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Neither one of them had spoken a word for the last fifteen minutes as they glided a mile above the treeline.  Kaen had only commented once about how cold it had gotten, but he did not want to complain as he gazed at the world beneath him.

Trees looked like ants, small paths and streams carved through them, turning a mush of green into a maze of some sort.

The mountain stretched higher still, seeming to go on forever, making Kaen understand why no one had entered this bowl of mountains till an opening had been cut into it.  Even with the sun setting to the west, he could see far across it, a picture better than any painting he could ever imagine.

The harness was working perfectly.  The leather wrapped around each of his wrists, keeping him secure.  A few gusts of wind had initially scared him, but Pammon reacted perfectly, and with the harness, Kaen did not fear falling.

I cannot believe you get to see all of this every day.  It is amazing.

Pammon thrummed underneath him.

If you think this is amazing, wait till we are in the clouds.  Then you will know what true beauty is.  Not some dark-haired, green-eyed, iron token adventurer woman.

Pammon’s displeasure was still there, but Kaen ignored it, letting the moment blow away all of the negativity.

How about you fly higher if you promise not to act like an eggling and pout over not getting to eat the chicken you want?

Snorting, Pammon shook his snout, launching pieces of snot out that hit Kaen in the face.

I would rather not talk about that chicken.  I have considered flying back and finishing it off for how it spoke to me.

Kaen laughed even as he wiped the goo from his face with his shoulder.  Nothing would ruin this moment right now.

Higher and stop complaining.  I want to enjoy this.

Pammon didn’t hesitate, angling his body upward and flapping his giant wings, sending them soaring into the sky.  Soon, they were halfway up the mountains, making Kaen wonder just how tall they really were.

Pammon glided by them, staying near the rocky edge as he rode along their updraft, easily handling the twisting winds that occasionally struck.  His long hours of practice this past month had paid off.

Look over there where I am watching.  A herd of deer.

Kaen focused on where he knew Pammon was looking.  He couldn’t see the pack for a moment until they moved a little bit, their brown hide slowly moving across a small field of greenery.

I would go and eat one or two if you were not here, but I am not sure I could do that with you on me right now.  Perhaps one day.

Nodding even though he knew Pammon could not see it, he looked forward to when they could actually hunt from Pammon’s back.  He could even shoot from Pammon’s back with a saddle and a few ropes.  That thought made him realize what he was missing out on.

I have an idea.  Do you think you could fly with Hess at all tomorrow? Even if it was for a little bit?

Let me think about that.  He is much larger than you, but with his harness, and maybe if you tied him down, I could manage for a few minutes.

Smiling to himself, Kaen knew that if he could get Hess up here for just a little bit, his plan for tomorrow would work for sure.

“You want me to do what?” Hess asked, a bit of concern in his voice.

“Fly with Pammon tomorrow.  Use the harness, as it works perfectly!  I’ll even tie you to him with a rope if you feel you need it!”

Glancing at Pammon, who Hess swore was smiling, he shook his head in disbelief.

“I know we talked about me flying, but does he really think he can carry me?”

Pammon moved his snout before Hess and nodded it up and down.

Please tell him I can answer those questions for myself.

Busting out in laughter, Kaen took a moment before he could relay that message.

“Pammon says he can answer yes and no questions.  No need to rely upon me to play middle man.”

Reaching out, Hess scratched Pammon’s nose ridge and smiled.

“Sorry, old habits, Pammon,” he said as he shook his head at what he was getting into.  “If you believe you can carry me, then I would be honored and excited to fly with you.”

Hess’s voice had changed.  Kaen could tell he was no longer afraid but looking forward to what tomorrow might bring.

“Alright then.  Tomorrow, you will go up with him for a few, and I will watch the horses and be the one who stays down here worrying. ”

After Hess had gone back to the horses to turn in for the night, Kaen checked on the fire and saw that the log technique he had picked up from Aubri was working well.  All night long, the fire stayed going, never needing someone to wake up and add to it.

Are you going to tell me your actual plan?  The one for why you want Hess to fly with me?

Without turning around to face Pammon, Kaen smiled.  He knew that the bond betrayed him when they were this close.

I’m going to see if I can ride you, and we'll fly to the area we are supposed to scout.  If we can, you could easily be where we need to be by afternoon time tomorrow.  That would allow me to gather the intel we need and give us a few more days together.  A few more days to fly.

Pammon thrummed, and joy flooded over him as Kaen turned and saw a twinkle in Pammon’s eyes.

You may be smarter than I give you credit for.  Perhaps we can borrow the rope Hess is going to need, and you could try shooting if we have time.

Jogging to where Pammon was, Kaen lept at him, grabbing his snout with both hands, trying to wrestle his face to the ground.

Pammon growled playfully, and when Kaen was unprepared, nutt-racked him with the tip of his snout.

Kaen let go, falling backward, coughing and choking, trying to catch his breath.


Pammon thrummed loudly, shaking his head as he looked up at the sky, his whole body vibrating from laughing so hard.

You and Hess do that all the time to each other.  I thought it was something you did when playing.

Groaning, Kaen held his privates as he staggered forward and leaned against Pammon’s neck.

Yes, but we have mastered the art of hitting with just enough pressure to make it ache, not to make me wonder if I will ever have children!

The trees started to echo the thrum of Pammon as his body began to shake.  It was obvious to Kaen just how funny he thought this was.

Well, even though I did not intend to do that, perhaps it is a good idea.  Tiny ones like you might not be the best thing.

Kaen slapped Pammon’s neck, knowing it didn’t hurt but still doing it to let out some of the frustration.

Perhaps I should return the favor to you.

The thrumming stopped immediately, and Pammon put his snout right in Kaen’s face.

There are some things worse than death.  I would not advise it.

Kaen started laughing, ignoring the pain, knowing Pammon was dead serious.

“Don’t forget to open your eyes!” Kaen shouted as Pammon leaped into the air.

It had taken two ropes and a little bit of adjustment on how the ropes crossed Pammon’s body to make Hess feel comfortable.  He still looked more nervous than any other time Kaen could remember in his life.

Be gentle with him.

I won’t drop him, I promise!

Thinking he was going to lose his breakfast, Hess forced his eyes to stay open as Kaen shouted at him to do so.  The ground disappeared quickly as Pammon launched the two of them off the ground and into the air.

Soon, the tree tops were at his shoulder level, quickly falling underneath him as Pammon rose higher and higher.  His heart missed a few beats as he saw over the tops of the trees.  He had seen many forests from different mountainsides, but glancing down, he saw no stone underneath his feet.  Just a less than a year old dragon carrying him toward the clouds.

A few deep breaths later, Hess roared in excitement as Pammon continued climbing, letting him see the sunlight streaming over them from the east across the forest.  The whole valley was below him, and if pressed, he would struggle to say what was more beautiful, this sight or Sulenda.

As Pammon flattened out and took him across the treetops, Hess could not believe how much he could really see.  If he had his map out, he would compare what was on it to what he saw right now.  It made him think about the map in Sulenda’s office.  How they had drawn it to scale must mean people on dragons created that map.

He shivered a little, some from the cold but also from the knowledge of what he was doing.  He was flying!  A dream he had as a kid and now fulfilling it as a grown man.

Gently easing on hand on the reins that he realized he was gripping like a man thinking he was going to die, Hess gently patted Pammon’s neck.  He would owe Pammon something for this.  Perhaps a cow might be possible.

After a few more turns, he realized Pammon was slowly getting closer to the trees.  They were less of an ant or insect and now like a plant, growing faster as their altitude dropped.

I guess I should not expect him to be able to carry my weight for so long.

Hess chuckled to himself as he imagined how much more he weighed than Kaen.  Perhaps he owed his horse a treat, too.

Suddenly, Pammon surged ahead for a few beats of his wings as if energized or showing off, picking up speed for a moment before settling back down.

Laughing to himself, Hess wondered if Kaen had put him up to that, knowing he would clench the reins how he had just now.

As they approached where Kaen was waiting and waving, Hess smiled, realizing he finally understood a small part of what these two must feel.  They were bonded, and dragon riders were supposed to ride their dragon.  He had been a fool for not trusting them both and letting them do what they were meant to do.

The time is coming, and I think you know it, Kaen.  Soon, you must announce that Pammon is your dragon.

As that thought slipped through his mind, Hess was grateful for the wind that carried the tears that had slipped from his eyes.  His time teaching Kaen was at an end.

I have to land!  He is sooo heavy! Moaned Pammon.  I cannot keep this up, or I will not be able to fly with you today!

Then land.  He will understand, and I know he will appreciate the fact that you let him fly with you.  It means a lot to both of us.

Kaen could feel the struggle Pammon felt.  It was as if he somehow knew how hard it was to carry Hess through the air.  As he watched the two of them begin to descend, he closed his eyes and let the things Pammon felt flow through him.

He could feel the struggle of Pammon’s body as it descended.  The weight of Hess and having to lift him as high as they had gone had taken its toll.  Pammon was right. He might be too tired to fly today with him.  Wishing he could help, Kaen felt his lifestone pulse; no, it was thrumming.


Like a thread was tied to it and connected to Pammon, he sensed it as he stood there, eyes closed, focusing on his dragon.

Giving over to it, he felt his strength slip through the bond, flooding into Pammon.

What is that? Gasped Pammon as the strength from Kaen surged through his body.

Almost stumbling to the ground for a second, Kaen caught himself and realized what he had done.  He had given Pammon endurance from his own body, just like when Pammon had kept him going during the battle of Minoosh.

I found out how to return the favor!  I found out how to help you when you need it.

Kaen stood there, amazed at how that connection felt.  It was as if his heart and Pammon’s were connected.

I… thank you.  I can tell the difference in our connection.  I can tell you do, too.

Nodding to no one, Kaen realized he did.  They were now bound closer than before.



Round abouts, how big is Paimon now?


He is about 12 feet from the base of his neck to the ground. From the top of the head, he would be closing in on 18/20 feet standing. Well over thirty feet long nose to tail.