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Each of the Vikings had mentioned how much cleaner and nicer the elven outpost was compared to the ones they had back home.

Stone buildings, set with clean lines, fresh crops and fruit trees, water that was sweet and plenty of empty buildings to sleep inside.

Each of the miog corpses had been taken to a processing building where the elves could break them down into the needed parts and begin treating them for storage and travel down the road.

As the caravan left the clearing they had been stationed the first night, they found eight more elves, dressed in similar gear watching from a gate outside fortified walls with a single building inside.

“Why protect only one building?” Einar whispered.

“Because that building can withstand almost anything until help arrives,” Thorve replied.  “Well not a giant, but if a giant comes it won’t matter.  Similar to our fortresses in the different wild areas beyond the barriers, occasionally things do come and attack in the night.  You will learn, only the brave or those on a mission, don’t sleep inside that building.”

“Are we invited?”

Chuckling, she nodded as she motioned ahead.

“We are now.”

A pair of elven guards approached, each radiating from that same glow and having the same pure white hair.  Their armor was gold, making them stand out even more and the pair of swords each carried were three feet long with a slight curve.  Next to them Varitan was following, slightly behind the duo.

Turning in his saddle, Einar made a few hand signals and the warriors behind him began to react, obeying his orders to dismount.

Sliding off his own horse, he offered a hand to Thorve who smiled at his gesture and took it, her robe the white one once more.

“Rumor has it you have a shield maiden and surely with these manners you have earned many points with her.”

Before he could reply, the healer moved forward and bent low, speaking something that Einar knew was elvish.

Both guards replied in kind before turning their attention to the leader of the pack.

“Einar Sibbison, we are grateful for the help removing a threat to our people. Tonight we invite you to stay behind our walls and then tomorrow we have one task left for you to complete.”

The one who spoke had blue eyes and his were a darker blue than any other Einar had seen before.

“It would be our honor to assist and we are grateful for the protection of your walls. Is there–”

Before he could finish a shout came from the gate and both elves turned, jogging back toward the one who had called out.

“Tell me that was planned,” Einar whispered.


Clearing his throat, Varitan came closer to them and stood there a moment.  Those green eyes studied them and after a few seconds he turned and motioned to the walls.

“You are welcome to store anything of value and all your animals behind the wall.  Until it becomes dark, I would encourage you to stay close to the buildings and not venture into the woods.  Our wards only work during the day and will keep you safe unless you go past them.”

“What about your other buildings at night? Why don’t the things that attack bother them?”

The first real smile appeared that the elf had displayed and it almost looked sinister, Einar thought as the elf’s lips curled upward, stunning white teeth appearing.

“What comes at night do not seek things that are dead.  Food, meat, and other items are of no concern to it.  No, I believe you and your men have a name for them.”

Moving his lips a few times as elven words were whispered, both men noticed Thorve jerk at the realization of what the elf was trying to say.

“Shadow walkers.”

“They are in this realm?” Einar asked as he turned to study his healer’s face.  Her eyes had gone wide and her lips were pulled back slightly as her chin trembled.

“They are in most realms. Only Niflheim and Muspelheim are rumored to not have them.”

“How often do they attack?”

Scoffing, Varitan shook his head.

“We are unsure but we are not foolish enough to sit out here and find out.  No magic detects them.  For every one we have killed, hundreds of my people have vanished, never to be seen or heard from again.”

Grinning, Einar turned and whistled three times, holding up two fingers.

Half a minute later, Thorodd and Osvif were by his side.

“You needed us?” his second in command asked.

“I just found out that shadow walkers are present and that those large walls are designed to keep them out.  Perhaps you and I might like to attempt to kill another one?”

Groaning, Thorodd closed both eyes and began to message them with his fingers.

“You have killed one?!”

The four vikings turned to see Varitan’s eyes widening and his jaw being left hanging.

“Just one. The one that was traveling with it got away. You remember that jar of black, thick liquid my archer put on himself which made you stay away? That is the blood from the one I killed.”

Thorodd nodded and even Thorve seemed in shock at that revelation.

“So the rumors are true… a shadow walker slayer and a portal closer.”

Magnus barely managed to keep from laughing when their current elven guide almost passed out.  The man stumbled back a step, raising a hand.  All the dignity and composure he had displayed in their short time together was gone.  

“You… you closed a portal? How? When?”

Varitan’s voice was higher and at least somewhat under control as he spoke.

“It’s been a month?” Einar asked as he glanced at Thorodd who bobbed his head.  “Trolls were coming through and it needed to be done.  One Viking’s death is worth such a thing.”

Stuttering in the elvish language came as Varitan absorbed the truth of what had been accomplished by the Viking who had just claimed to be given a boon by Odin.

“I will return!”

With those words the elf was racing toward the gate, leaving the four of them standing there.

“It would appear he bought your acting,” Einar said as he winked at Thorve. “You knew what was in that jar and where I got it from.”

Cackling, she nodded and motioned to the gate where it appeared an animated conversation was taking place from the hand waving and fingers pointed at Einar.

“Sometimes the best way to help someone believe is to finally believe in yourself.  Don’t get me wrong, I had my doubts even with what Jarl Unnulf told me.  Seeing what I did last night removed almost all of those.”

“Almost all?”

She nodded and then moved back toward her horse.

“Even I still need to see a few other things take place before I mimic Hogni’s actions.  I am old and that has made me cranky, distrusting and special.”

“How old are you?” 

Everyone looked at Thorodd who at that moment realized he had made a mistake.

As Thorve hissed, Osvif began to chuckle.

“Let’s move on,” Einar chimed in. “I need a wall built outside those walls, big enough for three people and a single horse.  A fire like last time and more of that gravel.  Get Hogni and a few others up on the walls near us.  Don’t let the elves steal our glory if something comes tonight!”

Thorodd nodded and took that opportunity to move away, shouting at the men still standing by their horses, waiting for instructions.

“You’re really going to try and kill a shadow walker?” Osvif asked. “I mean, I think it’s a great idea but I’d prefer to not be outside the walls with you.”

“I’m not sure Tyr would approve of you being too cautious.”

The shortest Viking shook his head and grinned.

“No, I can try to help in other ways.  Sometimes the best warrior isn’t the one swinging an axe, but instead telling everyone else where to swing.”

All those lessons I gave about tactics seem to really have paid off.  Osvif’s mind was always stronger than his body.

“Then give me something to work with tonight.  I need to head to the gate and tell them our plans.”

As Einar moved toward the gate he heard his friend and their healer talking.

“He doesn’t seem concerned in the least about what he’s going to face, does he?”

“That’s because his cock is bigger than Thor’s,” Osvif’s cheerful voice replied, sending the two of them into laughter.


“I’m not certain how we were picked,” Bodalf stated as he and Geir sat on a log placed near the horse and the wall.

“Glory my bald headed brother,” Geir replied. “Besides with your spear and my axe, we’re the best weapons Einar has.”

“Shhh… go to sleep or pretend to be asleep,” Einar called out.  “I’ll let you know if something comes, don’t you worry.”


Smiling, Einar couldn’t help but appreciate how Thorodd told the story, embellishing it more each time.  Now they expected his voice to be better than a skald, it's very pitch freezing an army of shadow walkers in their tracks, allowing them to slay each one without retaliation.

They have no idea… now all I need to do is wait.

Varitan and the others had been useless with any information about the shadow walkers.  All they knew was that when they left an animal outside the wall to test if they still came, it was always gone.  No sound ever announcing that it had been taken.  The guards who were watching all said the same thing.  One moment they realized the job they had been given had failed.  No elf could ever remember seeing the animal vanish.

Gravel was spread out around him again, this time in a larger area.  If lessons taught Einar one thing it was that a little more time was appreciated.

Wooden spikes were placed on the sides, limiting the approach and providing that same area of protection against a quick ambush.

Scattered amidst them were tiny metal caltrops that Einar had designed.  Hooks and other thin metal wires were woven around the logs.  Even with the light of the sun they had been hard to spot, designed to catch and penetrate anything that was caught in the line.

That time in his warband paid off for Osvif.  His Hersir had once commanded a ship and the lessons he taught about fishing and how they land large fish were far better than I ever imagined.

Everything Einar knew from his life before was being amplified by his relationship with Osvif.  There were countless other traps they could build when they had earned enough gold and had the time to sit down with some craftsmen.  He had sketched a possible steam engine for Argrim, knowing that the man would find a way to use it to make money.  

Gold… every world revolves around it… in order to get stronger I’ll need Odin himself to grant me the armbands I hear he can create every nine nights.

Smiling, at the stories he had learned about the gods, Einar forced his eyes and his senses to keep watch. 

Stars illuminated the sky which had a ribbon of green waving in the darkness.  

Thorve had told him that it would grow as the seasons changed, larger during the springtime and summer, shorter during winter and fall.  They had four months before rains might come and he needed to make the most of it.

The sound of a bird calling out in the night brought Einar back from his wandering mind.

Might as well see what has changed after that fight.


[ V.A.L.H.A.L.L.A ]

Magnus / Einar Sibbison

Age: 32/18

Strength - 23+10

Endurance - 20+8

Agility - 23+2

Perception - 17+6

Wisdom - 15+2

Mysticism - 14+2


Gungnir’s Strength (Chest) Legendary (Hidden) 

Max Training Stat for Strength, Endurance and Agility is racial limit plus 50. 2.5 x Growth Rate

25% Bonus to Perception - No Stat Limit

Max Training Stat for Wisdom and Mysticism is 50. 1.5 x Growth Rate

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 10% Bonus to Agility and Perception

Experience 10%

Warrior’s Defense (Back) Intermediate

10% Bonus to Endurance

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Experience 85%

Warrior’s Blessing (Stomach) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

5% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 4% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Experience 85%

Might of the Viking (Right Arm) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength

10% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength 

Experience 85%

Forked Rune of Elements (Head) Advanced

15% Bonus to Wisdom and Mysticism

Advanced Lightning Affinity

Intermediate Fire Affinity

Basic Ice Affinity

Experience 40%

Wyrd of Odin - Pool of Wyrd is doubled.

Time Remaining: >2 Months






Really looking forward to the fight with the shadow walkers… and finding out where they hail from. Have they said what realm they are from or who they serve? I would be interested to see if it is a byproduct of the ruin that Odin gave him.