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“It seems your best still isn’t good enough,” mocked Stioks as he broke the fourth arrow Kaen had just fired at him.  “I would have believed you would be more of a challenge.”

Fear filled Kaen’s heart, and he could feel Pammon’s beating fast as well.

We need to run!  Perhaps Tharnok can buy us time!

Glancing to where Elies and Tharnok were, Kaen was shocked to see both of them gone.

They were alone, facing Stioks and Juthom.

His black dragon grew larger, and smoke began to billow out of his teeth and snout.

Fly Pammon! Fly!

Pammon dropped down toward the ground, trying to gain speed as the laughter of Stioks and the thrumming of Juthom filled his ears.

Glancing back he saw both of them coming after them, faster than they were.  Kaen saw both of them laughing and smiling as they stayed just a few yards off the tail of Pammon.

No matter how he turned, twisted, dove, or climbed they couldn’t shake them.

I can only try one thing! Hold on!

Grabbing the reins, Kaen leaned against Pammon as he felt him dive straight toward the ground.

[ Flight Burst Activated ]

Lurching forward, Kaen felt them diving right at the ground.

It’s too fast!

It’s our only hope! Pammon cried back, not holding back as he made himself as streamlined as possible.

Fighting the wind buffeting him, Kaen glanced back and saw that Juthom was still right there, close enough to reach out at any moment and snap at Pammon.

Faster! I trust you!

With those words spoken, Kean felt Pammon gain even more speed as the ground rushed to meet them.

Hang on! Pammon screamed in his mind as his wings went out to change their direction.

Gripping the leather tighter, Kaen felt his whole body press into Pammon’s neck as he arched his back and wings, spreading them out to catch the wind, and they began to curve away from the ground.

Finding the angle needed to make that turn, Pammon began to climb, letting out a thrum as he knew he would make the turn.

A crunching noise, followed by Pammon shrieking filled Kaen’s ears as he glanced to the left and saw Juthom’s teeth next to him.

In his mouth was all of Pammon’s wing, sending them into a corkscrew and plummeting toward the earth.

I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough…

Those words right before they stuck ground echoed in Kaen’s ears as his eyes closed, prepared to join Hoste wherever he was.

Stop thrashing!  Wake up!

Kaen jerked himself awake, smacking his head against the wooden shelve he had built in the cabin.

Holding his head, he glanced outside the door and saw Pammon’s eyes open and staring at him between the wooden frame.

You’re awake!

Getting to his feet while rubbing his head, Kaen dashed over and embraced Pammon’s neck, running his hands along his scales and listening to him trill softly.

I am.  I needed to sleep to recover and I’m not sure if it was the potion, the griffons, or the injury.  Either way, I feel fine.  Now stop that crying and get me some food.

Laughing, Kaen leaned back and realized he was crying.  Tears were down his face, and he didn’t care as the last five days had been brutal on his mind and heart.

“I just… I was afraid you were never going to recover,” Kaen began to explain as he hugged Pammon’s neck once more.  “Don’t do that again!”

Thrumming, Pammon nodded his head and slowly folded his wing around Kaen while curling him in his neck.

I will do my best not to.  Now stop crying and go find me some food.  I really am hungry.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Kaen nodded as he rubbed his arm once more across his face and slowly backed up from Pammon.

“I’ll go get whatever I can.  Are you able to fly or?”

Pammon lifted his wings a few times and gave them some solid flaps, sending air gusts around him and showering the area near the fire with sparks.

I can but I want to rest it a little more and stretch some.  How long have I been asleep?

Turning to the shed, Kaen began walking to where his bow and quiver were.

Five days.  You only woke up once to eat the other two griffons before returning to sleep.

Pammon lifted his head and stared up at the sky, not replying for a moment.

Five days.  That does seem like an awful long time.  I do remember eating something, but it is still fuzzy to recall completely.

Laughing, Kaen grabbed his bow and attached his quiver to his hip.

Just relax.  I’ll be back as quickly as I can.

Watching Kaen run off toward the woods, Pammon smiled until his belly rumbled.

His eyes went wide as he realized what was about to happen.

Kaen was already in the woods when he felt relief and contentment wash over him.

Seems like you are feeling better.  What has you so happy?

A tinge of something Kaen had not really felt before hit him.  Embarrassment?

You aren’t going to be happy, but we will probably need to move camp.

Did you knock down the cabin?  It will be fine.  I can rebuild it.

No.  That isn’t it.  I think it would be better if I just found us a new spot to stay until we leave.

Confused, Kaen tried to focus on what would require them to move.

What happened?  Why do we need to move?

I’ll just wait for you to get back.  It will be better that way.

Pammon was laughing, and Kaen started laughing himself.  He had no idea what Pammon had done, but there was nothing to worry about.  Kaen was just glad Pammon was awake.


Kaen was almost gagging, and he was still about a hundred feet from the camp.

Why did you do that there?!  Why couldn’t you move somewhere else?

It just happened! I hadn’t gone in seven days, and after eating all that food, it just hit me.  I was just glad I was able to get it out.  Imagine if you had to help me.

Choking down the bile in his mouth, Kaen dropped the deer he had killed and brought back.

You can come and eat this one here.  I’ll be going back out and looking for another but you will need to try and bury that!  Why didn’t you do that already?

Thrumming, Kaen knew precisely why the moment he heard and felt Pammon laughing.

You are such an eggling!

Moving to where Kaen had dropped the deer, Pammon smiled as he came.

Ignoring that grin, and the laughter, Kaen shook his head as he sought the safety of the forest to cleanse the stench that had assaulted his nostrils.

Find us a new place.  Somewhere, I can’t smell that.  And don’t forget to collect my gear.  I don’t want it to smell like that!

It had taken about four hours to gather three deer, but with half a moon out, they were coming to the water to eat and drink.  Thankful that the smell from Pammon had not come this way, Kaen returned to wash up after he had given the food at their new camp.

He was down to five arrows, two of which were not in the best shape.

Wishing he had finished the adjustments to the ones he had been working on, Kaen had no desire to return to the old camp and dig around for them.

That smell would last for days, and Pammon's load was at least the size of a small wagon.

I don’t know why you are so upset.  It isn’t like you didn’t build a place to go to the bathroom.

Mine is built near the trees and away from the camp.  I also cover mine up with dirt and wood chips after I go.  You didn’t even cover yours up!

Thrumming again, Pammon just lay there as he waited for Kaen to return and set up a few things around the camp.

I am glad to see you missed me.  I am sorry again that I caused you pain and angst.

Grumbling to himself, Kaen walked in the direction he knew Pammon was.  It had been hard, and he was glad Pammon was okay, but that smell had been overwhelming.

I now know what Hess meant when he told me once that adventuring was not glamorous.  Who knew my whole camp would be destroyed by a bowel movement of a dragon?

That night, both of them relaxed and chatted about nothing in particular.  Pammon was glad to be awake, and Kaen was just as glad to see him moving around and acting normal.

With Pammon active, Kaen enjoyed the best four hours he had sleeping in almost a week.

I am fine! Pammon stated again as he did another slow pass over where Kaen was watching.  Stop being like a mother hen, and let's fly out of here.  We don’t need to waste any more time.

Fine, but we are going to stop by the dwarves.  I would rather stop there, try to find some rope or leather, and get you a few animals to eat.  It will be a trip and I am out of all my basic supplies.

Fine, fine.  Now move out of the way before I crash into you and have to sleep again.

Ignoring Pammon’s joke, Kaen gathered the last of his supplies and put them into the only basket that would work.  He would have to tie it on somehow, but he didn’t want to leave all the harvest materials he had taken from the griffons.

You’ve grown.  I need to go two notches on the saddle more than usual.

Stepping back, Kaen looked at Pammon and reached around with his arms.  He had gotten bigger.

I haven’t noticed.  Two notches?  That is faster than usual.

Tightening the straps for his saddle, Kaen nodded as he felt how tight it still was.  Not time for three yet, but soon.

Does that mean a whole new set of straps before long?

It does.  I wonder if the amount of sleep combined with the number of griffons you ate had anything to do with this growth.

Maybe almost dying and killing you was worth it, after all.

Ignoring the jab, Kaen finished cinching everything into place, climbed on, and got in his spot.

Enough blabbering. Let's get moving.  I want to be at the dwarven place before nightfall.

Would His Highness like anything else to go with that request?

Laughing as he rubbed that same scale as always, Kaen smiled.

Yes.  I’d like a promise from you to never crap in camp again.

I wish I could make that promise, but we both know I’m not nice.

Thrumming, Pammon lept into the air as Kaen, and he both laughed.

Pammon was right, and Kaen knew it.  Sometime in the future, it would happen again, but this time it would be because his dragon thought it was funny.



Calling it now. Stioks found a way to magically fuck with his dreams. Also, that clearing is going to have absolutely massive trees.