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Kaen was smiling as they walked through the rest of the city like he had just danced with the prettiest girl in all of the town.  He saw the people and heard them and could still smell everything, but now it was not as overpowering as it had been.

“You're telling me that they are allowed to use magic to lure people like that?” Kaen asked as they walked.  Doesn’t that seem wrong?”

Hess shrugged, never missing a step.

“I know why they do it.  If you cannot learn to resist the temptation of the first few streets, you will find the adventurer is not ready for the test.  Anyone who comes through those streets at this time of day is either already impervious to those charms or being tested.  You remember how the guard did not stop us?”

Kaen did.  He had commented on it.

“He knows I don’t need to be told to take a different street.  Anyone else coming in during this time of day is like you or works in the city.  They will direct all other people down a different street until the second hour after sunrise.  Only those like me or you are allowed on this street, and that is why we must be here in the morning.”

“So what happens if someone like me showed up in the afternoon at the gates?”

Hess turned his head slightly and winked at Kaen.

“They would tell you to come back tomorrow at this time.  You would not be allowed in the city unless you had money to stay inside.  If you have money for that, then you would already have that skill.  Those families ensure their children are prepared for that part of the test."

"I want to ask how you can be certain," Kaen argued.  "What if someone was to make it through somehow?"

"They would fail the test.  I doubt anyone will be here today where you could see that, but during part of the test, you would be lured out of the testing grounds if you do not have that skill with at least a two in it.  Again all of this has been designed to help make sure adventurers are ready for actual adventuring.”

Hess pointed at a man who stood guard at the end of the street they were approaching.  The man bowed, smiled at Hess, and then tipped his head toward Kaen.

“He is there to verify you made it through on your own.  Not because I am pulling you or carrying you.  It would look very bad if I did that, but some have tried it before,” Hess said with a sigh.  “Thousands of adventurers died over the years as they came up with a system to make sure new recruits were ready for this life.  Just having a lifestone doesn’t make one an adventurer.  Many people use them for business, crafting, and more.”

“So why is my starting skill so much higher?”

“I believe it is a combination of your friend and your experience already with the orcs and goblins.  You have a connection that helps your mind, and you have already experienced moments in battle where one can freeze and fail.  The five you have right now will take many others, possibly a year or more, to gain.  As you fight stronger foes, yours will slowly increase.”

A light globe went off in Kaen’s head.

“That's why there are different tiered adventures and quests! To make sure that what one faces isn’t something that will overpower them from the start!”

“Exactly,” Hess agreed as he quickly picked up his pace. “We need to hurry, we aren’t late, but we aren’t early either.  I want to be there sooner than later.”

Kaen started walking faster and heard Hess laugh as he passed him a little bit before slowing down.

“Do I still need to focus on remembering the way we are coming?”

“No, that was part of the training.  It would be good to remember as you will travel this path a lot, but it is a straight shot to the guild.  That is why most of these shops now feature weapons, armor, healing potions, and other adventuring things.  You can sell stuff at most of these shops for a good price if you have the haggling skill.  If not, then you should see what the guild offers.

“Should I work on getting the haggling skill?” asked Kaen.

Hess chuckled and shrugged.

“I have it but can’t say it was worth all the time and effort.  These shopkeepers are well-skilled and willing to help you, but they also don’t like giving up too much.  Better to try it outside of town where people might be more inclined to buy something because you tell them a story with it.”

Kaen nodded and realized now that his storytelling skill might serve him even better if he did manage to pick up the haggling skill.

“Enough daydreaming. The guild is just two blocks ahead.”

Kaen glanced down the road and saw a massive building looming at the end of the street.  He could make out a huge water fountain out front and saw people talking and hanging out next to it.

Just a few blocks more till he would be inside the building of his dreams.

"Hess Brumlin!” a short and squatty man with white hair called out as he came from one of the rooms to the side.

Hess started to move toward him, and Kaen stood there mesmerized to actually be inside the building.

They had just made it inside the doorway, and Kaen was trying to take in the main room that the front doors opened into. Huge trophies of orcs, goblins, animals he had never seen before, and more littered the walls and floors along the walls.  A massive rug ran the length of the entire fifty-foot-long room up to a dark wood counter where a few people who he guessed were adventurers, talked with the guild employees behind the counter.  One man had two small rapier-like swords and was covered in some light leather armor like his.  His head was shaved except for a patch at the back of his head that ran down to the middle of his back.  He couldn't make out what the man was saying, but it seemed he was not happy with how the conversation was going.

A pair of women wearing plate armor, each carrying a massive weapon almost as tall as them, were leaning against the counter while an employee counted out a stack of coins.  Both women had skin that was black and stood about six feet tall.  The plate armor had runes running all over the front and sides that he could see.  Each of them had a gold token that stood out against their silver armor.


Kaen jumped when he realized he was not paying attention.

Hess stood there shaking his head and smiling as he stood, waiting for Kaen to acknowledge him.

“Forgive me, Herb, but it seems my young friend Kaen is still awestruck by his dream finally coming true.”

The man Hess was talking to chuckled as he smiled.

“It happened to all of us our first time, I would believe.  We never want to rush that first moment of making it to the guild before all the hard stuff starts.”

The man waddled over to Kaen and extended his hand.

“Pleasure to meet you, Kaen.  Any friend of Hess’s is one I’ll feel sorry for,” he joked.

Kaen laughed and shook the man’s hand.

“Thank you.  Sorry, I just can’t believe I’m finally here.  It is like a dream.”

Herb nodded and motioned to Hess and Kaen to follow him.

“I wondered if you were going to make it today.  I have heard the news,” Herb said as he leaned in close and whispered.  “Some of us know who Kaen is, and we might have bet on the higher end.  Of course, none of us have a role in the final decision, so no worries about things not being legit.”

Hess laughed and shook his head as he leaned over and rubbed Herb’s white hair, messing it up horribly.

“Well, I won’t tell Sulenda, or I’m sure she will cause an uproar if she felt it was.  Can’t have a dishonest woman believing someone else is ruining her income.”

Herb chuckled and reached up to fix his hair.  The way he did it without seeming to be bothered told Kaen it was not the first time Hess had done that.

Soon they were in a side room, and some massive wooden stairs were running along the wall to the second floor.

“If you two will follow me, Thaola is waiting upstairs for the two of you.”

Hess groaned and glanced down at Herb, who he saw was trying not to laugh out loud.

“Tell me she isn’t the new guild master!”

Herb nodded with glee.

“She spent the night here to make sure you didn’t slip in before she arrived.  She has been waiting all night once word of your arrival reached our ears.”

Another groan escaped Hess as he glanced at Kaen and licked his lips.

“I can’t say this will go as smoothly as I hoped, Kaen.  I have no doubt she will make things difficult for you, but I know you will be fine.”

Kaen glanced at the two men who were staring at him with weird looks on their faces.

“Why do I feel like I’m missing out on something I should know?”

Herb motioned toward Hess with his head as he raised his eyebrows.

Hess saw that motion, reached over, and messed up Herb’s hair again as he turned and started up the stairs.

“Let’s go and get this mess taken care of.  Better to clean the stables out the first day than to have to smell it all week while you cry about the mess.”

Kaen glanced back at Herb, who was fixing his hair again and motioned to Hess.

“Not my place, boy, but your father and Hess had a way of upsetting people who sit behind a desk.  Some often wondered if they both had a skill in that with how easy it came.”

Not knowing if he should groan or laugh, Kaen started up the stairs after Hess.

Better to clean out the stables like Hess said versus standing in it for a week crying about the smell.

As they walked up the stairs, Kaen realized the wooden rails had gold etched in them.  Not like some thin line occasionally, but a solid gold line at least an inch wide running up the rail the whole way.  The wood was something he had never seen.  The detailed work of the wooden panels next to him was finer than anything he had ever witnessed before.  Battles were carved in some.  Others featured a forest or what he believed was what one called an ocean.  One featured a dragon and a man on its back, flying through the clouds.  He almost stopped to stare at that one, but he knew he needed to keep up with Hess.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Hess led him along a broad hallway across a beautiful green rug that covered the entire floor.  Every step seemed to want to make him feel relaxed and at ease.  Huge metal armored decorations stood inset inside the walls, holding a sword ready in their hands as if they would jump out and defend at a moment's notice.

Kaen could hear Hess grumbling as they walked.  What could he and his father have done to make Hess act this way?
A few dozen feet led to a small room on the left, and a young elf woman sat behind the desk.  Her outfit was like a pressed suit; she was smiling, looking at them the moment they stepped around the corner.

“Adventurer Hess Brumlin, it is a pleasure to meet you finally,” the woman said with a smile.  She motioned to the door behind her.  “Please go in.  The Guild Master is waiting to see you!”


Brandon Baier

Ahhh. So excited. Need moar!


Haha ty! Got 56 written atm. Finishing up 57 today. Next week kids go to school on wednesday so more chapters coming out quick :) ty for subbing!

John O'Connor

The transition from being a few blocks away to someone coming out of a room in the building is a bit odd.