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Walking along the sand had been more challenging than Kaen had initially expected.  Even with his strength and dexterity, the constant way it sunk was new.  It was sometimes like walking through mud that gripped at your feet.

That thought reminded him that his boots needed a good shaking out as the sand on his foot had begun rubbing all over his skin.  It seemed to want to stick to every part of his wet body when he had gotten out of the water.

He had walked a few miles, making decent progress around the small part of the island, noticing the trees were a variety of different kinds.  He found one with massive bunches of long yellow and green fruit.  The green ones were so bitter and horrible to eat, but the yellow ones were soft and sweet.  Eating two of them had been as big of a risk as he wanted to take after how that brown ball fruit had impacted his gut.

Different small animals had been spotted. One of the most interesting was the massive boar that had rushed him.  The thing was larger than many of the ones back home, and the tusk on it was over eight inches long.  He had killed it easily and afterward gutted it before moving it to a rock for the trip home.  It smelled gamey, but if there were more of these to be found, Pammon would be in a much better mood.

With the sun setting, he started the trip back, dragging the boar by its hind leg toward where Pammon was sleeping.

Kaen lay against his friend, listening to Pammon breath as he gazed up at the stars in the clear sky.  The fire was burning brighter than he had expected, these trees burning long and hot.

He had put the boar carcass near Pammon’s snout and poked him a few times to wake him up.  Pammon had grunted and complained about waking up but, upon smelling and eating his snack, simply trilled before falling back to sleep.

Sounds of birds and other animals called out near them, but none wanted to come close. The aura Pammon gave off just by being as big as he was left them safe.

Closing his eyes, Kaen rested better than he had in days.

A roar woke both of them up.

What was that?

A dragon!

Kaen was on his feet, scanning the area as Pammon stood up, stretching quickly as he raised his head and listened.

Another loud roar washed over the trees, and Pammon’s head turned, facing the direction he knew it came.

It’s not on our island.  What do you want to do?

We came here to meet the dragons.  Sounds like this one might need some help.

Pammon grunted, bending down as Kaen grabbed his gear and quickly stowed it in the packs.

I am fine now.  That sleep was what I needed, and I owe you for that snack.  I dreamed I had eaten something last night.

Strapping his sword on, Kaen hooked his bow back onto the loop on his saddle and buckled himself in.

I’m ready.

Pammon turned, facing the direction he had flown in last night and taking two giant strides before leaping into the air and flapping his wings.

The roar came again back from one of the other islands.  Pammon was gaining altitude as he scanned the lands beneath him.

Two ships on that island with the large hill.  I believe it is coming from there.

Kaen could see what Pammon saw as he used his lifestone to connect with his dragon.  A few men were on the large ships anchored off the shore, while dozens of boats were on the beach.  A small camp was set up on the beach, but no one was there that they could see.

Find the dragon.

Pammon had turned into an arrow, flying toward the sounds of battle he could hear in the trees on the island.  On the backside of the large hill was a group of over fifty people, holding chains, working together to keep a green dragon immobilized.  It was doing its best to fight back, but they had pinned its wings and tail, leaving only its head and neck still moving.

Kaen felt the rage inside Pammon as it rose.  That fire that occasionally sprang up was there, and he knew what was about to happen.

They are one of yours.  I will fight beside you.

Pammon acknowledged his statement and dove down toward the trees, preparing for an attack Kaen knew would change this battle in a moment.

The second Pammon was past the tree line and into the clearing where the shouts of the men and the roar of the dragon collided, Kaen saw dozens of men dead, bitten in half, smashed beneath the body of the dragon, others wailing in pain.  It was carnage, and yet the dragon was in no better shape as massive metal spears were driven into its body, looped through its wings, and attached to chains held by groups of men.  Others were preparing to drive more into its body when Pammon unleashed the fire he had been building up.

A solid stream of fire ripped across the clearing, a single line of death consuming the men and women who were unprepared for his attack.  Before a single shout could be raised, one side that had held the chains to the dragon's wing was gone, burnt to ashes.

Pammon whirled as he came near the tail where a few attackers had froze, diving down and landing on them with his massive back claws.

Kaen lept off his back, rolling the moment he hit the ground, unleashing death with arrows at those closest to him.

The green dragon didn’t waste time, snapping at those within reach of its jaws that had paused when Pammon landed.  Two men died from the green dragon's mouth before others began to back up and shout.

Kaen took off toward the chains, still holding the right side of its body.  Even without the men holding the chains, Kaen saw they had driven large spikes into the ground, pinning it.

We will save you. Give us just a moment!

Who is we?

My dragon rider and I.

Kaen saw the dragon’s head spin in his direction. Its silver eyes were wide as it took in the sight of him grasping the chain in his bare hands.  He had put on his jewelry and, with all his gear, had no doubts he could break it.

Grunting, he twisted the chain, protected by the wall of fire still burning to his right.

With a snap, the chain link burst open, and with a few more seconds of using his hands to push apart the open link, the chain fell loose, freeing the dragon from one of the two that held it.

You are a dragon rider?!  How?!

Kaen heard the voice in his head.  The tone was different it was.

You are a female dragon?!

They were momentarily shocked before Pammon’s roar brought them back to the fight around them.

Protect me as Pammon protects you.  I will break this last chain.

Kaen ran forward, pulling his bow out and sending a stream of arrows toward the men and women approaching him with weapons drawn.

They fell, most dead, a few only injured as he got to the last chain holding the female dragon on this side and slipped his bow over his back.

The dragon was leaning her neck toward him, snapping at anyone willing to come in this direction, providing him the cover he needed as he repeated the process again.

Ten seconds later, the chain was broken, and Kaen was thankful when she jerked her wing; none of the chain's pieces hit him.

I have these over here. Pammon announced as Kaen saw fire roar into the air on the other side of the female dragon.  Take care of the ones near her neck and head.  Most are running.

Already moving, Kaen drew his sword, deflecting an arrow that came toward him with his shield as he covered the ground like an arrow.  His speed was unmatched, and these sailors were about to learn firsthand the legends of a dragon rider.

He was a blur, striking down one person and another before they could react.  Their heads and bodies were cleaved in half before most realized they were dead.

Kaen could feel the eyes of the green dragon on him as he looked like a bolt of lightning, not holding back and ending every life he got near.

Don’t kill them all! We need one!

Pammon’s shout pulled him from the battle rage that was flooding him.  He slowed down, sizing up the last three people that he saw.  A woman and two men, covered in tattoos and wearing armor, stood near each other, holding spears out as they backed toward the woods.

Dirt flew up from where Kaen’s feet touched the ground as the force he created propelled him at his victims.

The man on the right, a bit heavier than the other two and looking to own a few more tattoos, lost his head before the other two realized what had happened.

Kaen appeared before them, shield up and sword out.  His voice was stern and carried no doubt that what he said would happen. “I’ll give you one chance.  Drop those spears and surrender or die like the rest.”

They froze, glancing at their friend, who suddenly fell forward, his head rolling a few feet in the dirt.

Both flung their spears to the side and held up their hands as they dropped to their knees.

“We surrender!” they shouted in unison, a thick accent coming from both.

“You have seen me move,” Kaen said, putting his sword in his scabbard. “Don’t make me chase you; death won’t be quick.”

Turning, Kaen ran to where the other two chains holding the female dragon were, wasting no time freeing her.

I will kill them! She roared as she shook both wings.

Don’t.  We need to talk to interrogate them.

Pammon’s voice was firm and strong.  Stronger than Kaen remembered it before.  It felt like when Tharnok spoke to them.

The green dragon whirled around to see the dragon who gave her an order, and she almost stumbled as she did.

You are hurt.  Rest.  You can have your revenge later, but you need to rest.

Who do you think you are telling me what to do?  I am Amaranth, and no one will command me.

Pammon growled and stood tall, puffing out his chest as he moved toward her.  She was regaining her footing as the chains had tangled around her.

Kaen backed away, keeping an eye on the two still on their knees, watching some scene unfold before them.

Pammon was slightly larger than the female, but not by much.  She had to be older than him, but Kaen still couldn’t believe how large Pammon had gotten.  The only two dragons he could ever compare him to were Juthom and Tharnok.

I am not commanding you; I am simply telling you that you are hurt.  If you continue to thrash around, you will tear your wings more, making your recovery take longer.  Do you wish to be stranded here, unable to fly?

The female huffed as she eyed Pammon.  She took in his size and his color.  Kaen saw her cock, her head from side to side for a moment before she eventually laid down on the ground.

I have decided I will not argue with you.  I have determined I shall choose to lay here for now.  Tell me, what will your rider do with those two he has caused to wet themselves?

Pammon thrummed, and soon, the female dragon, Amaranth, thrummed momentarily as they each turned their head at Kaen.

It looks like you are up.  Kaen, this is Amaranth.  Amaranth, you are looking at the last dragon rider, Kaen Marshell.

Kaen gave a bow and a smile before turning back to the two prisoners.

“You two, come here now.”

It was impressive how fast they moved, so remarkable that Kaen chuckled.



Aww shit. Pammon got himself a guuuurrrrlllllll! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘