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After spending a while talking with Pammon, making up and figuring things out, Kaen knew it was time to go.  He found the rings listed as dexterity ones and put six on his empty fingers, watching as they shrunk to fit each of them.  His pinky and thumb fingers looked weird with small bands around them, but the added twelve dexterity seemed impossible to imagine.  He was closing in on sixty.

As he left the room and entered the hallway, he found Herb standing across from the door.

“Were you waiting here this whole time?”

“No,” Herb answered as he waited for Kaen to step across the threshold.  “Once the door began to move, I got up and came over.  Find everything you needed?”

Kaen saw Herb glance at his fingers and the assortment of jewelry he now sported.

“Perhaps I should put these away until I actually need them,” Kaen muttered as he began taking them off.

“It does look like you are preparing for battle.  Anything change from what you found inside?”

Kaen grimaced as the door shut behind him, knowing he had to speak truthfully about what he learned.

Herb tapped his finger against his chin as Kaen finished up sharing everything he had learned about his father and mother’s bloodline.

“So what are your plans now?” asked Herb, seemingly ignoring everything Kaen had just told him.  “That is the real question.  What are you going to do with this knowledge?”

Kaen sighed and leaned against the wall in the hallway.

“I need to train, and I need to get stronger.  I have some questions I know I need to ask about this Stioks guy and,” Kaen paused as he saw Herb’s face react to that name.  “I’m assuming that grimace isn’t a good thing.”

Herb shook his head and bit his lip as he gave a grunt.

“That name is the bane of our kingdom and others for a decade or more.  You have no idea how bad he is.  Elies almost lost to him, and Stioks is not a true dragon rider.  If he manages to get a dragon egg and bond with it…” Herb’s eyes went wide as he realized what he was saying.  “Your dragon, how did you get his egg?!”

“It had to be the reason Stioks invaded Elies’s territory,” muttered Herb as he paced the hallway once Kaen finished telling him about how they found Pammon.  “We know that he has three females he is trying to breed, but there used to be four.  She must have been the one no one has seen since they moved into their new keep.”

“What does that mean?” asked Kaen as he considered how that might change things for them.  “That Pammon’s mother somehow escaped and brought him here?”

Herb nodded as he turned around in the hall and kept pacing while he thought.

Pammon, do you remember anything about a man named Stioks?

Hatred and anger flowed through their bond, and Kaen felt confused by it as it came not from Pammon but something else.

That name… it angers me, and yet I know nothing about them.  It is like something inside me despises it and wishes to end that person’s life.  What are you not telling me?

I just found out from Herb that your mother may have been a captive of his, and she escaped from him, bringing you here.  Herb thinks Stioks meant for you to be his dragon.

That same rage pulsed again through the bond, and Kaen could tell Pammon was getting worked up.

If that is true, then I look forward to the day I can bring revenge on that man.

Not you, we.  He is the one who killed my father.  The quest he died trying to accomplish.

Pammon’s rage exploded, and Kaen felt his lifestone pulse in response to it. Whatever he felt was so real and deep that it resonated inside the soul he knew they shared.

Calm down, please.  It hurts. Kaen informed him as he grabbed his chest and squeezed his eyes shut.

Pammon relaxed some, letting the rage slowly begin to flow from him, and Kaen’s lifestone went back to being quiet.

It responded to me? To my anger?

It felt like it did.  It never did that before… do you think it was the new bond that we formed?

Perhaps, but I am sorry for causing you pain. I will try to control my rage better next time.

You are fine. I know what it is like to be angry and upset.  We will figure it out in time and find a way to deal with this man.


“Sorry,” Kaen blurted out as he focused, and Herb, standing a few feet from him, glanced up at Kaen’s blank face.  “I was talking to Pammon.  That name upsets him for some reason, so I would guess that you are right.  His mother may have been the captive dragon, but we don’t know for certain.”

“Incredible.  Being able to communicate with your dragon even down here behind all these wards.”

Realizing he was not focused on what was important, Herb motioned for Kaen to follow him.

“We need to get out of here, and you need to get back to your dragon.  There are things I must take care of, and you are going to need to rest and be prepared for the coming weeks and months.  Things are going to get hard for a while to come.”

Kaen nodded as he followed Herb and the small man's quick pace.

I don’t like it.  Something feels off about all this.  What are the odds that your dad died to the man who enslaved my mother?

Kaen rubbed Pammon’s neck as they stood alone in the training grounds, except for two people on the far end watching them both.

It’s not good, and I’m certain Hess will have some thoughts about all of it.  My real question is, what do you want to do tonight?  We can camp in the fields or the forest, but I must check in with Hess first.

Fancy a flight into town?  I mean, how bad could things get if we landed in the streets?

Groaning, Kaen began climbing onto the spot he always sat in.

I could ask if someone I know not too far from the inn would let you stay at his place.  It is walled off, and I would join you at night.  You could still land in the street near the inn after I get permission and cause all the problems I know you want.

Pammon began to thrum as he leaped into the air.

You know me too well.

“I must say it is an honor you would consider this,” Bren told Kaen as he bowed before Pammon.  “I wish you had warned me though of your visit since a few of my students may require a few days before they will return.”

Laughing, Kaen nodded as he rubbed the underside of Pammon’s head.

“Well, let me intrude you to Pammon.  Pammon, this is Master Bren, the one who trains me in one-handed weapons and shields.”

Pammon gave a slight nod of the head before lying on the ground and watching the two of them.

“It is an honor again,” Bren smiled as he watched them both.  “I would say your timing is impeccable, and I am sure you have seen them glancing from the doorway every few seconds who would love to come and say hi.”

“I thought that was Phillip and Frederick.  I would be delighted to introduce them to Pammon and say hi myself.”

Pammon snorted and groaned.

Be nice.  These two are special to me.  If you aren’t, I might have to hurry up and have one of my own.

I may need to tap you harder next time to ensure that is impossible.

Turning around, Kaen lept onto Pammon’s neck and wrestled with him while Bren fetched the two boys.

“KAEN!” they shouted as they ran, apparently unafraid of the dragon who was larger than all the wagons or horses they had ever seen in town.

When they got close, Kaen stopped wrestling with Pammon, got on one knee, and smiled at the two of them.

“How are you two boys doing? Training hard, I hear!”

Each of them snapped to attention and nodded.

“Yes sir,” replied Phillip as he stared at Pammon, who was moving his head closer to Kaen.

“Good.  Now, how would you two like to meet my friend, Pammon?”

“Can.. can we?” Frederick asked as his eyes went wide.  “Can we ride him?”

Pammon snorted and shook his head no, causing both boys to back up a step.

“He’s just messing with you two.  Sadly, you can’t ride him as he isn’t a pet.  He can hear you, but if you want, hold out your hands like this and hold still, and he might let you feel his snout.”

Kaen turned and held his hand out, and Pammon glared at him as he moved his head forward till they touched.

I feel like some trick animal working for scraps.

I know… I’m sorry, but this means the world to these two; they are my first students for the school I’m starting.  Imagine how this one small thing will help keep them committed to being the adventures this kingdom needs.

Pammon grunted and saw both boys trembling as they stood shoulder to shoulder with their hands out.  He slowly moved his head till they were just inches from his snout.

“Put your hands on his scales.  Feel how hard they are and scratch them a little.  He likes it,” Kaen informed them.

Both of them took a half step, and Kaen heard a slight sigh when their hands touched Pammon’s scales.  They laughed and then began scratching the scales with their fingers until a trill rose from Pammon’s throat.

They yelped and backed up, causing Pammon and Kaen to both laugh.

“That noise is a sound he makes when he likes it.  You can try again.  Remember, be brave and overcome your fears; you might find something worthwhile like meeting a dragon.”

Both boys grinned and rushed back, putting their hands on Pammon’s snout again, scratching with greater intensity until Pammon once again trilled for them both.

Each of them laughed as they scratched, claiming to be the better one at it.

Kaen just smiled as he scratched Pammon’s neck for a moment.

Content to find joy in a few boys having fun.

“Do you have any idea what you have done?!” Etlina exclaimed as she pulled Kaen behind the bar.

“Uh… I tried to make sure he didn’t scare off too many people when he landed in the street.”

Smacking her forehead with her hand, she shook her head and grabbed Kaen by the shirt, bringing his eyes near hers.

“You have made work harder on me, boy!  That stunt is going to fill this place with people waiting to see if you will return on a dragon and have a chance to see him!  I’ll be packed for days!  For weeks! Hairy elf chests, maybe even months!” she shouted as she let go of his shirt and glanced over the bar.  “Look! They are already streaming in!  Hoping to talk to you and get a chance to see your dragon in person!”

“I’m… sorry?”

“Bah,” scoffed Eltina as she moved to her block on the bar.  “Go back to the office where those two are.  One day, I’ll get my revenge, don’t you worry!”

Bewildered, Kaen stood tall and started to walk away when he felt arms wrap around his midsection.

He glanced down, and Eltina was letting go, moving back to her spot again, wiping a rare tear from her eye.

He opened his mouth to ask her why but closed it, content to accept it as it came.

“I’m sorry about earlier today.  Hormones are worse in the morning and afternoon,” Sulenda explained after they had all sat down.  “Right now, I am fine, but I was a little overwhelmed, and it took over.”

“You are fine,” Kaen answered as he watched her relax at his words.  “I just am glad we all made it back.”

“As am I, boy, as I am,” Hess stated as he held up his stub.  “I’m content to be back, even if it's not in one piece.”

Sulenda snorted and bobbed her head.

“That joke is getting older by the day.”

“So tell me, son.  Why are you here?  I know you love us, but I also know you have thousands of things on your plate.”

Kaen nodded and told them both what he learned in his father’s vault and from Herb.

“Hairy dwarf balls, Kaen.  I’m sorry, I didn’t even know.” Hess finally stated.  “How do you process all of that?”

“It wasn’t easy, but Pammon and I are fine.  Right now, I need to know what you think.  How could my father and Pammon’s mother be connected?”

“Fate? I have no idea, boy.  That philosophical goblin shite isn’t for me.  I don’t believe in futures beyond what one makes.  Ask someone who believes in that nonsense and then try to live, waiting for that special one to come.”

Sighing, Kaen accepted that answer.  It was easier than considering the alternative; multiple parents would die so that a human and a dragon could be bound.

“What are you going to do now?” asked Sulenda.  “You can’t stay here as much as I would love to have you at the inn.”

“I know, and I appreciate that.  I’ll go and stay with Pammon tonight at Master Bren’s place, and then tomorrow, the King is supposed to have a place for us in the countryside.  Somewhere with privacy and hopefully cows for Pammon.”

“And what about the girl?” Hess asked as he raised an eyebrow.  “Her father is chomping at the bit after discovering how you saved her to speed things up.  Even more so with the news of you being a dragon rider.”

“I don’t know,” he declared as he gave a slight shrug.  “I like her.  A lot.  Right now, though, I need to focus on getting stronger.  I need to learn to unlock this.”

Kaen was tapping his lifestone.

“Something tells me it's going to get worse before it gets better.  A lot worse.  We still need to deal with the invading army and…”

“You don’t need to deal with that,” announced Hess.  “The King has committed a few forces to help with that now that the adventurers guild succeeded due to you.  There are other adventurers coming from other kingdoms to help with the loss.  Things are changing, and you need to focus on you and Pammon.”

Rising from his chair, Hess moved to where Kaen was and offered him a hand.  His only hand.

“Give me a hug and go spend the night with Pammon.  Tomorrow, go where the King finds you a place and spend a few days figuring out what you want.  Once you do, then find me.  I’m not going anywhere.”

Kaen grasped the hand and stood up, embracing Hess in a hug.

“You know I can never repay you,” Kaen told him as he looked up at the man who had raised him.

Hess started laughing and waved his stump in Kaen’s face.

“I believe you have paid me back in full,” he joked.  “I’m just glad it didn’t cost me a leg, too!”

Laughing, Kaen punched Hess in the gut and acted like he was going to tackle him.

“If you two break anything in here, I’ll beat both of you,” growled Sulenda as she smiled at the two of them.  “Now hug and make up.  This momma is tired.”

“Oh, I forgot! I have something for your child.  Walking over to the desk, Kaen pulled a pouch out and set it on top.  “Whatever your child decides to be, there is a ring for each stat.”

Surprised, Sulenda grabbed the pouch and poured out the contents on the desk.  Six different rings spilled out and came to rest before her.

“This is too much!” she exclaimed.

“Not for my little brother or sister, it isn’t!”



Family is what you make of them.