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So... sometimes being a parent isn't easy.  We make mistakes and this week I made one.

Someone had left a pretty negative review on my story and after some words and a being frustrated, I 'returned' the favor on theirs.  It was petty and I realize it now.

Even worse I complained about it to my children.  I lamented some things and even mentioned the act that I did. 

Well my 14 year old took that as permission to do the same thing.  So without me knowing he left a bad review on that same author after finding them on my reviews.  

Woke up this morning and I have a 10 day ban on Royal Road for breaking a rule...

My pettiness and sharing that my children gave them permission to act in the same way and as such am suffering from the consiquences of that action.  

I can't access the site or launch book 2 on RR on Monday and will have to wait another week to share that with my fans.

So don't be like me.  Ignore those feelings and find other ways to let them out. And make sure not to tell your kids when you  do that poorly...



I agree, things can go badly when you act off of emotions. That's no reason not to use them. Was the bad review subjective and informative? Was yours? I think the lesson should not be "emotions bad." More like you said, actions have consequences, these can be calculated and approximated. But, if you act with honesty (I won't add morality, and character) do you have reason to regret?


So i had gotten a few private messages which had been rough. Have family in town for holidays. Added to stress and some dont support what I do (even tho wife and kids do). I made a poor choice and acted like a fool as I felt hurt / attacked. Id need to read again but im unable to atm as i cant even get on RR


IMO if you read something online that makes you PO'd walk away from the computer and go do something else for at least a hour and then come back and see about replying. Or not. Because sometimes its not worth it....but sometimes people also get worked up, misread things, or just take criticism as a personal attack. IMO most authors take reader criticism WAAAAAY to personally and get nasty or just double down on the issue in the comments as a FU of sorts to that reader. Either of those approaches are not worth it and will do nothing to help you, the reader, or the story. If you're one of those authors who treats their story like it was their own baby I'd recommend just turning comments off on RR because you're gonna get triggered again at some point.


I hear it. Being “new” to this I have done well. Normally I let stuff slide. Had an issue away from the computer that had me ‘hurting’ A perfect storm that hurt. Im usually the guy that never gets worked up.