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Three years ago, Kaen would have never even dreamed of sitting with a king, discussing troop movements and military plans, let alone being alone with him in a courtyard.

Yet now he was sitting here, his mind aching from everything they were discussing.  Elies had given him some training about these things already, and he had to understand troop movements and supply chains, all while also understanding their weakness against one like himself.

Flying creatures, especially dragons, could take out the weaker support parts of an army without any problem.  Knowing when to protect one's allies or considering how to attack an enemy was useful.

“In the last few months, trade has come to a halt almost into the eastern sections,” Aldric informed him while running his finger along roads on the map they were studying.  “There are now patrols of adventurers who manage this section, along with the normal guards up to this point.  After that point, it is a perilous journey for anyone else.”

“And no information on Stioks has changed?”

Aldric shook his head no as he took a drink.

“Our assets there have relayed information each week.  He has been traveling a lot between his kingdom and Pensworth.  Rumor has it he has worn them down to the point where they are going to surrender or join him.”

His voice sounded weaker as he relayed that information to Kaen.

“Two kingdoms will have a lot of resources and manpower to put against us.  Havannath will be a pain for a few months after what he did, and don’t get me started on the dwarves.”

Returning to his chair, Kaen watched Pammon as he dozed a few yards away.  His steady breathing might fool some into thinking he was deeply asleep.

You have been quiet.  Usually, you have an opinion when Elies and Havannath talk about battle things.

This all smells like that goblin cave I found.  We know something bad is inside, and our options aren’t really ones we can ignore.  Would you prefer to wait and see what they do first or go after them as they won’t expect us?

Grunting, Kaen knew neither of those options were good.

Moving into Stioks kingdom would bring four dragons against us, and I have no doubt that would not bode well for us.  We need to figure out our next move. Fortify here, scout the areas around us, and train.

Focusing back on Aldric, Kaen saw him smiling as he waited.

“Sorry, bad habits,” he sputtered, realizing Aldric had been waiting for him.

“It’s not the first time I’ve waited on a dragon rider who was talking with their dragon,” he said with a chuckle.  “I am not one to get upset, and your attitude and personality make it much easier for me to look past the things you do not know.  Besides, I have one last thing to give you before today ends.”

Moving past the table, he walked to a small wooden box that was sitting at the base of one of the stone pillars in the courtyard.  Pammon and Kaen wondered what he had inside it as Aldric carried it back to the table and sat it down.

“Here are three possible locations for what you requested last year.  My personal scouts and Herb’s have been scouring the kingdom and the lands beyond for things you asked for.  Some of what we have found are rumors and nothing more.  One is a large area, but we believe the creature you are still looking for is there.  None will be easy, so please be careful when approaching it.”

As Aldric slid the box toward Kaen, he felt his fingers trembling a little bit. Had it really been a year, and they finally had some actual intel to go off of?

Opening the wooden box, he saw three different rolled-up sections of paper, all bound with a leather cord.

“Thank you,” Kaen said, his voice cracking from excitement.

“I wish you luck in your hunt,” Aldric replied with a chuckle.  “There is also a sheet for each creature with a list of items the guild or my own alchemist would like if you managed to locate and dispatch it.”

Are those the creatures I need to eat? Pammon asked, excited by what he was hearing.

Yes!  I’ll look over them later today, and we can figure out which one we might want to look at finding first!

Drool dripped from Pammon’s mouth as he thought about getting to hunt and consume the creatures on the list they had turned in.

Elies had mentioned that some creatures did help dragons grow stronger or faster due to the magical power stored within them.  It was one of the reasons why dragons ate a dragon they defeated.

Standing up and picking up the box, Kaen gave a slight bow to Aldric and smiled.

“You have given us a few other things to put on our list of stuff to accomplish.  For now, I need to go and terrorize the citizens outside the walls of Ebonmount as I go and visit Hess and Sulenda.”

Roaring with laughter, Aldric shook his head and smiled.

“Those two are not who you are actually planning on seeing. I have met their little girl once, and I am afraid she already has her dad wrapped around her tiny fingers.”

A grin appeared, and Kaen shrugged.

“Perhaps her older brother as well.”

Pammon was his usual self and flew low across the outer cities, stirring up dust and dirt as well as announcing himself to the local population.  News had already reached the people that they were in town, and some children were outside on the streets waiting and hoping to see them.

I would roar, but I promised not to after last time, he stated with a bit of frustration in his tone.

You caused a massive accident from those horses bolting and running through town.  Sulenda told me how much it cost, and yes, inside town is not a place to show off.

As he slowly flapped his wings, Pammon snorted, not wanting to dwell on that moment.  It had caused more destruction than he had imagined it might.   The buildings they soared were being outfitted with a new roof.  Only maybe one out of four had them done yet, but the city was preparing for the possible attack of Stioks.

New tiles had been developed that were resistant to dragon flame.  It would not hold off prolonged exposure to a steady stream but would not break from a passing breath.  The magicians' guild had a few samples for Pammon and Tharnok to test over the last year and finally found one they felt worked.  All magical enchantment gear had been suspended, and every available enchanter had been set to the task of preparing the long tiles for homes and buildings.  The downside is that the tiles were white, creating a sea of black, brown, and white roofs that dotted the cityscape.

I will probably just drop you off if that is ok.  I feel the need to fly and look for some food.

Are you ok?  That doesn’t sound like what you wanted to do this morning.

Listening to Aldric talk about what is happening just reminded me that I need to keep training and getting stronger.  When all of this goes down, we both know most of it will fall upon us.

Kaen could feel the frustration and concern from Pammon.  He was trying to hide it, but their bond had grown to the point where hiding things was almost impossible now.

We will do this together but do not forget we are not alone.  We are buying time and building an army of our own.  Every day that goes by, you and I get stronger.  The longer this takes, the weaker and more desperate Stioks will become.

That is exactly it.  If he gets desperate, how bad can things become?  Do not forget he is far stronger than either of us can imagine.

The dream Kaen had experienced off and on for the last few years echoed in his mind.  He had no idea how powerful Stioks really was.  There would be no second chances once they engaged him.  Every second could be their last.

Stop worrying about it for now.  Go and enjoy time with your family.  Tell them I said hello. I just need a few moments to myself to fly and hunt instead of sitting in a courtyard inside the city.

Kaen scratched that scale that got all the love and put on a happy face.

I will.  Just make sure to stay out of the cows.

Thrumming echoed across the roofs as they sped past them.  Kaen knew exactly what Pammon had intended to eat.


Cheerful voices shouted out his name as he walked into the inn he had called home so long ago.

New wooden floors had been laid, stained with a vibrant and warm dark brown color that made it feel welcoming just to walk on them.  The new tables and chairs he had seen half a year ago still looked newish, and the tavern had been completely remodeled.  Copper and bronze adornments, molding, columns, and more all accented the inside, reflecting the new name it had received when the remodel was finished.

He had ignored the sign outside.  It was bad enough the first time he saw it.

Somehow, Hess and Sulenda had found someone to make a sign that looked somewhat like him and Pammon, with fire occasionally coming out of Pammon’s mouth.  Neither had commented on the cost, but both had said it was worth it.

“Welcome to the Dragon Rider’s inn!” Eltina shouted from the bar.  “Would you care for a Kaen Special?  They are stout as they are named after our patron!”

He saw the smile on her face and the wink she gave.  Business was good, and she was running this place with the birth of Callie taking up Sulenda’s time.  She loved business, and if Kaen could make this place make money, she loved Kaen.

“Maybe two,” he shouted, winking back at her as he waved at the myriad of people who had come to the inn, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

“Welcome home, Kaen!”

“Glad to have you back!”

“Have you eaten a bear? You are huge!”

Bobbing his head as he shook the occasional hand, Kaen made it to the new bar.  Wood and polished brass were worked together on it.  On the side facing the guests of the inn was a mural showing Kaen and Pammon fighting against the orcs and goblins at the south of the kingdom.

Behind the bar was a copy of his bow and an empty quiver.

Trophies of the battle, he thought as he sighed a little while glancing at them.

A pitcher of milk slammed onto the bar, and Kaen turned his attention back to Eltina.

“You’re looking pretty happy today.  Things going well, I take it?”

“If business were doing any better, I would open a bank next door to hold all the money we are making,” she replied as she motioned to two of the servers standing around, staring at him.  “Are you done growing yet?  You seem a lot bigger than last time.”

Taking a big drink, Kaen swallowed the milk.  It was good.  Cold and fresh but nowhere near as nice as the King’s milk had been.

“I eat, workout, eat some more, and workout about five more times,” he answered as he plopped down on one of the new stools, dropping a sack he had over his back next to him.  “I don’t think I have taken off more than two weeks for the last two years.  Every day was something that Elies or Tharnok wanted us to learn.”

When he mentioned Elies name, his voice stumbled for a second, and Eltina raised her eyebrow.

“Something you need to share?”

“Maybe later in private,” he stated quietly.  “Now, where is my beautiful sister who takes nothing after her ugly father?”

Letting a loud laugh out, Eltina pointed toward the office.

“They are in there.  I think she might be asleep, so don’t go barging in, or I’ll never hear the end of it from Sulenda.”

Lifting his drink to his mouth, Kaen gulped down the rest of it as he bobbed his head.

“You going to see your girl?” asked Eltina when he was almost finished with his drink.

Coughing, he sputtered and choked on the milk, eyes running and holding his hand out for a towel that Eltina handed to him.

“That was wrong,” he gasped as he got air back into his lungs.  “Wrong on two different levels.”

Smiling and talking in a much perkier voice than usual, she leaned on the counter toward him.

“I know! I have missed you and the money you bring.  Now hurry up and go see those three.  They have been wondering when you would stop by since word reached us that you had arrived last night.”

Wiping his face and chest off with the towel, he tossed it at her face, watching as she easily caught it.

“I got something you will enjoy later,” he said as he picked up the sack from the floor.  “A little treat from the cactus in the desert.”

Her eyes sparkled, and Kaen saw her lips curl in anticipation.

“Are those what I think they are?”

“Yes, and a whole sack full.”

Laughing, she walked across the solid stone block that now ran the entire length of the back of the bar and stopped when she got to the copper bell, giving him a grin.

As she rang it a few times, the entire bar cheered and smiled as they knew what was coming.

“A free round of drinks!” she shouted, listening to those who were there cheer, whistle and holler.

“Drinks are on me!” she shouted, causing the patrons to cheer even louder.

Chuckling, Kaen waved as he walked to the door, looking forward to who he knew was behind it.


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