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Yawning, Einar covered his mouth.

“I’m sorry but I needed that break.”

Thorodd and Thorve both laughed as Einar moved to join the others who were working on cutting down more trees.

“I’ve never seen a fire mage cast as much as you did,” Thorodd stated. “I’ve been in a few battles and trust me when I say, you are truly blessed by Odin.  Some might wonder if you had Jotunn blood in you with how hot that blazed.  Every one of us was in awe.”

“The fool is right, even I do not think you realize just how much power you demonstrated last night.  If you’re not careful everyone one of these muscle headed warriors will attempt to have what you do.”

Thorve’s grin and the way she teased Thorodd made Einar start to wonder if the amount of time he caught them two together meant something was going on, but right now that wasn’t the biggest concern.

“Regardless, I haven’t funneled that much Wyrd through me at once before and it did wear me out.  Now then, everyone else is fine?”

Nodding, she looked at her hand as she held up her fingers.  “Ospak broke an arm but it will be fine by tonight.  He won’t do any chopping, just light work that doesn’t require that arm.”

“He didn’t like that order,” Thorodd added.

She shook her head and gave him a glare before continuing.

“Hogni had a few injuries to his stomach, he’ll be tired the next few days but as long as he eats right and doesn’t drink, it will be no problem again. Finally, Bodalf may never have children but that will teach him to not protect that area of his body again.”

Both men winced as they relieved seeing the injury and continued to where the sound of axes against wood rang out.

“Sixty three confirmed killed. The first cart is getting loaded up now and they won’t be able to take half of the corpses. I’ll say this again but the men have never been more excited about not getting sleep and working all day.  Every one of them is getting stronger.”

Einar nodded, knowing last night was a massive gain of experience for even him. 


[ V.A.L.H.A.L.L.A ]

Magnus / Einar Sibbison

Age: 32/18

Strength - 24+14

Endurance - 22+12

Agility - 23+2

Perception - 18+7

Wisdom - 16+4

Mysticism - 16+5


Gungnir’s Strength (Chest) Legendary (Hidden) 

Max Training Stat for Strength, Endurance and Agility is racial limit plus 50. 2.5 x Growth Rate

25% Bonus to Perception - No Stat Limit

Max Training Stat for Wisdom and Mysticism is 50. 1.5 x Growth Rate

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 10% Bonus to Agility and Perception

Lvl 3 Divine Protection. 50% Damage Reduction for 1 Minute. 5 Day cooldown 

Experience 53%

Warrior’s Defense (Back) Intermediate

10% Bonus to Endurance

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Lvl 2 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Lvl 3 + 5% Bonus to Endurance / Resist Damage

Experience 100%

Warrior’s Blessing (Stomach) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

5% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 4% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 5% Bonus to Strength

Lvl 3 + 7% Bonus to Endurance

Experience 43%

Might of the Viking (Right Arm) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength

10% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength 

Lvl 2 + 7% Bonus to Strength

Lvl 3 + 5% Bonus to Perception

Experience 43%

Forked Rune of Elements (Head) Advanced

15% Bonus to Wisdom and Mysticism

Advanced Lightning Affinity

Intermediate Fire Affinity

Basic Ice Affinity

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Mysticism

Lvl 2 + 8% Bonus to Mysticism

Lvl 3 + 15% Bonus to Spell Damage

Experience 4%

Wyrd of Odin - Pool of Wyrd is doubled.

Time Remaining: >2 Months


He couldn’t help but smile at the growth that he had experienced from last night's successful fight.  Osvif’s plan had worked perfectly and it appeared that new additions were being made to capitalize off what they had learned.

A small opening was being left in the ring they built today and a second ring was being created about twenty yards past it.  Connected sections of logs were made so that the fire from the inner and outer layer would create trapped areas, keeping the dae thlibs unable to escape unless they braved the roaring flames.  Something none had done last night.

“Well I better go make myself useful and help with the trees.  Thorodd, do you have a minute?”

“Fine, leave me out of all discussion,” Thorve said, her face changing as she bit her lip and appeared to pout.  “I’ll just find a place to sit and wait until someone else needs me to heal their manhood.”

Both warriors laughed as she left, grinning as she turned.

“How much stronger are you?”

Thorodd’s head flinched backward at the question.

“I’m not asking for specific numbers but in general.  How much leveling have you and the others experienced and what kind of gains are we talking about?”

The concerned look faded and Thorodd’s head bobbed up and down as he stared at something.

“I’m probably fifteen percent or more in Strength and my Endurance has gone up as well. Right now like all the others we are needing advanced runes.  The intermediate ones are all full. If I had four more right now I’d easily have another ten to twenty percent in power.”

“And the others?”

“You could ask them but the ones I’m aware of are like me.  Advanced runes experience slows down greatly the last level and a half.  Some may finally max them out if things keep going the way they are.”

“What will you all do when offered an advance rune but it requires you to lose an intermediate one that is maxed?”

His second in command grimaced. 

“The pain of both the removal and the loss of stats is something most rarely consider because you and I both know acquiring those runes is so difficult. However, with what we have experienced, I am confident every warrior here would gladly endure that pain and the temporary loss of stats for the overall gains.”

Rubbing his chin, Einar started moving to where everyone was working.

“What about you? All of us see the lack of tattoos on both legs and your arm.  Will you wait to slot something even if it means giving up a quick gain or the blessing of a full runic body?”

“It’s not worth it and you know it.”

Thorodd’s face scrunched but he eventually nodded as they were just a few yards from the other.

“Two intermediate runes would grant you ten to twenty percent more strength easily.  With an advanced rune and you having all eight… that is a lot of power to give up.”

“And items, regents, gold, time and pain,” Einar replied.  “I promised I would help you all get stronger, not at the cost of me wasting items and gold.  Trust me, I’m content waiting.”


“Einar, can I ask a question?”
“Besides that one?”

A groan came from Varitan as the man took Lyeneru’s position tonight during the first watch.

“Yes… a personal one.”


The elven warrior was silent and after a dozen seconds, Einar turned to make sure he hadn’t vanished.

“How can you be both a warrior and a mage?”

“I’m not a mage.  I’m a warrior with a rune that allows me to channel magic.  Unlike your people, Odin has given us runes.  They are what dictates our strengths and weaknesses.”

A sigh came from the elf he now called a friend.

“Sometimes it feels unfair.  Part of me wishes Freyr would allow me to feel his power flowing through me and I could stand there, calling down lighting or sending fire at my enemies.”

Einar turned his head, keeping his eyes scanning the dark forest and gave a soft smile.

“How many of your people have you protected because you are a warrior?”

“That’s not what I–”

“Don’t downplay that question of mine.  How many? How many more elves would be dead if you had been a mage, sent somewhere else or kept in the capital and not in the job you have?  We wouldn’t have met.  I wouldn’t wear this bracelet and all of the creatures that are dead are because Freyr needed you to be a warrior.  He needs you to be my guide and he needs you to be my friend.”

A cough came and both of them turned to see Lyeneru at the bottom of the cart looking up at them.

“Perhaps you two should talk a little quieter unless you plan on calling down the whole forest.”

They glanced at the people in the circle of the wagons and saw everyone staring at them.

“Just kiss already!” Godalf called out, causing a small wave of laughter to wash over the area.

“Perhaps Freyr wants me to end one Viking’s life,” Varitan said as he put a hand on the sword's hilt.

“Maybe later, for now, we hunt that which hunted your people.”


Another group came, once more around the same time at night, seemingly unaffected by the previous night's events.

Fires burned and those trapped in the second ring of fire fell to either arrows whose tips were dipped in sap and lit on fire or to Einar.

By the time all were dead, the orange light of the fires had dimmed and the gentle warmth of the sun announced another day.


The pile of corpses grew as seventy more were sent to whatever place claimed their soul.  Even if Hel was their destination, no one cared what the creatures experienced, glad to see evil starting to decrease in numbers.

Dirt helped to extinguish the fire and the Vikings once more built two rings, making small adjustments which Osvif figured out each night.  He and Hallad had suffered a few cuts and other small injuries.  The large man had taken to the shortest warriors side like glue.  Every one of the warriors recognized Osvif for what he was, a genius when it came to sowing chaos in the ranks of their enemies with the traps and plans he came up with.

“So tell me what it is you think you found,” Einar said as a group of them finished unhooking the last of the metal wires from the trees they had left up for three days.

Pointing at the trees and then at the ground, Osvif grinned.

“You remember there were no tracks when we arrived?”

“I believe so… and?”

“Why would the creatures suddenly come and attack us after we arrive? Why would this place be overgrown and have no tracks?  Did you notice that when they move you can see where they walk?  Even in the shadows if you check later you can see the slightest indentations in the ground.  It’s not like the monsters are flying or floating but… maybe able to move without sound or barely touching the ground.  Still they leave a trail.  So why would they suddenly show up?”

“I’m guessing it's not because we showed up.”

Einar wanted to be mean but his friend always asked questions like this.  Trying to lead people to the answer instead of just saying something.

“If I’m right, then it’s not us, it’s the sap.”

Osvif pointed to the holes in the trees again and this time Einar realized they were old.  Scared, covered with bark, years old.

Five years old most likely.

“When we cut down trees, made firewood, hammered in the wires, we sent up the aroma of the sap in a massive way.  Each night we have drawn more, each night we have cut down more trees and burned more sap.  I think they smell or sense it and that is why they came here.  Ask Varitan like I did.  No other areas suffer from these monsters.  Only here.”

Each of the Vikings who were standing there, listening to Osvif and Einar saw how excited their tiny friend was getting.

“Something tells me you have a plan and that explains what I’ve been smelling the last few hours.”

Displaying more teeth, Osvif’s grin grew as he almost seemed ready to dance.

“If I’m right and the three large pots which are boiling that sap I collected the last few days does its job, we should be overrun tonight.”

“Why the hell would you do that?!” exclaimed Skardi. “I mean we are winning but how many do you expect to bring?!”

“I have no idea but maybe double.  Which is why I have one last trap I want to prepare.”



Thanks for the chapter 😊 Osvif isn't the greatest fighter and until everyone had seen his mental skills and traps working some were laughing about him behind his back... But I'm sure now they don't want him as an enemy at all costs 😁 Also fighting these monsters and having slayn over 130 of them will be a tremendous boost to their reputation and money 💰


lol Osvif knows how to farm XP