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Kaen moved as quickly as he could while staying quiet in the darkness of the woods.  He had to move a little closer to the edge of the clearing as he could not risk missing out on what might come into the clearing while Pammon could not provide vision.  The truth of how much height mattered for his ability to help here was something he hated learning the hard way.  Perhaps they should have practiced this more, but he had never even considered how flying and looking from above worked.

Kaen pulled out an arrow and watched as the two orcs attempted to wrap bandages around their wounds.  The first one he had shot was barely moving now, leaning on the handle of the axe it had once easily carried.  Each breath was causing blood to escape from its chest where it had pulled the arrow out.  Blood was foaming and running down its mouth also.  Kaen knew from all the animals he had hunted that this orc would be dead in moments.

The other orc was still in the fight, even as wounded as it was.  A gut shot was a horrible thing, but he knew that many creatures could live for hours after one.  Wanting to take another shot at the orc while he was not defending himself was an option, but he could hear shouting and loud noises coming from the north.

I hear something coming, and I can see trees shifting.  In order for that to happen, its friends must be hitting trees as they run.  They will be on you in less than thirty seconds if I gauge their speed right!

Kaen dropped the arrow he was holding and grabbed a punching tip, one he had in his quiver. Thirty seconds was a lifetime in a moment like this.  He took a deep breath as he drew his bow and aimed for the orc’s back.  ‘Smart shot placement,’ Hess had drilled into him all those months ago.  It was far better to make a shot that would be a solid hit versus taking a shot one might miss completely.

The arrow zipped across the clearing and blew through the back of the orc and out of its chest.  The creature stumbled forward and dropped to a knee, letting go of the cloth it had been using to wrap around its waist as it bellowed in pain.

Ignoring the arrow on the ground, Kaen pulled another arrow out, a barbed one again, and nocked it, waiting to see what was coming.

Can you see anything yet?

No, but they are closer! Maybe fifteen seconds max! They are running faster now! Be ready!

Are you going to be here to give me vision when they arrive?

I will be five seconds or so later.  I will circle around from where I am, but my vision will be limited to just the clearing!  Wait for me!

The orc he had shot was struggling to stand.  Perhaps he had gotten a better shot than he had hoped for when that arrow burst through its chest.  With those two injuries, it would not be able to fight at all.

Crashing sounds and roaring was coming from the trees across the clearing.  The orc he had shot faintly yelled out, and its friends hidden by the trees answered back with a roar that echoed through the forest around him.

Two massive orcs, larger than the three he had been facing, burst through trees and knocked over a sapling that was on the edge of the clearing.  Both of them were wearing full leather armor and carried a sword in each hand.  Kaen realized both swords must be at least four feet long, yet each carried them like wooden training sticks.  Both of these monsters stood at least eight feet tall, and their skin was dark.  A crashing sound was still coming behind them, and Kaen realized there were more than five orcs.  There had to be a sixth, at least!

Do you need to run?!  There is another, and it is louder than both of the other two! I had not heard it over them!

Kaen took a deep breath.  He had time.  He had to have time.  This was the moment that he had been training for all those years.  He slowly took another breath, grabbed another arrow, and put it on the string.

Both orcs were advancing slowly toward their companions, who were down on the ground and struggling to remain standing.

Slow breaths.

Let them out slowly.


Kaen willed his lifestone to hear him.  To answer his call.  It pulsed softly.

Kaen breathed slowly again and knew the skill he wanted to use.  He needed it to guide his shot.  Time seemed to slow down for a moment, and his lifestone answered this time with a surge.  It seemed to know what he needed and wanted.  Somehow it answered his call, his need.

[ Archery Skill Twinshot - Activated]

Kaen stood there as his arms and body did what they had not long ago.  The bow was pulled back and moved to where it needed to be.  His body rotated and turned slightly, flattening out the bow sideways some.  The tips of the arrows shifted slightly when his fingers separated the shafts just enough so that they would strike where they needed to.

In a mere matter of seconds, the bowstring snapped forward, and two arrows raced across the empty space in the forest, signaling death for two creatures that had no idea what was coming at them.

A gurgle sounded from both orcs at the same time.  Each of them dropped both swords in unison as they grabbed at their necks, where an arrow had pierced their windpipe.  Kaen stood there holding his bow in shock at what had just happened.

[ Archery Skill Increased ]

They each gasped for air, taking a few steps forward and stumbling to their knees.

The crashing behind them grew closer.

Kaen, you should run! This thing is massive!

Snapping out of the fog that Kaen had been in as he witnessed the death of two orcs far stronger than any of the others he had faced, he knew what he needed to do.

Dropping his bow for a second, he cupped both hands to his mouth and shouted.


Grabbing his bow again, he started moving back to the west in the direction Luca and Aubri would be.

Let me know when it comes out! I’m calling the others!

You do not have time! I can see it now, it's less than forty yards and coming fast!

Ignoring Pammon’s warning, Kaen sprinted toward where he expected to find his observers.  He tried to remain as quiet as possible but knew he was making noise.  Nothing he made, though, would compare to the sound of trees breaking and crashing as he ran toward the others.

“BACON!” he shouted once more as he ran toward where they should be.

A loud crashing sound came as a tree fell to the ground.

Kaen didn’t risk a glance lest he trip and fall or smack into a tree.  Whatever had been coming to the clearing had arrived.

Kaen heard Aubri before he saw her.  She came bursting through the forest with her shield and sword out, rushing past trees in the direction she believed him to be.

Waving his hands, she noticed him and turned to intercept him, with Luca in tow only a few yards behind.

“Five orcs are dead, but there is one larger than any of them!” Kaen explained quickly as Aubri, and he barely stopped running and crashing into each other.  “I killed five! Two were at least eight feet tall, and a sixth one just arrived in their clearing.  I don’t know how big it is, but it has to be massive from the sound it made!”

Aubri took all of Kaen’s information in and glanced back at Luca, who had just arrived.

“He fulfilled the quest, but there appears to be a Mastur orc!”

Luca’s eyes went wide, and he glanced at Kaen.

“You saw it?”
Kaen shook his head no.

“I killed five orcs and ran as soon as the final two died.  It just arrived in the clearing when I made it back to my original trail.  I do not know what it could be, but it is larger than the last two I killed, and they were easily eight feet tall!”

The two of them peered behind Kaen and listened to the noise coming from the clearing a good fifty yards off.  The roaring and thundering of steps were loud enough to reach this deep into the forest.

Kaen, it is at least twelve feet tall! It has a huge mace taller than you and a shield easily as large as Hess!

“If I ventured a guess, it must be close to twelve feet tall from the sound it made compared to the sounds of the smaller ones,” Kaen lied as he relayed the information from Pammon.  “Will we kill it?”

Aubri grimaced, and Kaen could tell she was not certain this was a fight for them.

“It is too dangerous to leave it, and you know it,” Luca stated as he read the body language Aubri was demonstrating.

“If it's as big as Kaen says it is, we may be vastly outclassed,” Aubri argued against him. “You and I both know that is an advanced silver party quest of six.  There are only two of us, and we have no healer!”

Luca sighed and nodded.  He moved up a few feet and put his hand on Aubri’s shoulder, and she spun around to face him.

“We both know we cannot leave that creature here without at least verifying what it is.  We will use a triangle formation and let the forest help us.  Can you tank it while we attack it?”

Aubri shuddered, and Kaen realized she was shaking because she was actually afraid.

“If it’s too dangerous, should we not just flee?” Kaen asked, interrupting them both.  “I would prefer to be safe if we can.”

Luca shook his head no and motioned to the direction of the clearing and the noise from it.

“It will have our scent soon enough and will track us down.  If it overtakes us in the forest, we will be at a disadvantage.  We need to press the attack while we can.”

“I will try,” Aubri suddenly blurted out, but it was so quiet Kaen almost missed hearing her at first.  “I cannot promise I can hold him off long, and I may die, yet I will do what I swore an oath to.”

Aubri stood upright and rolled her shoulders a few times.

“What’s the plan, Luca?” she asked, her voice sounding braver by the second.

Luca nodded and pointed at Kaen.

“We need to move now.  Lead us to the edge.  You will go to the other side of the clearing.  Aubri will stay with me until she has to engage.  I will use the few enhancement spells I have on her and then do what I can damage-wise to the beast.  You need to help weaken it or find a way to end its life.”

Kaen nodded and reached over and checked his arrow.  Only five more puncture arrows were left, and the other twelve were barbed.

“We need to move out before it leaves the clearing,” Luca declared as he moved toward the clearing.

The sounds in the clearing had quieted down as they stopped a little bit from the edge of the opening.

Luca and Aubri both froze the moment they saw the ogre rampaging through the camp, sniffing the arrows and the air.

Kaen glanced at the grass near the clearing and was thankful to see the grass blowing southward.

“We need to go before the wind shifts again, and he has our scent.  He is searching for me,” Kaen whispered as he motioned toward the beast.

Kaen could not imagine how strong this creature must be for the two silver adventurers to freeze like that.  Pammon had been right, this thing was easily twelve feet tall.  It seemed taller than most roofs and houses from back home.  It was as wide as a cart at its shoulders with its armor on.  Massive chain mail covered every inch of it that he could see.  Kaen had no idea how they would manage to harm this beast even if they got past the range it had with that club.

Luca nodded, and Kaen saw a slight green glow from his hands for a second, and then Aubri glowed the same color for a moment also.  He repeated this process a few times, and each time the color of his hands was mirrored by Aubri.

“Go!” Luca instructed both of them.

Kaen nodded and took off quietly, running to the east through the woods while Aubri shook her head side to side a few times and loosed up her shoulders once more.

We are about to engage this thing.  Let me know if you see any openings, Pammon.

Kaen felt worry oozing through their connection.

I am not sure this is a good decision, but I am here. I will give you my strength if needed.

Kaen prayed that would not be needed this time.


James Squibb

Anticipation has been built!