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“I wish I had an answer for that, King Bosgreth, but I do not have one that would make everyone happy.  As I had no Dragon Rider to teach or train me, I could only listen to the advice of the man who raised me and obey his teaching.  He told me how many would gladly kill me or my dragon, happy to use him for parts.  That advice seemed true even recently as someone attempted to kill me with wyvern’s poison just a few weeks ago, and yet here I stand after having been cut with a dagger covered in it.”

Gasps from the dwarves standing before him and around the room caught his ears.  Kaen even noticed the eyes of Dagan and the other dwarves near him widen.  Bosgreth never flinched that he could see other than a few faster blinks than usual.

“It seems many would consider my dragon Pammon and me a threat even though we have risked much to protect Ebonmount and Roccnari.  Even now, I am here to pledge a place, jobs, coin, and land for those warriors from Tanulivar willing to join in the defense of Ebonmount.  I have even pledged spots in my academy where dwarven boys and girls can earn a lifestone.”

Gasps rang out across the room, and the shifting of steps came from all around as those words reached the ears of everyone in this room for the first time.

“I have not heard of such an offer yet!” Bosgreth called out, his voice booming across the hall. “Why should I allow my people to risk their lives for you and a problem that doesn’t concern us?”

Kaen tried to decide how to play this moment.  His mind and heart were wrestling with what he could say that wouldn’t poke this bear more but also prove his intent.

He felt his lifestone surging on its own, offering its aid as a tool at this moment.

“I will answer that question in a moment if you hear me out for a second, King Bosgreth.  Tell me, do you enjoy hearing when King Havannath makes a dangerous mistake?”

Bosgreth’s eyes narrowed, his white eyebrows almost touching in the middle of his face.

“What dwarf doesn’t enjoy hearing of a pointy ear falling on their face?” he asked, his tone a bit more cautious.

“Perhaps you might like to hear that Havannath made a mistake.  He underestimated me.  He attempted to bind me to him.”

The sound of wind rushing into the gathered collective told Kaen he had hit home, especially when a few chuckles and some hard laughter could be heard in the hall.

Even Bosgreth coughed momentarily, straightening in his seat as he struggled to not laugh like some had.

A moment passed without either of them speaking as murmurs circulated around the room.  Eventually, Bosgreth raised his hand, the room going quiet when he did.  Resting his arm on the edge of the stone throne, he tapped his fingers against it for a moment.

He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it, a grin appearing.  Snorting, he shook his head, and Kaen watched as the grin grew bigger, teeth eventually appearing as his lips parted.

“Dragon Rider Kaen, I must say there are not many things that bring a smile to my lips anymore, but even if what you said is not true, you have managed a rare feat.”

Kaen let a smile appear on him as he bobbed his head, glad to hear the tone in Bosgreth’s voice lighten and seem almost cheerful.

“It would make sense that he tried, as rumors have made their rounds for generations about why Elies has always stayed in that kingdom.”

The weight of Bosgreth’s gaze could almost be felt as Kaen watched the king stroke his beard almost without realizing he was doing it, seeing the twinkle of delight in his eyes.

“Tell me, how did that go once he failed that attempt.”

Nodding his head slowly, Kaen did his best reenactment of that moment.

Everyone was quiet as Kaen told them the story of how the last time he had been in Havannath’s presence, he had forced the king to break the bond he had over Elies.

“After that, I strode from the room, leaving the King in disgrace, and went to pack my bags, never to return if I can help it while he sits on the throne.”

A raucous cheer broke out from those along the edges, and even King Bosgreth clapped his hands, nodding his head in satisfaction and smiling the entire time.

[ Story Telling Skill Increased x3 ]

Applause, whistles, and more went on for a good twenty seconds till Bosgreth held his hands up, and it died down quickly, still taking a few seconds to end.

“Two treats in one day,” he stated, his voice no longer gruff or stern.  “I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed hearing such fine descriptions of that pompous fool finally paying for his actions.”

Murmurs and nods came from the other dwarves that Kaen could see from the corner of his eyes.  Even Dagan had nodded in agreement with his King.

Taking a deep breath, Bosgreth let it out and collected himself.

“I guess this brings us back to our original discussion.  You have spoken of promises. I assume you have a way of guaranteeing the safety of those who might take up your request?”

“I wish I could guarantee the safety of every man, woman, child, dwarf, and even elf,” Kaen replied, accenting each one as he called them out.  “We both know that no one can promise nothing will happen or that unseen things cannot arise.  An unexpected plague can overcome even the greatest walls that an army cannot defeat.”

A few grunts came, and Kaen saw a slight nod of Bosgreth’s head.

“I offer only what I can promise.  My academy has already handed out twenty lifestones, and I plan to increase that number to thirty or more a year.  King Aldric and the adventurers guild in Ebonmount have already partnered with me to ensure that happens.”

Turning around to face each of those in the hall for a second, Kaen focused again on the King.

“I have spoken with Elnidith and Galdin, having turned in a formal request with both, outlining what will be offered in compensation for all those who answer the quest I have put out.  It may seem difficult to consider them not being here, but with fewer people to protect, feed, and house inside these walls, it may be better for both kingdoms and strengthen the alliance between you and Aldric.”

Finished speaking, Kaen stood there, almost as if he was at ease and not surrounded by a collection of dwarves, most fighting the temptation to let their mouths hang open in shock at the declaration of what he had said.

“That is…” he paused momentarily as he glanced around the hall, “an actual solid point.”

Grunting and then chuckling for a moment, Bosgreth rose from his throne, creating a stir of sound in his people.

He slowly stepped down, taking each of the steps carefully and intentionally as the guards all shifted their positions, and even Dagan looked surprised to see him leaving the throne.

When he had reached the base of the hall floor, his soldiers turned and saluted as he walked past.  Bosgreth gave them a nod, and Dagan moved, allowing his King to stand before Kaen.

When he was just a few feet from Kaen, Bosgreth looked up at his face, studying the young man who seemed unmoved in the least by how he had given up his place on his throne and joined him here.

“You are a peculiar boy, I must admit,” he declared after a moment of taking Kaen in. “I will make you a deal if you are up for a game of chance.”

Kaen saw the mischievous twinkle in Bosgreth’s eyes and had no idea what the dwarf wanted to do but was left with only a few choices. It was worth at least hearing the king out.

“I’m not one to shy away from a game of chance.  What do you have in mind?”

He motioned for Kaen to lean down, and once Kaen’s ear was near his mouth, Bosgreth spoke, making Kaen’s breath almost rush out at once.

“I will try to bind you to me.  If you resist, I promise to let my people do as you have asked.  If you fail to resist my binding, then you will serve me as Elies did him.”

Kaen stood there, unable to breathe.  He saw the smile the old dwarf was wearing, and while he had complete confidence in his skill, there was a nagging in his heart that beckoned him to be cautious.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Bosgreth backed up a step, his smile never leaving his face.

“Take your time, think about it briefly, and let me know.”

What is wrong? I can tell something is troubling you?

Bosgreth told me that if I could resist him attempting to bind me like Havannath had tried, he would do what I asked.  If I fail, I will be forced to serve him as Elies served Havannath.

Anger, rage, and white-hot fury erupted through their bond, and Kaen could only imagine that if Pammon was here right now, fire would be coming out of his mouth.

You cannot risk your life like that!  It is not worth it!  I would burn them all down if that happened.

Please settle down, Pammon!  I cannot think straight with you like this.

Think straight?!  There is nothing to think about!  This is not something you can even consider!  Why would you even begin to pause and allow your mind to believe this might be the course of action?  That is something an eggling would do!

It was hard for Kaen to think straight, with Pammon yelling in his head and watching Bosgreth staring at him, waiting for an answer.

He knew there were only a few options.  If the King said no, it would leave Ebonmount weak.  His family and all those he promised to protect would be at risk.  His choices were limited, and the longer it took to shore up the weaknesses at Ebonmount, the more he would be pulled in too many directions.

Hold that fury you have. We are going to need it.


The fury Kaen had just mentioned exploded through their bond, and Kaen knew that Pammon was now in flight, upset and coming in his direction.

If you do something stupid, I swear I will burn this place down to the ground!

Relax Pammon!  Trust me!  This is the only way, and we both know it.  If you lend me your strength and fury, combined with my skill, I don’t see how we can succumb to an attack we know of beforehand.  Havannath managed to get Elies when he wasn’t prepared and still failed against me when I wasn’t expecting it.  There is no way we can lose.

The frustration simmered just a little bit but did not go away completely.

You will owe me for this.  I’m not sure what, but one day, I will do something just as rash and stupid, and when you complain, I will remind you of this moment.

Unable to stop the chuckle that escaped, Kaen saw Bosgreth cock his head at him.

“I will take you up on that offer, but I want to propose a second part of that bet.”

Rubbing his hands together in front of his chest, the King smiled, all his teeth showing now.

“I can’t wait to hear this,” he stated with glee.



Ooooohhhh the Stakes have risen considerably.