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I was talking with some of my author friends and we were having a debate. I told them I would ask all of you since I always have gotten solid feedback.

2 questions: how much do you have to love a story to talk about it somewhere? Reddit/forums/discord/etc. at what point can you not keep from sharing your love? (Haha yes. Part of question 1.)

Question 2 - are you more likely to be vocal or the story you love or hate?

Ty tor those who respond!


Scott Storm

I normally only comment if there is an annoying grammar/spelling mistake, if I am confused about a plot point or if I really really enjoyed the story. If it is decent with little errors then I wouldn't comment.

Sly Bayesian Fox

I am most vocal about stories I hate/I feel disappointed by. Usually stories have an interesting starting point/concept, but the execution is lacking (often because the characters fail to act realistically or coherently). I share my favourite stories with friends, but not really on forums !