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Organized chaos would be the only words that could describe what the gathering inside the training grounds at the academy looked like as Kaen and Pammon waited at the east end of the one they always landed in.

Every time they visited, more work had been done, and it looked like there were now three dorm rooms for students and countless other buildings for learning and the staff who managed the facility.

How do they keep growing like this?  Soon, the entire town will be here, it looks like.

Snorting, Pammon thrummed as he watched kids stream toward them in lines, quickly organizing in rows and columns.  None of them wore their uniforms, but it was late, and even a few of the younger ones appeared to be in their night clothes.

Here are the two people we are waiting on.

Following Pammon’s gaze, he saw the headmaster and headmistress walking as quickly as they could.  Both seemed a bit frazzled at his appearance this late and without warning.  It had not been the nicest thing for him to do, but for now, they just needed a place to stay without all the fuss if they went into town.  Tomorrow would come soon enough.

“Master Kaen!” shouted Finn, the headmaster, as he moved his dwarven legs as quickly as he could.  “We were not expecting you!”

Nodding, he waved them off as both were red-faced and obviously embarrassed for no fault of their own.

“We were bathing some of the younger ones,” Racha informed as they drew close. “Forgive them for being in their night clothes if you would!”

“You two, please stop,” Kaen ordered them as he shook his head. “I did not send any notice I was coming, and the hour is late.  These children are going to be sweaty because they have raced to pay me respect I don’t feel I am due.  You two have done well, and this is evidenced by how quickly they all responded to the bell.”

Motioning to the rows and lines of students behind them, Kaen sighed as he saw each group and class now neatly organized and waiting for him to inspect them.

“But still…”

“You are fine, Mistress Racha,” he interrupted with a grin.  “I have told Sulenda countless times how fortunate we are to have you both at this place.  Now let me get this formality over with so that they can return to their dorms, get cleaned up, and tucked in for a night that I doubt will bring much sleep.”

Chuckling, both of them nodded and laughed.  Every time Pammon came for a visit, the kids were excited for days.

Finn turned around and held up his hand, ending all the noise of murmurs and laughter from the children watching them.

“Students prepare for inspection!”

Feet shuffled, and kids stood straighter after Finn shouted those words.  Even the few staff members and a couple of the trainers he recognized had moved into attention.

Walking toward the children, Kaen smiled, unable to hold back the joy he felt at watching these students and children living the dream.

They stood, chest out, arms to their side, and gazing ahead.  He noticed the younger ones struggling to keep their eyes in front of them and often were watching him until they realized he noticed before snapping them back into place.

Occasionally, he stopped and looked around at students as if inspecting them before smiling and nodding.  As he walked past them, the breath they exhaled could be heard.

In one of the older lines, he noticed Frederick but said nothing, walking by as he had with all the others.  After a solid five minutes of looking them all up and down, he turned and moved to where Finn and Racha were standing.

“Do you mind if I speak?” Kaen asked, knowing already what the answer would be.

“They would be honored,” Finn quickly replied.

Willing to help me as I talk?

If that is all you want, I’m not a horse to show off.

You can read what I am thinking, so you know that isn’t the point of having you by me.

Grumbling through the bond, Pammon moved forward, scaring Racha and Finn as he moved close to Kaen.

Yes, but it still feels like a pony show.

Well, if any other ponies show up, you can eat them.

A low thrum from Pammon caused a few of the newer children to take a step back, messing the lines up slightly as Kaen turned and held his hand up.

“Students, I must say you have impressed me by how well you responded to my unannounced visit!  Even Master Finn and Mistress Racha did not know I was coming, which is why some of you were snatched right out of your baths.”

A few chuckles, and some giggles broke out, and Kaen smiled at the group of a hundred-plus kids gazing at him.

“I made a promise two years ago to a pair of amazing boys who I have watched work hard and train with everything they have.  I will be presenting them with a lifestone each as promised and signed via a quest in the adventurers guild.”

Kaen paused as he heard murmurs and saw the kids giving looks at Phillip and Frederick.

“Both boys have no doubt shared with you the stories of them getting to experience flying on the back of my friend and dragon Pammon.”

A younger girl with red hair at the front of the line for the youngest group of kids clapped her hands in excitement to hear about that.

“I want you to know that I will be offering a few other lifestones for those who achieve success in this place!”

Cheers rang out across the courtyard, and Kaen let them whisper and talk among those next to each other for a moment.

When he held up his hands, they got quiet again.

“So tonight, when you try to sleep, remember you need rest to grow stronger.  Work hard and rise up in the ranks.  Perhaps in time, I may one day give you a lifestone of your own!”

Finished talking, Kaen motioned for Finn that he was done as the kids waited to see what else he might add.

“Three claps for Master Kaen!” Finn proclaimed.

Three sharp claps all echoed at the same time as the students did what they had practiced, no doubt, every day.

“Good! Now, head to bed and clean up for the night!  Tomorrow will have something special if there are no problems at bedtime!”

Kids quickly bowed and turned, moving back toward their dorms without hesitation.

“What's the special treat?” Kaen whispered as the children departed.

“I’m not sure yet,” Finn answered as he shrugged.  “I have all night to figure that part out, though.”

Kaen laughed, and Pammon joined in with him.

“If you don’t mind, I am going to turn in while Pammon goes and finds him something to eat.”

“There are a few cows already in the field,” Racha stated as soon as Kaen stopped speaking.  “We were preparing for your arrival in a few days.”

Trilling Pammon gave a small snort and smiled.

Tell her I appreciate her preparedness!

“Pammon would like me to thank you, and he appreciates your planning,” Kaen declared as he bowed slightly to Racha.

Smiling, she turned and bowed at Pammon.

“Anything I can do to help keep him happy,” she replied.

Moving toward Pammon, Kaen waved.

“I’ll be busy tomorrow but perhaps in the next day or two, we can go over details for the lifestone event,” Kaen announced as walked away.

Finn and Racha nodded and took a few steps back as they watched Kaen climb onto his saddle.

“He has grown,” whispered Racha as the two turned and moved toward their offices.

“They both have,” replied Finn as he shook his head.  “More than I can believe.”

The bath felt amazing as Kaen sat there, letting the steaming water wash away the dirt and stress.

You look like you are going to explode.  I mean, two whole cows?

Pammon started to trill until a burp rose, and he let it out, creating a deafening echo in their shared room.

“Oh my gosh!” exclaimed Kaen.  “That smells worse than a dwarf's ball sack!”

Tell me again how you and Hess know what one of those smells like, joked Pammon as he laid his head back on the smooth brick floor in their building.

Taking a deep breath, Kaen lowered himself under the water, hating the fact he could taste the burp Pammon had just let out.

Lying in his bed, Kaen looked at Pammon, who was sleeping and yet still awake.  The last few days had been a break from the constant demands and training they had done for the last two years. No running, carrying weights, flying weird maneuvers and patterns, just time together and seeing old friends.  Under these soft blankets and feeling the breeze that came through the open grates at the top of the building, Kaen sighed.

Tomorrow would have enough problems of its own.

It’s like an army of people down there, all waiting to kiss your and my backside, joked Pammon as they prepared to land in the castle courtyard.  They should offer me many more things to eat if we are this important.

I’m not sure you appreciate just how much food you are consuming.  I talked to Elies, and he told me you should focus on pigs for a while.  Cows take too long to reproduce.

Grumbling, Pammon said nothing.  After almost a month straight of pigs in Roccnari, he had sworn off them for a bit, even when Tharnok had given him a hard time for it.

It could be worse.  You could have to go fishing like Tharnok said some of the other dragons had to do.

I would prefer not to have to do that again.

Snickering, Kaen rubbed the scales he always did when Pammon was being this way.  Watching him learn to swim in the lake at Roccnari had been humorous, to put it mildly.

Turning his attention to the courtyard, he saw Aldric and some of his advisors waiting near a table and some chairs at one end.  There were a lot of people in the courtyard, more than usual.

I wonder if they have heard about Havannath and that fiasco yet.

I doubt it.  Unless they sent a dragon rider, it would have only just arrived in the last day, and what King wants to admit they did something like that?

His gut told him that Pammon was right, but it didn’t mean Kaen wasn’t still worried about the fallout of that incident.  Lives were at stake, and everyone would need to be united if they hoped to fight off Stioks.

Once Kaen dismounted and left everything but his bow and the sword he had taken from Elies, servants came out and brought fresh meat in a cart to Pammon, who was more than happy to accept their gift.

Pammon quickly started devouring the gifts brought to him.

Mutton, that is a different flavor.

Chuckling, Kaen ignored the waves of delight Pammon was giving off and walked to where Aldric was, smiling at him.

“Dragon Rider Kaen, it is good to have you back!  For good, I hope?”

Shaking his head, Kaen reached out and shook Aldric's hand.

“You don’t beat around the bush, do you, your Highness?”

“There is not enough time for that, and we both know it,” he replied as he motioned to one of the cushioned chairs at the table.  “Sit and let me get you something to drink.  Wine or something stronger, perhaps?”


Laughing, Aldric waved him off and motioned to a servant who came out with a pitcher and a plain-looking cup.

“I jest.  I heard you prefer milk, so I have some of the finest milk from my own cows for you.”

Grinning, Kaen moved to his seat and sat down, releasing a small breath of relief.  He still managed to keep from drinking alcohol in the last two years.

After he was seated, the servant poured him a cup, and Kaen could see small flecks of ice on the surface of the milk.

Without waiting, he picked up the cup and took a long drink from it, feeling the cold, rich, and creamy milk hit his tongue.  It was the best milk he could remember drinking.

Putting his cup down, he used his finger to make sure nothing was left on his lip as he smiled.

“You are correct, your Highness. That is the best milk I have tasted.”

Waving his hand, Aldric grabbed a chair and moved it closer to where Kaen was sitting so that they would not be at opposite ends of the table.  Servants started to come forward but stopped as he shot them a look.  Even though the chair looked heavy, he lifted it with ease.

Once it was in place, he sat down and leaned back in his chair.

“I know we have much to discuss, but I must first say you look nothing like the boy who stood before me, telling stories two years ago,” Aldric stated as he looked Kaen up and down.  “You are every bit of your father and more.”

“That’s actually something I want to talk to you about,” he replied as he motioned to the servants around him. “Questions perhaps asked where others cannot hear.”


James Squibb

Real quick point: Racha is the headmistress here, but she is also in Ultimate Lavel One.