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I wanted to let you all know that while I haven't edited a ton of the Patron stuff (I know, I'm sorry), book one has been submitted to my Publisher for their edits.  I had a Docx file I fixed and changed some things story wise as well as other edits.  Nothing 'major' but hopefully in 3-4 months each of you can get your own copy however you like it. 

I'm excited to find out who will actually do the audio :)  I have a few voices in my head (not like crazy voices) of the characters and am interested to see how it turns out.

When book 1 ends, I will get book 2 uploaded before that happens.  Obviously I still have like 10/27 until book 1 finishes here (Unless I do more bonus chapter days!!!) so i am hoping for another 100k words done in book 2 before then as well as some solid editing.  ((I also need to work on a second cover....))

If you are enjoying the story do me a few things!

- Let me know what you like best

- Leave a review on RR if you are up for it.  Obviously it helps others know its good and helps me as well.

If you have a problem with the story do me a few things!

- Let me know what that is (maybe I fixed it)

- Tell me what you think might have worked better!

As always I appreciate each of you and your support!  It is each and everyone of you who supported me that allowed my wife to 'let go' and let me type!


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