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“I leveled up two runes!” Skardi announced as he moved over to congratulate Bodalf.


Thorve had her eyes closed as she shook her head, a slight smile present upon her face.

“Everyone, come help gather the corpses! Do not cut your fingers off like Osvif did on these ropes!”

Skardi and Bodalf both laughed as their small friend groaned.

Bending down, Einar gave Geir a nod as he watched the skin closing over the wound.

“How did you make out this fight? Besides being the first to get injured.”

“Not how I wanted this to go, but I did get experience and I am close to leveling a rune as well.  Perhaps one day I’ll be blessed like the others and one of the gods will grant me a boon.”

“You need to not get injured,” Thorve muttered. “Now be quiet and don’t move.”

Holding a finger to his lips, Einar stood and left the man in good hands.  He would be fine in the morning which was hard to sometimes still understand.  The amount of damage someone could endure sometimes and still be good the next day was hard to be able to always know.  Some were stronger and could bounce back, even after having an arm reattached, while another might need three or four days.

Bior had gifted him with warriors that were the exception to so many rules.  Once they all had eight runes, they would become legends in Midgard.

Warriors began to descend from the walls, the tar still burning and providing them a safe place to harvest the spoils of battle.

“Einar Sibbison!”

Looking up at the wall, four elves stood there next to Varitan who was yelling his name.


“We need to talk. Now if you can.”

“Thorodd, you’re in charge. I’ll be back.”

The giant nodded and chuckled as their leader moved toward the wall and the ropes hanging down from it.

“Go do important stuff.”

Groaning, Einar grabbed the rope and checked his new rune levels.


[ V.A.L.H.A.L.L.A ]

Magnus / Einar Sibbison

Age: 32/18

Strength - 23+13

Endurance - 20+9

Agility - 23+2

Perception - 17+6

Wisdom - 15+2

Mysticism - 14+4


Gungnir’s Strength (Chest) Legendary (Hidden) 

Max Training Stat for Strength, Endurance and Agility is racial limit plus 50. 2.5 x Growth Rate

25% Bonus to Perception - No Stat Limit

Max Training Stat for Wisdom and Mysticism is 50. 1.5 x Growth Rate

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 10% Bonus to Agility and Perception

Experience 25%

Warrior’s Defense (Back) Intermediate

10% Bonus to Endurance

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Lvl 2 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Experience 5%

Warrior’s Blessing (Stomach) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

5% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 4% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 5% Bonus to Strength

Experience 5%

Might of the Viking (Right Arm) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength

10% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength 

Lvl 2 + 7% Bonus to Strength

Experience 5%

Forked Rune of Elements (Head) Advanced

15% Bonus to Wisdom and Mysticism

Advanced Lightning Affinity

Intermediate Fire Affinity

Basic Ice Affinity

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Mysticism

Experience 0%

Wyrd of Odin - Pool of Wyrd is doubled.

Time Remaining: >2 Months


No wonder I feel amazing! The strength and the endurance were that rush of power.

Climbing the rope was over in seconds as he pulled himself up, hand over hand, grinning like a fool at how easy it had become.

“What can I do for you all?” Einar asked as he swung himself over the wall, spotting Hogni and Hallad near him, keeping eyes at the scene below.

Shifting slightly, Varitan pointed at an area past the flames.

“Our archers have shot and killed the other one that got away.  How do you want to handle this?”

Einar knew his face was contorted and even in the light of the torches that had now appeared, he couldn’t hide his shock at that question.

“Why call me up here for that? You killed the shadow walker, it is yours by right.”

A few of the elves began to smile but Varitan shook his head.

“It does not feel right. You took the risk, you set the trap. All we did was finish a weakened creature.  Perhaps we could –”

Einar moved and held his hand out before the elf who seemed against him from the start.

“We shall shake on this. That creature is yours.  Show your people what they look like.  I will share the few things I have learned, but know I will not lay claim to the trophy.”

A nudge came from one of the elves behind his guide and Varitan finally took his hand, shaking it.

“Now, I would send a few out to recover it as they typically eat their own kind I believe. I’m not certain but I think it is how the shadow walkers keep what they look like a secret.  Also it appears there is one that is older and more powerful.

“It would be good to not have people outside the walls for a while at night.  I’m not certain if it will return but I would like to believe that me and my warriors have proven tonight that we are here to be allies of the people of Alfheim.”

Slowly Varitan began to nod and the tightness in his jaws started to loosen.

He turned his head, said something in elvish and two of the men took off.

“We are grateful for the knowledge of how the shadow walkers work.  You are right. Perhaps I have been a little harsh in my trusting of you and your Vikings.  Tell me, how can I help you and your men?”

“Honestly, after we finish collecting these trophies, I’m certain every one of us is going to need a good night's sleep.  Perhaps tomorrow after some food we can talk about what else we can do to help your people.”

“Is it true?”

The voice of the guard behind Varitan surprised Einar but he saw that the one who had spoken was female.  Her facial features were hidden by a helm and the armor she wore hid the curves that Lyeneru had.

“Is what true?”

She glanced at the other guard and then at Varitan who nodded.

“One of your men received a blessing? We heard him speak from up here.”

Smiling, Einar nodded. 

“When we reach the city and your spirit person is able to test me, it should prove that the gods are active in what we are doing.  Ragnarok is coming and we are here to prevent that destruction.”

Elvish words were mumbled and then both guards gave a tip of their head before moving down the ramparts of the wall.

“You are a strange Viking,” Varitan said as his green eyes locked on to Einar’s blue ones.  “Not many would openly speak about the coming of that day and yet you stand here, unafraid and open.  Your actions show that you believe this. No one else would risk their lives for these things if that kind of conviction wasn’t there.  Lyeneru said…”

He took a deep breath and let it out, all tension in his face gone.  For a moment the elf reminded Einar of an old friend.  The moment Guat had shook his hand and joined them in that first day of training.

“She is being tested to verify that she received a boon from Freyr.  Such a thing has not happened in ages and she told me that I need to let go of my anger and hate.  It is not your fault for what I carry.”

A brief pained look flashed across Varitan’s face before it was gone once more.

“Someone you loved died.”

The hardened elf reacted with a wince and nodded.

“I blamed your people for that.  If they had done their job, defended the realms, and fought the darkness that lingers, my… my sister would still be alive.  Seeing you and your men exposed a wound I had forgotten was so deep and raw.”

Einar watched as the elf struggled to talk and stand still.  His left hand moved to his right wrist and pulled a small silver band from it. For a few seconds, Varitan turned it in his fingers, starting at it before he held it out.

“I owe you an apology.  This was my sisters and I have carried it everyday.  It would honor her and I if you would take it and wear it.  Any elf that sees it on you will know what it means.”

As the outstretched hand trembled slightly, Einar took it and worked hard to slide it over his wrist.  The fit was very tight but not so much it cut off the circulation.  

It looked off on his tan skin, a twisted band of metal, silver in color, vines wrapped around each other.

“I shall cherish it always.”

Reaching up, Einar pulled a thin leather cord from around his neck.  Hanging beneath the armor he wore was a tooth that had been drilled out, the cord running through it.

“This belonged to the first troll I ever killed.  I was thirteen.”

Coughs came from both Vikings who were attempting to not appear to be eavesdropping.

Varitan didn’t notice as his eyes went wide like a full moon.

“A troll!? You killed a troll at the age of thirteen?!

Sighing and shrugging, Einar held out the cord.

“Take this, wear this and know I will always count you as a friend.  The good news is I like to tell my friends stories of things I have done.  Like when I killed that troll or my two friends and I took down almost five wolves before my runes activated… Oh and we had to face down a troll as we—”

Varitan’s hand moved like a snake darting out and taking the necklace from Einar.  Just as quickly he slid the leather cord over his head and pulled his braided white hair so that it was underneath his hair.

“I shall treasure this and our friendship.”

His words were soft and yet Einar knew they were honest.

“As will I.  Now, if you will excuse me, I need to finish taking care of things and then find somewhere to sleep.”

His new elven friend held out his hand, grinning in a way that again looked evil.

Perhaps elves just don’t know how to grin without looking creepy.

Shaking once more, Einar turned and winked at both of his men who were standing there, chuckling and shaking their heads.

“I’ll be back. You two enjoy not having to work tonight.”

“Bah!” Hallad called out as Einar started sliding down the rope. “We both know you’ll make us do extra sometime later!”


Three hours after the sun was up Einar sat up on the bed he had been given.  It wasn’t luxurious but they had a cloth mattress stuffed with something softer than stones inside.  He had his own room and that in itself was a luxury.  

Moving to the small dresser with a mirror and a pan of water, he splashed his face before picking up a cloth next to the basin and started wiping down his skin.

Looking in the mirror those blue eyes stared back at him.  His face was still so young and yet no matter how he tried, Einar couldn’t get past the person he saw looking back at him.

How long… I can’t even remember what I used to look like.  

The tattoo on his chest, the one across his face, all such a stark contrast to the life he had tried to live before.  Blending in, not standing out any more than his massive body normally did.  

Here he needed to stand out.

Odin had made certain of that.  

Around his heart it felt like a string was being tugged everyday.  Leading him in the path he needed to go.

Arngrim had mentioned the Norns before.  Multiple times the man had muttered about what Skuld must have in store for him.  

Choosing one's own path was often considered impossible or difficult, resulting in things that sometimes broke the world.

The image in the mirror was enough to remind Einar that he needed to be that person.  He had a world to break if he was going to save this one and the one his mind thought less of every year.

Dawson and Martinez.  I’ll never forget!



Thanks for the nice chapter 😊 Good to see the elves warming up with him and his Vikings (feels good to say HIS Vikings 😁) I'm also looking forward to the faces the elves will make when he show them the value of the shadow walker blood 🤣🤣 Stinky incoming 🤣

