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“I hate dressing up,” Thorodd grumbled. “Feel like I’m headed toward my own funeral.”

“It’s a clean pair of clothes and a shirt, not the same leather armor you want to sleep in,” Thorve replied, frowning at the giant who tugged at his pants. “Stop doing that or they’ll think you crapped in them.”

Trying to ignore the pair, Einar continued to study the room they were left to wait in.  He had already touched most of the walls, amazed at the reliefs carved within stones.  Here there were white, pink, green and even a single elf sized piece of what had to be marble.  All were expertly worked by someone that knew how to shape stone.

The piece of marble had been turned into a statue of two elves, coming together at the hip, a man and a woman, staring into each other's eyes.

A single large crack ran through the marble in the middle, yet the artist had incorporated it into the statue, creating a space between the two that looked like something was trying to keep them apart, yet they clung to each other, not allowing it.

The sound of a knock had them all turning to the door that swung open and Lyeneru entered in.

She smiled, motioning with her head for them to come to her.

“Nissa is ready.”

They followed her through the tall halls that were at least fifteen feet tall, crafted in an arch the entire way.  

Lifesize statues lined the hallway. Each of them looked lifelike and Einar laughed the first time a real guard moved when they passed, surprising Thorodd who jumped sideways, not realizing that every third statue was a real elf.

“Your outfit seems out of place from the usual leather armor.”

A shade of red appeared on Lyenure’s cheeks, arms tightening a little as she walked.

The loose fitting fabric was belted and did not hide the fact she had curves and a shape, unlike her armor.  Her hair was woven into a braid, fitted with a few gems and some flowers, turning her from the ranger who could kill a beast with one shot into something from a fairytale.

“If you make any comments I may stab you.”

Chuckling, Einar shook his head and just grinned. 

“I would prefer to come out of whatever is about to take place uninjured if possible.  If not, that is why I brought along our healer.”


A white wooden seat appeared to have been carved into the tree that ran along the back of the hall they were gathered in.  Only four guards stood near the woman who wore a green robe, with gold embroidered runes on the bottom fringe.  Her green eyes sparkled as she studied the four people ten feet away.

Ornate paintings hung all over the walls, along with tapestries depicting Freyr.  Yet the room seemed absent of joy and life.  

“Welcome to Camalin.  Word has reached me from Ithil that the claims you all made about being given a boon is true.  Combined with the knowledge that Lyeneru has received a boon from Freyr I must open our city to you.  Please realize that while you may go anywhere and explore, we expect you to act as one befitting the title friend of elves.”

If her voice was a file, I’m pretty sure she would have just taken off most of my skin… does this woman dislike us that bad?

Bending his neck, Einar never took his eyes off the elf, studying every tick or movement she made.

The slightest curve of her lips came as his head moved.

“We are grateful for that title and the ability to be of help to the elves of Alfheim and their god, Freyr.  I will ensure my men understand the behavior expected of them.”

A simple flick of her hand as she leaned against the arm of the chair casually tossed away his words.

“Both Varitan and Lyeneru speak highly of you. I notice that somehow you have managed not only to slay four migos or five shadow walkers, but that you also have acquired a bracelet from one of your guides.  Tell me warrior Einar, how does a Viking like yourself manage all these things in such a short time?”

“I simply go where the threads of the Norns take me.  They have led me here to help with those monsters and creatures which plague your people.  Soon the time will come where I shall return home for a bit before heading out to visit the dwarves in Nidavellir.”

“What business do you have with the dwarves?! Surely they can deal with the things under the ground and do not need the assistance of Vikings.”

Staying calm, Einar nodded.

“That is true but as we need a few items to make the runes Odin has granted us knowledge of, we shall seek them out and offer our services in trade.  Gold has its uses, but I also know that sometimes a dwarf would be far happier to send someone else to mine or slay something so they can work the forge.”

“And what is it exactly you need from us?” 

Her eyes narrowed and Nissa leaned forward slightly.

“I gave a list to Varitan and he assured me it would make its way to you.  We will barter with the trophies we have collected as well as the other ones we plan on acquiring.  I know some things will require a trip to Lho Allanar, where perhaps we might earn an audience with—”

“Do not get ahead of yourselves!”

Max saw the other three react, flinching at Nissa’s outburst as her eyes narrowed and a finger pointed at him.

“The King and the Queen are not to be talked as if they are someone any Viking would be worthy of! Do you think you could simply stroll into the palace and demand them to allow you to bask in their glory?!”

Counting to five, Einar breathed slowly, making sure to not react.

“Forgive me Nissa, I had not intended to disrespect your King or Queen at all.  I simply hope as any Viking might that one day we could catch just the smallest glimpse of their beauty and know that Freyr himself was the reason for such a blessing.”

Snorting, she nodded and leaned back against the chair.

“Perhaps you are not as foolish as so many others.  You are right, that even just a glimpse of them for a heartbeat is more than one would ever deserve.  Now go! I shall have the list looked over by my people and as you perform things worthy of items we can trade, they shall be moved to the warehouse you currently occupy for free.”

Her tone changed again, and Einar bent his neck once more.

“Then we shall not attempt to take up any more of your precious and important time.  If it would be permitted, I shall leave and return to my people, ensuring they understand what is expected of them and prepare to leave tomorrow and once again find a way to be of assistance to your land.”

Once more that same left hand flicked, twice this time and Lyeneru gave a deep bow.  Turning they followed her out the large doors that echoed in the hallway as they shut.

“Say nothing,” their guide whispered.

Everyone remained silent, their footsteps on the stones making the only noise to be heard as they left.


“Forgive her, she does not know you like Varitan and I do.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” Einar replied. “I have met people like her before and there is something broken within.  I’m not certain it can ever be fixed and I doubt it matters if a Viking, dwarf or even an elf like yourself visits her.  All experience the same attitude.”

Lyeneru’s eyes began to grow as she stared at Einar and then she began to laugh, wiping away a few tears that came as she continued her outburst for a while.

“You have no idea… many say that she is perhaps not a full… No, if I said those things and word got out I would suffer as those that I love would.  Nissa does not take kindly to those who sully her bloodline.  For now I would insist you do everything possible to stay out of her way until there is no doubt that you have earned the favor of the King and Queen.  Once that happens you will find her willing to lick your shoes or bed you.”

Thorodd groaned and it caused their guide to turn and look at him with a perplexed expression.

“Do not provide Einar a chance to bed a woman. The stories I could tell you might turn your hair… well… it’s already white but perhaps it might curl it.”

“Elvish hair doesn’t curl.”

Thorve and Einar began to laugh as Thorodd rode with his mouth open, not certain if Lyeneru was joking with him or had missed the intention of his comment completely.

“Is every Viking like this or just Einar?”

Cackling from Thorve turned into a coughing fit as she held onto the reins of her horse, trying not to fall.

“Ignore them,” Einar replied, giving Thorrod a glare. “I belong to one woman now and he seems to forget that.”

“All Viking men… some Viking women… they all… are like that,” Thorve finally managed to get out between breaths. “If Odin hadn’t made it… so we only bear a few children… Midgard would be bursting with Vikings.”

“I guess the stories are true then.  Many tales speak about how Viking warriors howl at the moon and seek those elves willing to succumb to the dance they try to perform.”

“How much further is the warehouse?”

“Just about four blocks–”

Einar gave his horse a gentle squeeze of his legs and the slightest lift of the reins, signaling he wanted to go faster, leaving Lyeneru unable to finish her reply.

As he galloped away, Thorve’s cackling returned, echoing off the stone homes and buildings.


“This is where I would go first,” Varitan stated. He tapped the map rolled out on the table again. “If you go here there are multiple reports of creatures which are a threat to my people and a few that speak of things we would rather not fight yet you are built for.”

Grimacing, Einar nodded.  It was further out but to hear there is a troll in this land so close was a boon.  The materials they would provide would be higher quality as the power from Yggdrasil was stronger here, infusing them and at the same time, making the trolls deadlier.

“He’s right.  If we go there and are able to succeed without too many losses, we can gather a large amount of reagents for our runes while earning more for the items we need.”

“Would your people be willing to follow us? We would need a steady supply of wagons if what we are wanting to do succeeds.  Otherwise so many materials would go to waste and that wouldn’t be good for either of us.”

Varitan glanced at Lyeneru who was nodding.

“We could have a large wagon come with you as we leave, and then request one every three days.  Provided we don’t have three wagons waiting at one time, no one would complain.  Still I would need to hire guards to go with them and that would cut into the costs.”

“I thought we were friends,” Einar said, doing his best to look hurt.

Lyeneru rolled her green eyes.  

“Friends or not, I cannot expect them to work for free and if Nissa found out I had requested such a thing, neither of us would want to endure that conversation before her.  Still I can perhaps lessen the initial pain by seeking those who might be willing to accept a share of what they bring back.”

Thorodd grimaced but nodded.

“That would be best for us right now.  Since our money is limited and we are operating off the first two successes, until we gather more, splitting the trophies is our easiest way to not end up in debt.”

Both elves watched as Einar scratched his chin, waiting for his response.

“He is right. If you can find those who are willing to operate the wagon as well as protect it for a portion of the trophies, we will do our best to fill all of them as quickly as we can.”

Laughing, Varitan absently touched his troll tooth necklace.

“I shall leave and start working on those logistics then. You all please don’t get drunk tonight.  I would prefer not to be around drunk Vikings since I have learned just how much like the stories you really are.”

Groaning, Eanir rolled his eyes as she laughed and began to leave.

“What am I missing?” Varitan asked as he glanced at his friend as she left.

“Just Thorodd telling her that Vikings want to sleep with all the elves possible.”

His second in command started waving his hands in protest as Varitan scowled at the large man.

“You would not do that to my people, would you?!”

The warrior’s hand reached upward toward one of the handles of the blades on his back.

“No! Einar is being mean because I was mean earlier! Tell him Einar! Tell him you're joking!”



Hehe love it! Thanks for the chapter, nice to meet an absolute a-hole, always good for the MC’s team to interact with.


Thanks for the chapter 😊