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Ok!  I mentioned that this post was coming, so here it is!

I'll be shipping a hoodie to one patron after this week if in US or sending some $$ via paypal (or other method if not in US). 

Working on some store stuff / design stuff (3d printed shirts, etc).

FOR NOW - Rules of contest:

Comment below what has been the best part of the story for you so far.  You only need to comment once to be entered.  Winner will be randomly (via the web) selected from those who comment.  Only one entry per patron ;)

I'll close this on Friday, and remind on Friday that it is the last day!  

Thanks again for supporting me and good luck!



Step dad to son relationship is very dynamic. I'm biased as I had a very similar experience. Obviously no dragon or mining, but the rest is very close.


My favorite part in the story has to be Kaen’s guild test, along with the betting.


The is absolutely no way I can just pick 1 moment as my favorite.


My favorite part of the story was whenever kaen finally acknowledged Hess, and called him his dad.


One of my favorite moments in the story has to be when Kaen finally understood what his reason for becoming an adventurer is


So far hmm...... I want to say it was Kaen and Hess had their moment. It really bought me to tears 😢. But in all honesty it was the feeling of triumph and glory I felt in my chest when Kaen realized why he wants to be an Adventurer. But my favorite fun moment was when him and ol gorl were dancing for the first time. It was so well written I felt like I was there.


My favorite moment was when Kaen had the realization that Hess is just as much a Dad to him as Hoste was. It was very emotional and made me tear up.


My favorite part is near the beginning when Kaen drapes Hess to look at the egg and Hess watched them bond and only Hess understands how much this will change thier lives.