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“Twenty two days… I know that isn’t a lot but still we’ve been here over a month and that took us twenty two days for one excursion.”

Einar grunted, not looking up from the lists of materials they had collected so far.  Thorodd was done looking over his list and waiting for his response.

“Based on what I know, we’re still missing so many items that we’ll need to collect.  The capital is where most of them will be procured.” 

Pausing, Einar turned and gave their healer his full attention.

“Tell me Thorve, what did you learn while you and Hallad were here?”

“These people are not the easiest to win over if you’re a Viking warrior, but a healer like me does have an advantage,” she replied with a grin. “I found that the people here are much more open to sharing their opinion on us and what you have done.”

Pulling out a folded piece of paper she slid it across the table to Einar.

“Those men and women are willing to craft the items you said we would need.  Payment won’t be a problem as you have well over one hundred and fifty corpses from those dae thlib. Many are excited at the idea that those trees will once again produce their sap.”

Einar grimaced as he read the list.

“Four days… that’s a long time for so few items.  They can’t do this faster?”

“Talk to Varitan.  That elf loves you like a brother,” she replied.  “You all need new axes which based on the requests is eleven.  That doesn’t count multiple ones.  I also mentioned a thicker and larger shield for our two men who want them.  Right now I agree that Thorodd, for once, is right.  The rest of you should stick with the shields Varitan brought. They’re better than the wooden ones, even if they are smaller and you don’t need to spend time trying to create shields.”

“And then there is the armor,” Thorodd stated as he held out his hand to see the list. “We need new armor badly.  Most of ours is torn, and becoming dangerous of falling off and leaving us with our junk hanging out.”

“Not a horrible thing for some of us,” Thorve said, winking at the second in command.

“Yes, but I would prefer not to have some rodent try to snack on it while I sleep, thinking it's a great snake.”

Rolling his eyes, Einar handed the paper to Thorodd.

“Regardless, armor should be simple based on Thorve’s list.  We have plenty of materials and Lyeneru has already stated many are willing to trade for the trophies we have gathered.  Right now we are flush with cash and are loved by the townspeople.  We’ll do what we must and prepare for our next target.”

“What about Osvif’s stuff? It’s not on this list and it isn’t standard material.”

“Already taken care of,” Thorve replied. “He is meeting with a blacksmith who is interested in taking his design and potentially improving on it.  We’ll see what actually comes from it but the stories that are spreading about the wire he used to trip the troll and bring it down has almost more fame than someone sticking a flaming axe into its head.”

“Anything else?”

Thorodd and Thorve both shook their heads, organizing the few papers each of them had before them.

“Good, then I’m headed to bed.  That goat our host made and the spices they had on it was amazing. Toss in the fresh bread, roasted vegetables and alcohol that we all ate and I’m ready for bed.  Besides, I need to see Nissa in the morning.  Apparently she has summoned me.”

“I’m not sure who is more conniving.  Loki or her.”

Definitely the latter.

Not getting a response for his joke, Thorodd stood and made his way toward the door.  

“I’ll get everyone else working on repairs and training. Rest up.”

Glancing at their healer who waited till Thorodd was gone, Einar leaned back in his chair, clasping his hands behind his head.

“We needed to talk in private.  Do you have any idea about what I’m going to say?”

“Thorve, can we just skip the games and the questions? I’m tired and there could be twenty things we need to talk about.”

“You’re right there is but the biggest is that boon we all received the other day.  I still don’t think you understand what is going to happen when news spreads back in Midgard.  Too many already want to join your pack and potential warband.  This group of warriors is still too new and I hear you plan on adding a pack of shield maidens? Do you really think that is wise?”

“One is my betrothed and unless I want her sneaking into my room at night and slicing my throat, I’m not going to go back on my promise.  They are amazing warriors and completely capable of handling themselves.  Some of them were ones who defended the fort with the stone.”

“I’ve heard, but still… every warrior will want a chance to serve with you.  Each of them hoping to have their rune slots renewed.  Surely you’ve seen how those Vikings fight now! Hallad almost died.  Should have died! All because he felt blessed and would be able to take a hit everyone of us knew he couldn’t.  The thirst for power makes men and women do terrible things.”

Einar knew she was right.  It had been something on the back of his mind for a week now.  All of his Vikings acted differently now.  They were loyal before but now it felt like they were zealots, willing to run head first into lava buck naked if he asked.

“When I return you know about the meeting I’m supposed to have with King Erik.  No matter what I do, all I can be is larger than life.  Only then will I possibly have protection from standing behind walls, waiting till Ragnarok comes and it is too late.”

Thorve began massaging her eyes as she sighed.  When she lowered her hands, a frown began to form.

“Each Viking here also talks about the runes they are going to acquire from you.  Tell me do you really believe you can outfit so many men with that many runes?  Not even King Erik has done what your warriors say you will.  It would take a rune crafter from Katanes of immense power to do what you are asking and we both know they won’t give one like that up without demanding your soul in return.”

“Do you believe Odin and the other gods are involved in this journey?”

“You know I do! I was there for that boon! How could you–”

“Then why doubt that Odin and the others will allow men and women to stand in the way of their will?  What Viking can hope to deny the All-Father too long? How many would believe they can stand toe to toe with Thor and walk away unaffected? Do not doubt what I promised.  This journey is going to be painful.  We will still die.  I think that is why the gods granted us the boon they did.  Each of them knows we are going to die.  A lot.”

He watched her study his face.  

Gone was his usual slight smile and the sense of excitement and hope.  He had shared with her in this moment how he really felt.

A weight was placed on his back.  He was doing everything possible to share that weight with others but most of it still fell on his shoulders.

Odin had been kind by giving him Osvif.  His friend had a mind far better than his for little things that made battles work in their favor.  Skardi was still dealing with something and Einar had ideas, but until the giant approached him and said whatever was on his mind and heart, the skill that Viking had with an axe couldn’t be denied.

Each warrior provided a role that needed to be carried out.  Most men might never come close to half a group as good as this one.  

“One day…” He paused, glancing out the window and the darkness of the night outside.  “One day this will be over.  Ragnarok will either happen or be stopped based upon our actions.  The real question will be, did we push toward the task before us with everything we have or give in, afraid of the hard work and pain?”

Poking at the table three times with his finger, Einar shook his head.

“I will not stand before Odin or any other god and allow them to accuse me of not giving everything.  Never again will I hear that I took the easy way out.  Whatever happens, I’ll hear the Valkyries singing my name because they carry a real warrior in their arms.”

Smiling softly, Thorve bent her neck and then rose.

“I pray you are the one who unites us as we should be.  Know I’m yours to command.”

“Thank you. Now go and get some rest.  We’re going to have some very busy days before we leave again.”


I swear this woman is a bitch… oh what I would do to call her a Karen yet she wouldn’t even understand what I’m saying.

Keeping his face neutral, Einar listened to Lyeneru defend them once more.

“Nissa you cannot deny what they accomplished! In less than a month!”

“They did nothing more than what any group of elves could have done had we desired to send them to deal with those problems.  Now hush and let the Viking and I talk again.”

He could see Lyeneru’s face fighting back the red color that had appeared again.

“Einar… your men and you did accomplish more than I had expected was possible from Vikings.  However I’m afraid this still isn’t enough to earn you even a mention of your deeds to the King and Queen.  Still somehow someone sent news of the clearing of our lisse galad camp and now the advisor for the King wants a report of something truly worthy and my hands are now tied.”

A smirk appeared as she leaned forward on her chair, one hand pressed against the armrest.  Those blue eyes looked cold, almost able to freeze someone's heart and soul if they understood the lack of character behind them.

“I’ve given this much thought over the last few days as word reached me and I’m afraid only one thing is possible if you are going to get the chance you desperately need and want.”

She snapped her long, well manicured fingers and a man came forward, bowling low and handed her a scroll.

“It would appear that this is your next mission.  Either succeed and accomplish it or head back to Midgard.  Either way you must decide and be gone in four days.”

“Four days?!” 

Varitan’s outburst turned Nissa’s smirk into a frown and her eyes glared at the elf beside Einar.

“You dare question my orders?! I will have you sent to the barren lands and let you serve the rest of your time there, defending against the shadows that rise up from the graves!”

The elven warrior flinched, his face looked pained as he looked at the floor.

“Whatever the request is, I accept.”

Einar’s tone almost surprised himself.  

“You don’t even know what it is,” Nissa replied, grinning at his apparent foolishness. “You would accept this task?”

“Surely you would choose something that is worthy of helping your people.  I came here to show that Vikings are going to do what was promised of us.  So whatever quest is on that scroll will be done or we will die trying over and over.”

As Nissa’s face changed, a memory appeared in Einar’s brain.

She’s smiling like the Grinch in that damn cartoon!

“Very well.  Varitan, come and take this scroll to one who understands the chain of command.  I’d suggest,” she paused as she held it out, waiting for the elven warrior to retrieve it, “that you wait until you are sitting down before you open it.  Doing so now and saying the wrong thing will find yourself on a horse, led by my guards to your new home.”

Einar watched as his friend’s arm shook, not from fear but from rage.  

Taking the scroll Varitan gave a bow and then moved back to stand by Einar, not saying a word or looking at the scroll.

“Good!” Nissa exclaimed, clapping her hands and then leaning back in her chair. “I wish you the best of luck.  Prepare well.”

With her last comment the doors to her hall opened and the three of them turned, walking away from the woman who appeared to have no heart at all.



Fuck it’s gonna be some sort of colony of hill giants or a fricking Grendel beast or some shit. I think Einar should tell Osvif about his Valkyrie blessing, or someone. It’s a strategic asset because he can throw himself into the biggest danger and die without fear of damaged rune slots That said, pretty sure this next mission will kill off most of the pack :( Thanks for the chapter!

