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Hey Everyone!

Finally home, finally 'mostly' rested... Jet lag is almost gone.

Wanted to give a few updates and talk shop, future stuff, etc.

Current Stories:

Ultimate Level 1

Book 5 Starts Monday.  6 chapters total next week (one's a PoV swap as some of you enjoy).

Editing it, trying to make it cleaner before you get to see it... hopefully it won't be too bad.

I'll ask - because you know, my publisher likes me too ;)

If you've enjoyed the series, reviewing them on Amazon helps a ton! Also reading them of course does but again, just asking as they tell me I should.

The audio was a ton of fun and I'm about to turn in the stuff for Book 4 so hopefully they will continue to come pretty quickly from Podium.

Book 6 is coming along nicely. Should finish this in August.

Battle Through the Nine Realms

Book 2 is going strong. Working on creating more chapters (man those 9 days in Africa were great, but not being able to access google docs hurt). Don't worry I've got backlog but know that my Viking story is shifting to more writing vs UL1 as I wana keep the backlog going strong.

Book 1 should be released on Amazon Oct 1st and hopefully Royal Guard will have the audio released at the same time.

New Stuff/Stories

So... while in Africa I couldn't access google docs which made writing my UL1/Viking Story really hard. That left me time to do other things.

I did about 18k words in a Time Loop story I had in my head and about 9k or so in an Isekai story I'm looking forward to writing one day.

I'll drop some of the chapters as I slowly edit them (while taking breaks from the others to let my mind recover a bit). Nothing too major but would love some feedback and thoughts when I do post them. Always good to know if it catches ones interest or not.

Dragon Con

Don't forget I'll be at Dragon Con Aug 28-Sept 3rd. If you're there, keep an eye out for a post here. I'll try to say 'hey i'm here at XYZ from XX to XX' That way if you wana meet up, get something signed or just chat, I'd love to do just that!


This is the hardest news (cliff hanger, ends post)...

In August I will have been posting 5x a week for 1-4 stories (depending on month). This Fall is going to be super busy with my kids and sports. I won't bore you but with 6 kids, I'll be running non stop.

Thursday is Jnr High Football, Friday is HS Football/Drumline/cheer, Saturday is my oldest playing College Football.

So Come September I'm going to move to a 4x a week release schedule. That little bit of breathing room to get out of Sept - Dec will help me not get too stressed.

I have discussed this for a while with my publisher and he is recommending I do this.

I'll still be pumping out stories, focusing on the ones you love and hopefully adding more.

Trust me every day I can sit down and type is a win in my book. That said I just need to take that small break to 4x a week.

Contests / Swag Gear / Other Stuff

I'm also working on a way to get more audio codes to give away. I'm buying them from Amazon and hopefully I can figure out the gifting side soon.

Swag Gear - I'm also working on getting new options for the Viking side of things. If there is something you like, or think would make a great 'UL1/Viking/Whatever' item, toss the idea to me and I'll send it to my guy JTB who runs the shop.

Last bit -

Seriously, I can't and won't ever stop saying thank you to each of you. Your support has been what allows me to keep typing. Know that as a community you are allowing me not just the ability to continue to make these stories come alive, but you also are allowing me to help pay for my older two kids go to college.

So thank you again!



i think a cool UL1 item would be a pin of Chibi Fowl halfway in a chest, face first, just digging around. His stubby legs in the air. that would be pretty cool. For vikings, i think that an iron on patch or something with Einar's warbands symbol (when he has one) would be really cool too. I'd put that on my back back or jacket.