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Thistle and Rowan stood in awe as they watched Kaen and Pammon take off over the lake that morning, choosing to follow them by air.  Rowan had marked a grove of trees that he said would stand out and be a landmark for where their village was on Kaen’s map.

As Pammon tracked them through the air, Kaen studied the forest they had been flying over and noticed the difference in the trees here versus some of the other forests.

There is magic in these trees growing if I had to make a guess.  The wood I burned yesterday the rings were wide apart compared to a normal tree.  Something tells me some of this has been made to grow faster somehow.

Would forest magic seem hard to believe?  You saw what the elves did in Roccnari.

Kaen considered the truth in what Pammon was talking about.  The elves there had made crops grow with magic and produce far more than should usually be possible.  The fields in Ebonmount or even in their own village never produced that kind of growth.  The only thing that had was when Pammon’s crap had been used to fertilize the plants.

What would be the reason for this?  I knew wood elves existed, but no one would say where and why a village, not a kingdom.  There are countless wooded areas all over.  They could easily form a kingdom.  Right?

Pammon huffed and shook his head as he watched the elves darting through the forest below.

I do not deal with kingdoms or managing one.  If they are happy in small groups, let them be happy.  Why force a path they will not survive in?

Rubbing the scale he always did, Kaen smiled, wondering when Pammon had become such a thinker.

With countless miles of forest and land around him, knowing that most of it was not inhabited and that the wood elves were keeping back the spreading forces of the orcs and goblins gave him some peace.  A partner in the days to come was always welcome.

They saw the ten trees that Rowan had talked about, and when they got closer, Kaen saw a small opening that would allow for Pammon to land below.

As he drifted towards the opening, Kaen noticed the bridges and rooms that occupied the trees.  Staircases ran up the outside of trees wider than the house he and Hess had lived in.

That is impressive to see.  More impressive in some ways than the wall at Ebonmount.

Pammon was right, and Kaen could only imagine how they had built such things.

Elves were waving, and Kaen couldn’t help but smile as he saw younger ones hiding behind who he guessed were their parents.

In the center of the ring of trees was one taller tree, and a group of wood elves gathered in a semi-circle ring near the base of that.

Looks like that is the place.  I’m guessing I can’t roar…

Let’s hold off on that for now.

Pammon grunted, and Kaen knew one day Pammon was going to get them in trouble with how he liked to announce himself.

Slowing down, he gently glided to a place where it took a few beats of his wing to stop himself a few feet above the ground.  It barely made any sound when he landed, yet the wind he generated from his flapping sent many flowers and other decorations flying across the clearing.

Great… now they're going to get mad that we messed up their welcoming party.

It’s not my fault.  I tried not to damage the ground or land really hard.  You try flapping wings this large and not creating windstorms whenever you try to hover.

Grinning, Kaen slid off Pammon’s back and landed on the ground with ease.  He saw the gathered elves and their brown skin and dark hair.  So many things that are different from the elves in Roccnari.

As he moved forward a few steps, a trio of younger elves, two boys and a woman, came forward and bowed.  One had a necklace of flowers for him, and the other two carried a larger necklace of flowers tied with vines for Pammon.

They spoke at the same time, impressing him with their use of the common tongue.

“We greet you dragon rider and dragon and offer a gift of the forest.”

Kaen bent down a little and lowered his head for the one to put the flowers around him.  The other two were hesitant as they approached Pammon, but once he bent his neck and lowered his head, they were smiling as they laid the flower necklace around his massive head.

Giggling, they all ran off, joining the ranks of the others who were watching and waiting.

An older elf, bent over some from years of living as his hair was the only one here with a solid white color, smiled and bowed as he approached them.

“Dragon Rider Kaen and Dragon Pammon, we welcome you to our village.  I am Queleth, the elder of this village, and I welcome you.”

Grinning, Kaen gave a slight bow and chose to use the elvish language he had spent time practicing.

“Thank you for the honor and gift of the forest.  May the branches of your trees always provide shade and food as long as you live.”

The elder's eyes sparkled, and he smiled when Kaen used a greeting he had learned from his time in Roccnari.

“It seems the report that you had spent time with our distant cousins is true.  You speak their language well and know the honored greeting.  For now, let me welcome you and invite you to sit down at our table and relax.”

He clapped his hands together, and some servants came with carts, holding a variety of animals that looked freshly slaughtered from the forest.

“A gift for the dragon.  I heard he enjoys eating the animals of the forest.  Normally, we would not kill so many at one time, but since I know a dragon needs his strength, the forest will forgive us for doing so.”

The forest will forgive them?  Do they believe there is a god who protects the forest?

Kaen felt the confusion of Pammon as he eyed the animals in the back of the carts.

Just enjoy the food, and we will talk later.  Rumor has it this is one of the many reasons why wood elves and the other elves split.

Pammon bowed his head when the elves with the carts began depositing the animals near him and started eating them after they had backed away.

“Come let us retire to the table I have set up near the base of the tree.  I look forward to hearing what you might tell us about the world and how a new dragon rider has been chosen.”

Holding back a slight groan, Kaen knew he was going to repeat a lot of what he had told Thistle and Rowan last night. Both had yet to make it here, but then again, running through a forest and flying above it greatly affected one's travel time.

Kaen watched the looks on the faces of all the elves as they listened to him share the details of the last few years.  Some had grunted, and a few had wanted to ask questions, but Queleth had kept them all quiet until the end.

“War…” he muttered when Kaen finally stopped talking.  “Another war is coming.  The trees were right.”

“The trees?”

Nodding, Queleth motioned to the forest around them.

“The trees have been telling us that is why the orcs and goblins have been invading the land like they have not in generations,” he replied, his voice taking on a somber tone.  “We wondered and prayed that the forest was wrong, but all the other villages have reported the same things.  Foolish groups were coming, burning down trees, trying to forge a path through our homes.  They have not succeeded yet, but they have cost the lives of many of my brothers and sisters.”

Queleth stroked his chin with one hand as he crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair.

“Tell me, Kaen Marshell, what do you intend to do to stop this?”

Leaning his head forward a little, Kaen scratched the back of his head as he grimaced.

“Lots of people keep asking me that question, and I have no solid answer right now.  I am seeking alliances with those who would stand against the coming darkness.  My dragon and I are doing everything we can to get stronger and help the other nations fight against what we all know is coming.  I know Stioks will make a move one day, and I pray that we are strong enough to stand against him.”

“And the other dragon rider.  The older one… Elies?”

Kaen grimaced, and the air rushed from his nose louder than he wished.

“I take it that is not a good topic.”

Leaning against the table, Kaen interlocked his fingers and rested his chin on them.

“I won’t lie to you, Queleth.  Elies is dying if he is not already dead.”

A gasp rose from those at the table, and whispers broke out in their native tongue.

“Yet your face tells me all hope is not lost.  What else about him did you not share?”

“He and his dragon have gone to the land of the dragons across the sea to ask them to help in what is coming.  He told me I would need to go at some point and seek their help,” Kaen paused as he took two pieces of fruit and set them on the far end of the table.  “It is a long journey, and I will be gone for most likely almost a month if I go.  That leaves a lot of time for the kingdoms to be unprotected.  Even now, I am not where some might expect me to be, but I have a mission I need to accomplish before I can begin to think about that.  There are many things I must do, none of which are going to be easy.  Each time I go on one of them, I risk leaving the kingdom that stands in the way of his desire to sweep away all those that stand against him.”

Queleth nodded as he watched the younger elves around the table converse quietly with each other.  None spoke out of turn as they knew it was not permitted.

“How would you ask us, the elves of the forest, to help in this fight?”

One of the men at the table stood up and started to speak before seeing the glare from Queleth.  Standing there with his mouth open, no words came out, but his frustration was evident by the red hue it now bore.

“Sit down or lose the spot you have, Varian!”

The elf glowered at Kaen as his body shook, but he forced himself to take his seat.

“Forgive this one for his behavior.  Some of us have not lived long enough to remember we owe a debt to the dragon riders and are obligated to help if we can.”

Trying to hide the surprise he knew his eyes showed when they went wide, Kaen nodded as he took a drink from his cup.  He was thankful they had water and not pressed him to drink wine.  The last thing he needed now was not to have a clear mind.

“When the time comes, I might ask for your best warriors to be willing to fight where help is needed.  A strong bow is a great thing, and I have no doubt you and your people are gifted with them.”

Queleth grinned as he listened to the praise he knew Kaen had given him.

“You have a bow on your dragon, I saw.  Are you skilled in using it or carrying it around like a trophy?”

Chuckling, Kaen knew what was about to take place.  He had heard about the rivalry that existed between the wood elves and the elves of Roccnari.

“I’d like to think I’m one of the better archers in the kingdom.”

Queleth’s grin got wider as he stood up, and he motioned to a few people at the table.

“Seems like we might need to see what kind of aid your kingdom could use.  Perhaps a shooting contest to see just how gifted you and we are.”

“I would be honored,” Kaen replied as he stood up and gave a slight bow.



Aw man. What a cliff hanger 😅 Would've loved to see Kaen show them up 🤣🤣

James Squibb

Let's get ready to rumble!!!