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For four days they had quickly traveled west, stopping only when the horses needed a break and eating as the caravan traveled.  Four wagons created a dust cloud along the dirt road that appeared to be less and less traveled the further they moved from the city.  

The trees that grew together were constantly changing, sections of tall trees rising two hundred or more feet into the air would clump together for ten or twenty miles, suddenly changing to short and fat ones.  

All along the way Varitan and Lyeneru shared the differences in the plant life and how each item was typically used.  Where they were headed was a section of trees they called the lisse galad or sweet trees.  Almost five years ago a constant invasion of creatures caused the harvesting camp that was setup there to be abandoned.  They showed up suddenly, overrunning the area and slaying most of the camp one night.  

All attempts at clearing out the infestation had failed and eventually Nissi had deemed the location not worth the cost.

On the start of the fifth day as they broke camp, headed into the sun as it rose.  Giant trees appeared once more and their black trunks and bright orange colored leaves stood out as they came into view.

“We’ll need to arrive while there is light,” Varitan stated as he urged his brown stallion to go a little further.  “We don’t want to arrive at night as that is when they attack.”

Magnus nodded and was still frowning at the lack of knowledge either of the elves had about these monsters.

“And these dae thlibs just what? Materialize out of shadows? Use magic to jump between them?”

Both elves shrugged as the horses plodded forward.

“No one who has fought them says anything besides the creature appears from the shadows and sucks the blood from its victims.”

Vampires? I mean… that couldn’t be possible… I guess it could be possible… I’m in a different world with magic… but still…

Trying to consider what the ‘shadow sucker’ was.  He had laughed at first when Varitan translated it, but now a pit in his stomach grew.  

“Your face doesn’t look any better.  Are you certain this is a wise move?”

Ignoring Thorodd’s chuckle at Lyeneru’s question, he nodded.

“Our mission requires some risk and while I’m not excited about facing a creature we know very little of, the truth is there are going to be far more that we will face.  Some will be worse than this.  Varitan says the troll we are seeking is deep in these woods.   That means whatever lies between it and us has to also be taken out.”

“Imagine, Vikings willing to rush into the forest just to kill a troll.  Perhaps Odin didn’t choose wisely when he made them his champions.”

Varitan laughed, grinning at her joke.

“We all can’t be wise and fair skinned.  For now, we will do what is required to earn your peoples favor and accomplish the task before us.  Just ask Thorodd, I’m the Viking who sneaks out of a fort, unsure if covering myself with the blood of a shadow walker will protect me.”


“This place does not make me happy,” Osvif said as he hammered in one of the wires at neck height between two trees.  “Einar it is like everyone died and their stuff was left here to rot.  Those weapons and tools are slightly rusted but none have been moved.  Weeds have grown over them.”

His short friend was right, yet there was no other choice.  Both men now wore some fancy plate gloves that one of the guards had sold them.  Osvif had spotted the pair and knew they would help with handling the hook wires.  Cuts and getting poked had decreased as the finely crafted gloves provided protection even if they didn’t fit perfectly.

All around them the two hundred yard area that was cleared out of trees was growing up with weeds and new saplings.  Buildings were falling apart, the stone structures smashed in some places by whatever had attacked.  

It looked like a ghost town, a reminder of death had come and no one came to reclaim the life this camp once had.

“Forget it. Let’s finish setting the wires and then help the others with the harder part.  You and I both know–”


The cracking of a trunk shattering came as one of the trees fell across the camp.  Even though the tree was only about seventy feet long it was so dense.  Once it hit the ground, the team that had fell it began working on the branches to clear it while the other two teams attacked their trees.

Maple trees… that is what they are like.  

Sweet smelling sap poured from the spot where Osvif plunged nails and the metal fastener into the tree to hold his wires.  It flowed slowly but he had seen maple trees as a kid, watched at a festival when people turned it into syrup.  

“Those same holes are on this tree also.  Same height as well.”

Bobbing his head, Einar had seen them.  Each of the trees had four holes about five feet up set in a small curved pattern.  Neither Varitan or Lyeneru knew what they were but it didn’t bode well in his mind.

“Ready for the next set!”

As the pair moved toward another section of trees to string up the wire a few more times, Einar shuddered.

Turning into the darkness of the forest he stared into the shadows, pausing his movements.

“See something?”

“Feel something… something is watching us… I’m just not certain what.”

“Should we stop putting up these wires?”

Shaking his head, Einar motioned to the next set of trees.

“No.  Either it knows what we are doing or it doesn’t.  Still it will protect us against or hedge them in.  If something attacks and runs away, forgetting these are here, either way they do their job.”


Two hours of sunlight was left and long shadows covered the camp.

Einar stood in the center where the horses and wagons had been pulled together, fires burning brightly outside and inside the circled area.

“These trees about destroyed my axe,” Skardi moaned as he ran a stone across the edge, trying to sharpen the blade again. “Every hit against the wood felt like the metal was being bent.”

“Perhaps when we return, you could purchase some of our weapons,” Lyeneru said.  “The metal is far stronger than yours.  You would be wise to upgrade as the creatures you face will have thicker skin, stronger hides and natural armor.  Even with all the strength you appear to have, a sharp edge will be important.”

“A new axe?”  Skardi muttered as he held his two handed axe, which was almost five feet long, out before him.  “I don’t want to know what that might cost but perhaps you are right.  I had been hoping to wait till we visit the dwarves as I know their metal is–”

“Do not insult our weapon makers!”

Lyeneru’s outburst shocked everyone and even herself as she quickly calmed her face which had changed for a moment.  

“Forgive me, I meant no disrespect.”

“I should ask for forgiveness,” she replied, shaking her head as Skardi gave a bow. “You do not know of the feud between us and the dwarves.  Sometimes they like to tease us over and over about how Odin and the other gods love the gifts they gave more than ours.”

“Ahh yes, Thor’s–”

A quick whistle came and all conversation stopped, each person reaching for their weapon if they were not already holding it.

“Dae thlib?” Varitan whispered.

“Something is watching us.  Hogni?”

“I can’t see it, but I believe you’re right.  The shadows are moving, shifting and not from the trees or the wind.”

“Stoke the fires!” Einar called out. “Keep them lit! Tonight we all take turns working them and ensuring we can see.”

Skardi moved to where the one who had given him his only death stood and grunted.

“I’ve watched you enough to see that you are tense compared to all the other times.  Even when we fought, you were not this tight.  What do I need to know?”

Einar said nothing, feeling the eyes of his warriors upon him, waiting for whatever was going to come from his mouth.

“What we face tonight will be dangerous.  One of the first nights where the enemy has the advantage.  We are in their territory and do not know yet how they fight or even what they look like.  So if the chance comes to kill one, do not hesitate.  Take off its head or chest or whatever it has.”

Thumping the butt of his axe against the ground, Skardi nodded.

“Let’s see who wins the fight tonight, killing the most.  Me or you.”


The popping of the fires as the sap inside ignited and flared was a constant sound.  Each log they had chopped burned hard and bright, like a torch dipped in oil.  All of them made certain to keep their hands as clean as possible, not wanting to find themselves a poor mimic of Einar and suffering burns unlike him.

Almost two hours after midnight, with the moon behind clouds and only the light of the fires providing a way to see, Ospak’s shout woke the camp.


Everyone sat up, weapon in hand, rising to their feet, prepared for whatever had been spotted.

Shadows leapt and moved around the edge of the fires, and from a section of darkness between the campfires three stick-like creatures began to step out of them.  

Pitch black bodies, looking like a tree itself, unfolded from the shadows, gaining size and mass with each step it took from the darkness that it seemed to live in.

Standing eight to nine feet tall they came toward the east side of the camp, long limbs moving and darting around.  

Einar saw that it wasn’t a vampire but as if someone had carved a wooden creature from one of these sweet trees. Their joints looked weird, like bugs, able to move in a wide range of motion and the ends of their hands had eight inch fingers, four of them, all ending at a point.

No face was present, just a solid piece of black wood like body.


Shouts came as Hogni began calling out numbers and which direction, announcing immediately that over ten were there and it appeared a few more were stepping out of the shadows.

Racing toward the area three were coming, Einar had his shield out and ignited his axe, motioning to the trio.

“Skaldi left! Bodalf middle!”

Both vikings said nothing, moving as one, the three of them engaging the monsters that had wiped out this camp.

Though they walked at a steady pace, Einar twisted and raised his shield, surprised at how fast the creature's arm moved forward, trying to spear him with its right hand.

Einar’s shield had two boards snapped. Four fingers pierced the wood and by the luck of the gods, it had happened above his shoulder and not where his head was.

“Shield’s won’t stop their attacks!”

Cries came and unable to risk a glance, Einar swung, connecting with the dae thlib’s arm, his axe digging deep and igniting the area he had connected.

Like a barbarian, it became enraged, trying to yank on his shield, pulling it from his hand as it waved the burning appendage in the air.

Holding on tight, Einar let the creature tug, pulling him in closer and delivered a second strike to the body, the blade cutting deep, once more causing flames to ignite and burst upon the creature's torso.

It let go of his shield, stumbling backward and before Einar realized it, moved back the way it came, not needing to turn as its body could somehow move either direction immediately.  Giving chase he got three steps before it touched a shadow and began to vanish.

The sound of metal on wood from his left caught his attention and Einar saw from the corner of his eye that Bodalf had just hacked one of the arms off of his foe.

Cursing, Einar turned and moved to assist, coming up from behind, slicing his axe at the monster and cutting through its leg, sending it toppling to the ground as flames grew at the point of contact.

“I got it!”

Letting Bodalf deal with his, Einar watched as the giant who once hated his guts, worked with precision, hacking at the monster only a foot taller than him.  Some blood trickled down Skardi’s arm, but he had won this fight, taking off both appendages and delivering a devastating blow to the creature's leg.

“More on the north! Seven!”

“I’m assisting! Call if you need!”

Neither man said a word, a simple grunt was all they gave as both men finished off the creatures they had just faced.

[ Rune Experience Gained ]

Running faster, Einar knew tonight would be filled with that message.  


Stuart Nathan

Still confuses me when you call him Magnus at this point haha


“Magnus nodded and was still frowning at the lack of knowledge either of the elves had about these monsters” -> Einar