flap her wings as she hung in the air for another few seconds before turning.

Then we need to go.  I need to make sure we arrive at the council on our own terms.

They had slowly climbed higher into the sky, hiding among the clouds as they flew in the direction Amaranth was leading them.

How much further?

One more day.  We will move down to the forest later tonight, and we can hunt.  Once we do, we should be fine to sleep until morning and reach the mountain the council resides in later in the evening.

Pammon shook his head as he considered how far in the council must be.

Another day.  How large is this land?

It would take about seven days or more to fly from the top to the bottom, and it is at least four days across, depending on if one flew nonstop.  There is a line of mountains near the middle that serves as the border for two of the factions.   On the other side is another set of mountains stretching to the other end of our land.  Two other factions reside over there.  The fifth is far south and not bothered that often as a large part of their land is covered in ice.

Does each of these factions fight that often?

Only when one intrudes on their land for more than a brief visit.  Fights break out if they stay too long, laying claim to what is below.  Other fights occur when male dragons seek to influence or steal a female from a faction.  Sometimes…

Amaranth stopped talking for a moment as she scanned the land below them.

Sometimes, the council trades and offers male or female dragons to the other factions.  Many do not like this but are unable to resist the power they have.  The choice is to be bound to another clan or a mate or leave our land.

Kaen and Pammon both realized now why Amaranth must have left this place. To have the skill she possessed, as well as being a female, meant she was probably being forced into a relationship or faction she did not want.

They remained silent for the rest of that night as Kaen considered what kind of dragons could wield that kind of power over a nation of dragons.

Pammon lay down on the green grass, his belly fuller than it had been in over a week.  He had gorged himself on many different animals, sampling everything close.  Amaranth had been a little more picky, tracking down her favorite deer and eating her fill before returning to where Kaen was.

You two are an interesting pair.  How long have you two been together?

“Four years almost.  Since the day he hatched,” Kaen stated as he lay against Pammon’s chest.  “He was a handful but eventually stopped being an eggling.”

Amaranth laughed at that statement and nodded.  We have that same problem with new dragons.  Learning to submit is a tricky thing.  Tell me, how did you force Pammon to obey?

A thrum arose from Pammon, bouncing Kaen off the side of his body as both of them laughed.

“I never forced him to obey me.  He is his own being, and we learned the hard way that we each make mistakes.”

Some of us more than others.

Both laughed again as Amaranth’s silver eyes sparkled in the light of the fire.

You two seem more… like you two enjoy life.  That you are not concerned with the things other dragons here are focused on.  Why is that?

Because we are bonded.  Dragons with a rider do not care about petty things like land, gold, or whatever else drives you.  We care about our riders, and they care about us.

Reaching an arm so he could scratch Pammon’s scales, Kaen nodded.  “We do what is best for both of us and discuss how to handle things.  Sometimes the moment doesn’t allow that, but we trust the other and often know what each other is thinking.”

Shaking her head, Amaranth laid it on the ground as she began to close her eyelids.

Tomorrow will be interesting.  I have no idea how the council will treat me, but getting to see how they deal with the two of you might explain some things about the other dragon and his rider.


James Squibb

Great chapter! Excited for next week!


Shit. Now im caught up. Time to switch stories and let this build up again. I'm seriously looking forward to the rest of this.