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Hard to believe it but I penned the last words to book 1. Going to send a week going through all 96 chapters (plus epilogue).

After that review / edit, I’ll start writing book 2

Its a weird feeling but in coming week i have a request if you have time and are willing.

1st if you are willing, tell me things you like and dislike so far. I know there is still 40 chapters which covers a ton of ground. If something from early on still is in your mind, making you wonder about something let me know. I would love to make sure im crossing T’s and dotting i’s.

2nd i will probably be dropping a few extra chapters. I know. Most of you dont want extra chapters but too bad.

3rd im working on combing my goblin and dragon books into one patron and making all future books / stories under that same one.

Enjoy your weekend and ty again!


Brandon Baier

My one critique would be that sometimes it feels a little too righteous. Like he’s consistently making really good choices that have really good outcomes. I am talking outside of the combat. A lot of the stuff with the public speaking and bar. Would maybe feel a little more natural if he was making more mistakes or things weren’t working out as well.


Solid point - struggling with the MC who wins but also experiences loss (ie the loss of Luca and others (later chapters)). Lifestone stuff will hit huge late late but plays a role. If you had to pick a few spots already past to fail, where would you think they work best?


My ONLY, and I mean ONLY issue. Is the length of the chapters. Wish they were longer, but not everyone can be PirateAba with the Wandering Inn. Lol. Great everything else though.


Like seriously. Everything else is absolutely beautiful. 💯 You've started an epic story here and I hope it continues to be as amazing if not more than book 1