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“If I knew it wouldn’t harm you all, I would storm back into that room and tell that bitch she isn’t worthy to sit in that chair or call herself a daughter of Freyr!”

Lyeneru winced at Varitan’s words but didn’t correct him, having already called her some words in elvish that everyone understood by her tone alone.

“Do not give in,” Einar replied, tapping the unrolled scroll that lay on the table back at the warehouse.  “She intended for us to do this and probably expects you to react in a way that allows her to punish you, thereby punishing us.  No, right now we are preparing as much as possible.  I need you to hire anyone willing no matter the cost to make what we need.  Time isn’t our ally and I want you to talk with Osvif.  He has some ideas I like for new items that will help in this coming battle.”

Varitan shook his head, blinking his eyes repeatedly as he tried to focus on Einar.

“You… you know how impossible this task is! We barely won against one, but if three trolls come at once?! How can we–”

Thorodd put his large hand on the warrior's shoulder and squeezed it softly.

“We’ll do it because the gods want us to succeed.  Sure we might die, but that is fine.”

“I’m not a Viking! If I die I won't come back as who I am!”

Einar winced and right there was the real problem his elven friend was suffering from.  Dying for a Viking meant losing power.  That hurt but not like dying for an elf.

“You don’t have to fight. I wouldn’t think less–”

“No! I do.”

The green eyes of the elven warrior shook as he clenched his fists over and over.

“I won’t sit back and let you take this on alone.  I’ll do everything I can in my power to make sure we succeed and I can watch that smug look on Nissa’s face vanish when we return.”

“That’s how you do it!” Thorodd exclaimed. “We’ll make the bitch see just how much the gods love all of us!”

Thorve leaned against the table and rapped her knuckles on it for a moment.

“Lyeneru, do you think we could convince any of your people to fight with us for a share in the reward and fame? Three trolls would provide lots of materials for them and I have no doubts the recognition of such a feat might earn them a summon to the capital.”

A change in their rangers eyes came at that question as she began to nod slowly at first.

“I… I’m certain I could find others who would be willing to join us, especially for an equal share in the trophies.”

She glanced at Einar who nodded.

“I will gladly share whatever we must to ensure this next test goes off with as little problem as possible.”

Bending her neck for a moment, Lyeneru had a smile when she looked up. 

“I shall be off then.  There are many I need to seek out and start making some inquiries.  In a few days I’ll know for certain who might join us and who might not.”

With that their ranger was headed toward the door, a spring in her step as she left.

“You Vikings are crazy, do you know that?”

All of them laughed, ignoring the look Varitan gave them as they did.

“We are but that is okay.  Not all of can glow like you appear to,” Thorve replied.  “Now why don’t I take Thorodd and we will summon Osvif so the three of you can talk while we inform the others of what is going to take place.”


“I think he’s more excited about my sketches and ideas than I was,” Osvif said as he drank slowly from the cup Einar had poured him.  “Do you think the elves can get what I want done before we have to leave?”

Massaging his eyes for a moment, Einar said nothing, weighing everything that rested upon his shoulders.

“Other than perhaps the dwarves, the elves are the only other group who can possibly get all that done in time.  Even if only half of what you ask for is finished, it is still better than nothing.”

His friend grunted and began to turn the cup in his hand for a moment.

“What’s wrong? You only do that when you’re thinking about something deep.”

Sighing, Osvif shrugged.

“Sometimes I wish Guat were here.  I’m glad we were able to be friends. Him and I met a few times without you, and I know he wishes the three of us were together again.  But Guat realized if he came right now, he would forever be in your shadow.”

“Do you think you’re in my shadow?”

“Me? No… you sometimes go way too far to make sure everyone knows the value of what I offer.  If I had a gold coin for everytime someone asked me if Loki or some other god whispers the stuff I come up with in my dreams, I could buy any rune I wanted.”
“Do they?”

“Oh yes, every night.  Right when the Valkyries sing how great I am compared to you.”

Laughing at his friend's joke, Einar picked up his cup and drained the drink.

It was a little too fruity for him. The elven wine wasn’t strong like their alcohol and sometimes felt too dry but it was better than nothing.

“I’ve always considered you my brother.  You know that?”

“I do… who else would allow me to tag along and share glory with me like you did.  If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been in a warband.”

“You just needed a chance.  Look at what we’ve done because you received it.  Soon you’ll be famous for these things the gods tell you about.  Then I can retire, selling your services to the highest bidder.”

Both men laughed and enjoyed the rare moment without the cares of what lay beyond.

Tomorrow had enough problems and for a moment life could be like it used to be back in Kroppr.


“I have possibly found two mages and healers who are willing to join us right now,” Lyeneru said as she walked beside Einar.  “All four are interested not in just the promise of spoils but the fact you cast magic has intrigued them as well.  Just know they are not as powerful as you might hope but I doubted you would care.”

“Will their spells and healing help?”

She nodded, as they drew closer to the forge where the sound of hammers on metal came from.

“Then I will gladly accept them into our party.”

“Varitan is working on some warriors and archers.  Just know there are not many who can afford that much time off.  Nissa has just this morning announced her plans to send a few patrols into areas that never needed them before.”

“I wouldn’t expect less,” Einar replied as he motioned for her to go before into the wide open doors first.

Heat was already able to be felt as they walked inside.  The sun was high overhead and for hours this crafting house had been working non stop.  

Nine elves worked in unison at different stations, creating the metal rope that Osvif had developed after watching how normal rope was made.  Tiny strands of metal, woven together after being pushed and pulled through a process that seemed impossible if he had not witnessed it before.

A few wound up thin strands lay on the stone floor off to the side, successful batches made.  More than twice of the successful ones lay stacked near the forge of ones that had not worked as they hoped.

“They finally figured it out!” Osvif shouted over the noise of two blacksmiths who were forging some axe heads.  “It took some failure but one of these blacksmiths must have a boon from Brokkr!”

“The dwarven god of blacksmithing?!”
Motioning for them to follow him, the pair weaved through the shop behind Osvif until they came to an office where a woman sat at a drafting section, sketching things that matched their tacticians designs.

“Einar, I’d like you to meet Nienna, master crafter of this place.”

 The woman turned, her hair tied up in a cloth, and smiled, soot and other grime on her ivory skin. Her yellow eyes caught Einar off guard and he found himself staring at them too long.

“You can’t buy them but perhaps another day you would be free to come stare into them while telling me the tales of your adventures, Viking Einar.”

Grinning, he bowed and chuckled.

“I’m grateful for your forge and what you are doing for us.  Osvif was just telling me that somehow you convinced Brokkr to give you a boon to aid us.”

Rubbing her face, Einar tried to not laugh yet Lyeneru failed to hold back when the woman smudged more black marks across her skin.

“I still don’t know how that happened and I would prefer it if no one mentions it.  Freyr surely can’t be upset with me yet it is true.”

Her eyes shined and a look of excitement was not hidden by her dirty face.

“I can see what needs to be done, how to craft the things Osvif has somehow come up with.  Even better are some minor adjustments to make them stronger and not snap like he mentioned the other ones had. For two weeks I am yours, provided of course you can pay.”

“I’ll pay whatever I must if the gods themselves have convinced Brokkr to grant you a boon,” Einar teased.  “Now tell me how much can we get done on the list we have turned in?”

“More if you leave me alone but I should get at least half of it.  I have a few other metal shapers coming who will learn what I can teach them.  When I mentioned new techniques a few of my closest friends and rivals are finding ways to put off orders that came in this morning.  All for the Kingdom of course.”

“Of course.”

Nienna turned and tapped the paper she was sketching on.  

“I need to get back to this current design.  If you don’t mind I’ll trust Osvif to see you two out.  He seems to have made himself at home here.”

Not saying a word, the three of them stood there a moment, watching her sketch, using pen, rulers, a compass and other tools to design something Einar hadn’t hoped to get at all.

“Let’s go,” Osvif whispered as he motioned to the door and the din beyond it.


“Two warriors and for now one archer, maybe a second one as well if I can convince you to pay a little more.”

“Pay whatever you must if you feel they are worthy of the cost,” Einar replied.  “Is there something special that makes the one worth more or just them seeking to take advantage of me at this moment?”

“No, Raihan is worth it if he is willing to come.  Some say he was born with a bow, showing up at the tree, holding a branch in his hand and had plucked his own hair to draw it together.”


Snorting, Varitan shook his head as he narrowed his eyes.

“No, just Raihan tells that story but he is probably the best shot in our town, even if he only has one eye.”

“He only has one eye? Did he get injured in a battle?”

Sighing, Varitan shook his head.

“No, the fool did it to himself.  Apparently something was wrong with the other one and it made seeing difficult.  Healers couldn’t fix it and he got tired of seeing two of everything. Instead of wearing a patch, he just plucked it out.  Of course, now he wears a patch, but we’ll ignore his lack of fashion.”
“He would rather go through life with one eye?” Thorodd asked. “That makes sense I guess but how did he become an archer?”

“Ask him if he joins.  Once only one eye remained, he could see further than others and count the hair on an elf half a mile away.  With a bow in his hand, you only need to be concerned if he is angry with you.”

“Pay whatever he asks,” Einar said.  “I’ll trust you to make it right.”

“Looks like we’ve got ourselves eight more elves,” Varitan stated. “I’m doubting we’ll get anymore but I’ll keep checking.  For now it would appear the first day in this adventure has gone well.  Rumors around town are that everything you touch turns to gold and if someone can get away from Nissa’s orders, they want to be part.”

Thorodd began to roar with laughter, pounding the table with his fist.

“That is how it was back at Kopanes! Over two hundred Vikings lined up to offer their axes to him! I swear Einar shits gold!”

“I wish… if that was the case I’d have a full warband by now.”


Stuart Nathan

"Not all of can glow like you appear to,” missing the us make :-)

Stuart Nathan

"More than twice of the successful ones lay stacked near the forge of ones that had not worked as they hoped." That sentence reads a bit weird to me mate. It needs something like 'a pile of failed attempts were stacked on the floor' or something?