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“Everything is ready, Lord Zolb,” Blug informed me as he motioned towards the orcs and goblins heading out of town with the spoils.

“Be safe and tell Brar I will contact him at some point. I look forward to seeing how strong you become Captain.”

Blug bowed and turned around, shouting orders at the remaining goblins and orcs who had not yet left with their spoils from tonight. The sun would be up in a few hours and they needed to get to the safety of the forest and use the paths we had planned for them to take back.

“Never in my life would I have imagined this actually taking place,” Vreek said as he watched the caravan of goods and warriors head out. “You have done something they will tell stories of.”

Chuckling, I turned to look at Vreek who was standing slightly behind me.

“Something tells me there will be a lot of stories about you too.”

“Don’t forget the story already told by many at camp about Vreek,” Dirk called out.

Both of us turned and looked at Dirk who was smiling at us.

“What story are they telling about me?” asked Vreek.

Dirk’s face broke into a grin as he chuckled for a moment.

“Why, the story of how you had enjoyed the company of a human woman who was really a man and never knew it.”

Vreek started laughing so hard he ended up howling. Had the warriors still been here they would have wanted to know what made him laugh so hard.

“I still owe you for that one," Vreek said as he wagged a finger at Dirk. "One day I will find a way to repay that debt.”

Dirk laughed and held up his hands.

“I’ll pass. Something tells me you would present a dwarf and make me find out if it is a man or a woman.”

“Zolb, come here!” Turk suddenly called out while the three of us were laughing.

I left the two of them joking with each other and walked over to where Turk was, bent over a map we had recovered from the guild house. It showed all of the major cities of the three races as well as some marks where they believed the camps and bases of the orcs and goblins were. Brar had been right. They knew where his camp was. They had used it as a farming tool for their development.

“What do you think about heading this way?" asked Turk as he pointed to a larger city on the map.  "We could go north and venture up to this forest where an elf city is. There are a few small towns along the way and we could destroy one or two in the coming weeks and maybe lure those who might chase the others away.”

It was a good plan. They would want to find whoever did this and put them down quickly. The leaders of this land knew they could not allow us to grow stronger.

“Dirk and Vreek are you two ready to go?” I called out.

Both nodded and wrestled a little as they came toward us.

“You two ate the hearts right?”

Each of them nodded and smiled.

“Good. Then you two will carry all the meat while we run. I plan to reach the next village within a day. We will cause them to fear the black death.”

“Uh, Zolb, can I ask a question?” Dirk asked as he bent down to pick up one of the packs filled with meat from the animals the warriors had butchered.

“That look of yours scares me. What is it?”

“Shouldn’t we be the green death since we are green?”

Turk and Vreek looked at Dirk and then at me and started laughing.

Turk pointed at Dirk.

“He is right, you know. I had wondered the same thing.”

Shaking my head I knew they were right.

“It is too late to change it now. Maybe later we can be the four horsemen.”

“Goblins don’t ride horses,” replied Vreek in a serious tone.

Turk, Dirk, and I laughed. A joke from our world that Vreek would never get.

“How about this? Whoever kills the most in the next town can choose the name we call ourselves there.”

“Deal!” shouted Turk and Dirk at the same time.

Running north out of the town, we ignored the fires burning behind us. No matter what name we gave ourselves, we would be known as champions for our people. Carving a path through those who would stand against us.


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