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After carefully removing the spears and hooks that had held down Amaranth, Kaen turned his attention to the two prisoners.

He found out there was always a regular dragon hunting party station here.  They never knew when a dragon might appear, but they kept a group present and, over the years, had slain dozens of dragons.  They took the goods to the north, where they were from, using their organs and scales.

It had been hard for Kaen to keep his rage or Pammon’s rage in check as they both blabbered in response to any question he had.  Once he had gained all the information he felt was necessary, Kaen turned to Pammon and Amaranth.

I want to go and deal with those ships.  I need to send a message that things will change; to do that, we must sink one.

What do you want to do with these two?

Kaen glanced at the two people, watching them tremble as both dragons stared at them.

I would prefer not to kill them as they can be helpful in getting my point across.  Together, they have witnessed what we can do.

You would let them live after what they did to me?

Kaen saw the rage in those silver eyes.  The way Amaranth’s neck expanded, and her chest heaved from frustration.

I would prefer to use them to prevent more dragons from experiencing what you did.  Look around you. Surely, you must have taken out enough rage on the ones who will not even be buried.

Amaranth glanced around the clearing and let out a growl.

Look at what they did to me!  To my wings and my body!  Do you have any idea what this will mean?  I cannot make the trip I had planned!

Pammon grunted and cut her off as she turned her snout toward him. Where were you going?

She huffed and shook her head, almost as if she was displeased with Pammon interrupting her or asking a question.  I am going to the land to the east.  Across the ocean, where dragons who are tired of the council and their rules go.

Kaen looked at Pammon.  He could feel the pain in his dragon's heart.

How many have left for that place?

Amaranth glanced at Pammon and then at Kaen and saw how they looked at each other.

You should know.  Dragons have done that for over a hundred years.  What is it you are not telling me?

Amaranth… there are only five dragons I know of in the land you are heading to.  We are one of them.  There was another, but Tharnok left to come to your land a while ago.

Yes! Those two came.  It is sad that the man died.  His dragon is the one that told me of this island.

Kaen turned, moved to the two prisoners, and bent down to look them in their eyes.

“Do not lie when I ask this next question, or I will turn you over to her,” he growled, motioning to Amaranth with his thumb. “Why do dragons not reach the land I am from?”

The man shook his head and looked at the ground.  The woman held Kaen’s eyes, and she smirked.  “We are not the only ones who hunt dragons.  The king of the Golden Edge pays handsomely for dragons' eyes.”

Kaen saw the look in the woman’s eyes.  She was more than willing to share with him the details of how many dragons must have died over the years.

When we get back, the king of Golden Edge and I are going to have a talk.

Kaen stood up and grabbed the woman by the throat, lifting her off the ground.  She punched and kicked at him, but her attacks were nothing more than a two-year-old might do.

He carried her to where Amaranth sat.

She sat there watching Kaen as he carried the woman who was now fighting less toward her.

“You can do whatever you have with this one.  She will not take the message I need to be told.”

Amaranth thrummed as the woman tried to scramble to her feet.  The lack of air from how Kaen had carried her prevented her from moving as Kaen turned and made his way to the man who was hiding his eyes.

“Look at this,” Kaen ordered.  “Look at this and make sure everyone knows what is coming if they do not heed my command.”  The man glanced at Kaen and then at the dragon, who was beginning to do things he would never forget to his companion.  “I will burn down the world if they continue to do this to dragons.”

Kaen stood on the shore, watching the ship sinking into the harbor.  Men and women were swimming toward the other vessel as the man he had set free rowed as fast as possible toward the one he had left alone.

They have no idea, do they?

Kaen shook his head.  “This world may always find the need to battle and fight each other, but I will not allow the senseless slaughter of your kind.  I may be the last dragon rider alive, but I will live by the code Elies taught me.”

Pammon thrummed as Kaen put his bow back over his shoulder.  Even he had been impressed with how far Kaen could shoot when he focused on something.  The hole he had punched into the side of that ship was impressive.

Who are you? I mean… Amaranth paused as she watched Kaen and Pammon.  They had walked to the shore as she could not fly.  How do you have this much power?

Kaen turned and looked at the female dragon sitting a little behind Pammon on the beach.

Tapping his chest where his lifestone was, Kaen gave her a stern look.

“In here is what drives me.  I will protect the innocent, and I will destroy those who seek to bring destruction for selfish gains.  That is why I am headed to your land and must seek the council.”

Amaranth looked at Kaen, threw her head into the sky, and broke into a loud thrum.

Oh, I cannot believe how fortunate I am, she said after laughing for a while.  I will join you and take you to my land.  I cannot wait to see how the council deals with you.

They spent two days resting on that island as Pammon and Kaen let Amaranth heal.  During that time, it answered the question Kaen had been wondering.

A dragon that heals.  That seems hard to believe.

Bah.  I have been nothing more than a servant, ordered by the council to heal whoever got hurt during some fight.  I could not do what I wanted because my power was deemed too critical.  Imagine living your whole life under someone else's rule!

Kaen nodded and could sense the dragon’s frustration.

And you are over fifty years old?  I thought you would be larger at that age.

I might have thought someone would have taught you manners.  We do not discuss one's size as dragons.  It is important; calling someone small is an excellent way to get eaten.

Pammon broke into laughter as he swallowed the boar he had been chewing.

Please do not eat him.  He wouldn’t taste good, and I would have to deal with his family back home.

Amaranth thrummed as she turned back to the boar Pammon had gotten her.

You will be looked upon with great interest for being as large as you are and not even four years old.  It may strike fear into the hearts of some.

Chuckling, Kaen turned to his food and glanced at the map again.

The last thing we need is for him to get a big head.

The following day, they left, following Amaranth as she raced high into the sky, excited to return with her new friend and ally.

Kaen and Pammon talked about some of the things she had mentioned, and both were concerned with what they had learned.

I still cannot believe that dragons have been trying to come to our land for almost a hundred years.  If what Amaranth said is true, then a hundred or more dragons have died, with less than a handful making it past the traps set for them.

We know the history of dragon riders.  It makes sense that they would limit any chance for dragons to return, possibly have eggs, and allow what took place with us.

Rubbing his usual scale on Pammon, Kaen groaned as the wind swept over them.  He saw Amaranth occasionally glancing back, but she seemed content to have Pammon behind her.

I wonder what the council will do when they hear about the people hunting them on the islands.

Neither knew if that would earn them points, but based on how Amaranth spoke of the council, they appeared to need as many as possible.

What do you think of her?

Of Amaranth?

Is there another her is out here?

Kaen felt the frustration of that question oozing from Pammon and realized what he was asking.

Are you asking me if I think she is pretty or a possible mate?

What? No!

Kaen laughed, and Pammon snorted multiple times, trying to get something to land on his rider.

Your emotions betray you, my friend.  If you think she is a bit bossy and grumpy and likes to complain, but then again, I’m not sure how other dragons act.

Pammon bobbed his head as they flew, remaining silent for a bit.

It’s weird to think that… I must blame you and Ava for what I may be feeling.  These desires I have were not there until the two of you and your wedding night.  Now I can tell Amaranth is intentionally waving her tail in front of me.

What?  What do you mean?

Look at it.  We have flown behind Tharnok many times, and you have seen how I fly.  One's tail would only do that if they were intentionally making it.

Looking ahead, Kaen studied how Amaranth was flying.  Pammon was right.  Her back, hips, and tail shift often, flicking around in circles and sometimes side to side.

You are right!  She is flirting with you! Kaen announced, laughing at what was happening.  It is like when a woman walks a certain way in front of you, knowing she will draw your eye by how she is walking.  She is doing that to you!

Grunting, Pammon cleared his throat.

What should I do?

You are asking me for advice on how to talk to a female dragon?  I could barely figure out how to speak with Ava, let alone any of the other countless women who shot me down.

Pammon thrummed a little and then stopped as he stared ahead.

Well, don’t go blind from staring.  I guess we will figure this all out in due time.

Pammon growled and gave a playful shake, causing Kaen to bang into his neck a little.

No jokes.  Promise now, or I will find a way to make you pay.

I won't promise that, and you know it.  If I can’t make you suffer like you have made me suffer, how would I ever make life fair?

Bending his neck so he could look Kaen in the eye, Pammon glared at him.

I may need to nut rack you again.

Scratching Pammon’s scales, Kaen chuckled and motioned ahead where Amaranth was staring back at the two of them.

I think she is looking and wondering why you aren’t paying attention to her.

Pammon let out a sigh.

You are going to make me suffer, aren’t you?

Just a little.



Thats awesome. Also, I'm guessing we just met Ava's dragon 😆 🤣