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Congratulations, hugs, kisses, and tears were shared by all except Pammon and Callie, who ignored the adults, choosing to wrestle with each other.

Lady Hurem had prepared a small meal with only four courses.

Hess and Lord Hurem were taking great delight in their child's marriage, discussing the future and what it would hold.

Sulenda and Lady Hurem were already discussing the announcement of this union and a place they could call home and raise children.

Ignoring all those distractions, Kaen and Ava sat side by side on a bench, fingers intertwined and making the most of their moment together.

“You still have to leave tomorrow, don’t you.”

Kaen nodded slowly and kissed her on her cheek.

“I cannot wait any longer.  I may never get a better chance for months.”

She sighed, wiggling her shoulders and burrowing closer to him and his side.

“Then why are we still here?”

Choking for a moment, Kaen felt his suddenly warm, and Pammon let out a thrum at that same moment.

Tell Hess what you still need to do for this trip.  He will take care of it, and I will get you two back to your place.

What… why…

Kaen could feel the humor Pammon felt at what was going to come next.

Your wife informed me you two needed to be alone for the rest of the afternoon, evening, and night.  I was right in letting you pick her as your mate.

Using his finger, Kaen gently turned Ava’s chin so that he could see her eyes.  Behind those emerald green eyes was a spark, and he could feel the heat from her gaze.

“Did I really have to ask your dragon to help?” she whispered, the corners of her mouth slightly turned upward.  “I had thought by now we would be gone from here within the last ten or twenty minutes.”

“But… your… my…” words seemed to fail him as Kaen glanced at her and then at their parents, who were now noticing the small commotion where they sat.

“They are waiting on us to leave you fool.  Do you think they expect us to stay with them all day?”

Kaen noticed the smirks and grins from the others as they knew what was coming next.

Can you tell Hess what I need him to do after you drop us off?

If that means you get out of here quickly, then yes.  Your mate is not going to wait much longer by the aura I feel coming from her.

Kaen shook his head in disbelief.  Somehow, in that moment, he had been content to fulfill a promise to Ava, and everyone else had other things on their mind except him.  Even Pammon was well aware of it.

“Well, if you all don’t mind, my wife and I will be leaving,” he announced as he stood up.

“About bloody time,” Hess muttered, loud enough so that all could hear.

A few laughs and chuckles came from the others, and Kaen shook his head.

“Hess, Pammon will give you instructions on things to do.  Have them ready by when we leave tomorrow.”

Feigning a deep bow, Hess smiled and nodded.

Turning to Ava, he held out his hand.


“Yes!” she exclaimed, almost jumping to her feet without using his hand.

Waking up the following day, Kaen felt the hair and warm skin against his chest.  He was still tired from the long night, but there would be time to sleep down the road.

He moved slightly, eliciting a slight moan as he leaned over and kissed his wife on her cheek.

“If I tied you to the bedposts, would you stay?” she mumbled, not opening her eyes yet.

Kaen chuckled and found a light blanket, somehow only wrapped up around her, and yanked a piece of it free and covered both of them.

“I doubt you could find rope strong enough to hold me, but no, I have to go.”

She groaned, rolling to her side as she propped her head on her hand and flung her hair over her shoulder.

They lay there side by side, staring into each other's eyes for a few minutes.

A frown flashed across her face, and Ava gave him a stern look.

“You called him…”

“How do you know?  Did he tell you?”

Rolling to her back, she lay on her pillow, the only pillow that had managed to stay on the bed.

“No, I can feel him now.  He is close enough that I can.  Last night, he was too far away.”

Moving next to her, he ran his finger through her hair, slowly down and along her cheek.

She smiled, closed her eyes, and sighed.

“You are going to make this difficult if you do that.”

Kaen laughed before glancing at the large doors that were closed.  Ava had not wanted them to stay open as the breeze had been too cool late in the evening.

“Give me a moment.”

Leaping out of bed, Kaen walked across the floor toward the massive doors, not wearing a stitch of clothing.

Turning back before he reached the door handle, he saw Ava smiling as she raised her eyebrows over and over in a rapid pattern.

Rolling his eyes, he chuckled before flexing a moment.  Hearing her laugh, he grabbed the door handle, twisted the massive lever, and pushed with great force, sending both doors wide.

Right outside the now open doors was Pammon, staring at him in all his glory.

Ack! A worm! Quick call the healer. My dragon rider has been attacked by a tiny worm!

Kaen lifted both hands, proudly displaying the middle finger on each of them while Ava erupted in laughter from the bed.

You think you’re funny, don’t you?

Pammon thrummed loudly, nodding his head as he came close.

Perhaps I can knock it loose.  Hold still a moment.

Kaen darted backward, using every bit of the dexterity stat he had to quickly dodge the massive snout coming for his midsection.

Pammon stopped his attack and thrummed louder, vibrating the room so much that a picture on the wall and the jug of water on the table shook.

“He’s impossible,” Kaen declared as he moved toward his dresser.

“No, he is hilarious, and I’m glad he is yours.”

Ava sighed as she lounged in the bed, covered with the blanket, while Kaen began to get dressed.

“I don’t suppose you two would mind if we might put a wall up till I get used to Pammon seeing me like that.”

Kaen stopped, one leg already in a pant leg, the other waiting to go in.

“Like what? With no clothes on like in the cave when we traveled with Selmah?”

It struck Kaen odd that a woman's cheeks could turn red so quickly.

She growled after her initial shock and embarrassment ended, giving him a scowl.

“Should I mention Pammon offered to describe everything he saw?”

You two leave me out of this.  I don’t want to be a party to this conflict.

Slipping his leg into his pants leg, Kaen pulled up his pants and just smiled.

“You may, my love.  Decorate however you want.  In the end, all that matters is you are here when I return.”

He gave his best smile, watching her reaction.

“It seems Hess did teach you a few things after all.  That is a good answer, but never give a woman that much freedom.  You may find yourself broke before you know it.”

Tying the string on his waist, Kaen moved over to the bed, giving her another long kiss before slowly pulling away.

Opening her eyes, she let out another sigh and flopped back down on the bed.

“You two better be safe and not do anything stupid.”

Kaen turned and looked at Pammon, who showed his teeth and started strumming.

Laughing, Kaen just smiled and shrugged.  That wasn’t a promise he couldn’t make.

“I got everything Pammon told me,” Hess said as he passed the last basket up to Kaen after he strapped on the third one. “There are only seven of those arrows you commissioned.  There wasn’t enough time to make more, but I will ensure we get you a few quivers before you return.”

Kaen nodded, looking again at the set of arrows strapped next to his seat.  Their black feathers marked them different from the usual white ones he used.

“I’m hoping I don’t need to use them.”

“Better to be prepared, I always said.  Now, there is a little extra food for you, and the potions from Lord Hurem are wrapped a little more, and each is in a pouch that shouldn’t leak even if they break.  He says that was an intelligent move feeding him that one pouch last time.

Putting the last basket in place, Kaen nodded and tightened the straps around it.

You better make sure Callie doesn’t forget my name.

Hess chuckled as he moved to scratch Pammon’s neck.

“Pammon, I doubt she will ever forget your name.  Sometimes, I think I should change my name to yours so that I can pretend she wants to see me.”

A low thrum lasted for about five seconds before it ended.

“Take care of him.  It’s your job now.”

Pammon put his head against Hess and gave him a gentle nudge.

I will make sure he is not behaving like an eggling.

“Good enough.”

Kaen hopped down from Pammon’s leg he had been standing on to get everything strapped on.

“She isn’t coming, is she?”

Kaen shook his head and gave a wink and a halfway grin.

“It is easier on her she said.  I…” Kaen had to swallow the knot in his throat. “I think I understand now how hard it must have been for you the day we fought against the orcs and goblins.  Leaving her, knowing that something could happen and I might never see her again, leaves a hole that –”

“Never goes away,” Hess finished for him.

Kaen nodded as he bit his lip.

“Look at me, son,” Hess said as he used his good arm to turn Kaen completely toward him.  “You are more than just a dragon rider.  You are a man with a good heart and some decent brains.  Don’t go into this planning on the worst.  No matter how bad it looks or how hard it may feel, know that you can push past all that.  Come home to your wife.  Come home to your sister.  Come home to see this old and crotchety man.”

Unable to hold it back, Kaen laughed as he pulled Hess close, holding him in an embrace for a long time.

When they finally gave each other three taps on the other's back and let go, Kaen heard Hess chuckle.

“I guess it goes that you still haven’t checked the stats on the ring, have you?”

His mouth dropped, and his eyes went wide as Kaen remembered the ring, having forgotten about it with everything that had happened since Ava put it on.

“No, but I will,” he replied, excitement evident by the pitch and speed of his voice.

Simple Status Check


Kaen Marshell - Adolescent

Age - 19

HP - 2765/2765 (28%)

MP - 460/460 (28%)

STR - 42 (28%)

CON - 45 (28%)+4

DEX - 46 (28%)

INT - 36 (28%)

WIS - 31 (28%)


Dragonbound Complete - 25% current bonus to all stats

Blood Ring - + 5 to Con

Wedding Ring - +3% to all stats.  Unlocked: Rune of Fortitude - All HP is doubled.


Kaen felt the breeze blowing through his open mouth.

“Impressive, isn’t it?”

Unable to close his mouth, Kaen nodded and then shook his head after finally closing his jaw.

“Three percent–”

“I know, and with Pammon, I can only imagine how that helps.”

“And the Fortitude rune.”

Hess grunted and nodded, his face scowling a little bit.

“One day, hopefully, you can unlock it.  It is supposed to be legendary.”

Blinking fast, Kaen focused on Hess, who was watching him.

“All hitpoints are doubled.”

“Yes, that is what it is supo… HAIRY DWARF BALLS KAEN!”

Hess’s face turned red as he reached out with one hand, grabbed Kaen’s shoulder, and shouted loud enough to be heard two buildings over.

“Did you unlock it?  How?!  That means…”

Hess was shaking or trying to shake Kaen, who just stood there, barely moving against Hess’s force.  He glanced at the ground, his face bunched up as he solved the problem he was dealing with.

“All three of your physical stats are over forty,” he whispered more to himself than to Kaen.

Hess turned his vision back to Kaen, who stood there with the slightest smile on his lips.

“Are you asking or telling me?”

“Mother luving, goblin humping…” Hess cursed as he knew the truth.

He spent another few seconds shaking his head before he leaned back and began to laugh.

“You never cease to amaze me, son. I should have figured you had pulled that off somehow.”

Making sure all of his teeth showed as he smiled, Kaen nodded, motioning his head toward Pammon.

“I owe most of that to Pammon.”

Lies.  He likes to push himself.  I just carry his growing body around.

Both men chuckled as Pammon spoke, not even opening an eye as they stood next to him.

“So, do you want to hear my real numbers without any items?”

Hess groaned as he took a step back and rubbed his face.

Please say yes.  Kaen has been dying to show you he is bigger for quite some time.  Then, I can make both of you feel tiny after he does.

Scoffing, Hess shook his head no.

“Those are your secrets.  I am proud of you for how hard you work.  Keep them.  Maybe one day I’ll ask when I’m old.”

“So tomorrow?”

Nodding, Hess gave a slight tap with his fist before letting out a sigh.

“It’s time, son.  Go do what you have trained for.”

“I will, Dad.”


