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Cheers and shouts came as the Vikings started to ignite torches, making sure the miogs were dead.

Scanning the area, Einar saw white teeth on every face that belonged to a member of his pack.  Even through beards, they were grinning, slapping each other and talking about what they had just done.

“That was… incredible. You managed to kill all of them, including the female.  Usually they do not get caught.”

“Well, we only killed four.  I believe it was your arrow that killed the first one.  Part of me wants to know how you managed that shot, the other wants to never be on your bad side.”

Her soft voice made a laughter that almost created a sense of peace when it reached his ears.

“I’ve missed more than I want to admit but that wasn’t too hard of a shot.  Now come, let us gather the trophies and make sure that Varitan has documented it.”

Picking the head up, Einar hoisted it high into the air, shouting as he approached his pack.

“For Odin and for Midgard!”

“For Odin and for Midgard!” the men replied as one.

Thorodd came toward him, smiling more than the others and delivered a solid slap to Einar’s shoulder.

“Songs… perhaps even stories shall be told about tonight.  It seems that trick of yours worked.”

Shaking his head, Einar pointed at Osvif. 

“That was his idea actually.  I just paid for it.”

Snorting, the large man rubbed his face with his hand.

“Osvif! Come tell me what other crazy ideas you have like these ropes!”

His words turned into a slight cheer for Osvif as the men acknowledged the ingenuity of the trap.

“It would appear you succeeded.  Congratulations Einar Sibbison.”

Turning, he saw Varitan studying him.

“I’m just glad we could assist the elven people.  Perhaps in time we will prove to be a respected ally of your people.”

Einar could see the elf’s jaws clenching as he forced a tight smile.

“Magic… you use fire magic.  Forgive me if what I ask is personal but what I know of Vikings is that warriors do not use elemental magic.  Often their…” he paused, his eyes looking up at the foliage for a few seconds before focusing again on Einar. “Wyrd I believe is what you call it.  Tell me, do more Vikings now use magic like you?”

“I am the first in a long time.  A dream came from Odin and so I have pursued it.  Perhaps Freyr and Odin were here tonight, watching, helping us to be victorious.”

Nodding, the elven man adjusted his leather jerkin.  Both swords had never left their sheaths and the shield was still on the elf’s back.

“Perhaps.  I am certain that in time we will see if Freyr cares about you at all.”


Turning, he saw Hogni running toward him, a huge grin on his face as he held his bow and quiver.

Before the Viking got to him, the others started to back away, waving their noses.

“Did you fall into a hole filled with shit?” Skardi called out. “I don’t think the hole we share smells that bad!”

Others nodded and moved away but Hogni didn’t seem to care.

“Nice work! You did–”

Dropping to his knee, Hogni set his bow and quiver at Einar’s feet.  Looking up he smiled.

“I offered you my axe and you accepted it.  Today I saw something I have only dreamed of since I was a child. A group of Vikings came into another realm and defeated creatures most would never face. Even then…”

The blond haired, blue eyed viking started to tear up.  His words began to fail as he choked on the lump that had appeared in his throat.

Einar could see every other warrior was not moving, each of them watching what was playing out as a Viking with a history of being deadly with both bow and spear struggled to talk.

“I… I never believed Odin would let me be a part of such a feat. Today… no tonight, two of my runes leveled up and I got a boon.”

His last words were like a whisper and even though it had been mostly quiet in the clearing, at the mention of receiving a boon, everyone froze.

“What boon did you get, warrior Hogni.”

“A blessing from Ullr.  For two weeks my shots will fly truer.”

Gasps came not from just the others but from both elves at the mention of the god and the blessing.

“Anyone else receive a boon?”

Next to Thorodd a hand rose.


The second in command words gathered everyone's attention as the smallest one in the bunch nodded and began to smile even more.

“Tyr has given me a boon for a week.  He was impressed with my traps.  My Wisdom is increased in things related to battle.”

The loud slap of Thorodd’s hand across Osvif’s back rang out but Einar’s childhood friend never flinched.

“Anyone else?”

Everyone looked at each other as Einar asked that question again.  When a few seconds passed, he held up his own hand, seeing each of their eyes widen at that act.

“Odin has been impressed. I have a boon to my Wyrd for one month.”

Varitan began to cough, and turning, he saw the elf was an unusual shade of red.

“Are you ok?”


Gasping and taking a deep breath, the elf let it out before filling his lungs once again.

“You claim… to have gotten boons… three of you… that’s…”

His voice trailed off again as Lyeneru moved to stand before him.

Unable to see her face, whatever she mouthed or showed, it kept him from speaking again.

She turned and gave a small curtsy.

“We are grateful to be in the presence of Odin, Ullr and Tyr.  May their boons serve as they intend and may our actions be evidence of acknowledging their power.”

A few seconds later Varitan bent slightly at his hip.

“I shall hurry to the outpost and return in the morning to assist with the trophies.”

With that he turned and took off, vanishing quickly into the forest.

Turning back to Hogni who was still on one knee, Einar bent down and picked up the bow and quiver, giving them a quick inspection before nodding at them.

“Rise Viking Hogni. Take your bow back and your quiver and prove to Ullr that you are worthy of his boon.  Once again I accept your commitment to my pack.”

Standing quickly, he grinned and took both items from Einar and then moved back a step.

Everyone was focused on the one they had swore to follow.

“Someone build me a fire and bring me that goat! We shall offer a sacrifice to Odin, Ullr, Tyr and Freyr for their kindness!”

Thorve’s voice carried across the small clearing as she appeared from the blind she had been hiding in.

Immediately the warriors moved, gathering more wood, sliding a few logs down on the fire that had grown larger when the miog had run into it.

As everyone ran around, their healer moved to stand next to Einar, her eyes studying him as she cocked her head slightly.

“Three boons… perhaps I was harsh with Jarl Unnulf when he told me where I would be going and what I would be doing.  Any Viking that can gather that kind of attention in one battle is one I should be grateful to be near.”

“Does this mean I don’t have to pay you?”

She cackled, her laugh carrying far out into the forest as she shook her head.

“No dear child, you must always pay the one who heals your wounds and brings you back from the dead.”


Five elves had returned with Varitan, each of them appearing slightly younger than the two tasked with escorting them.

Each had picked up one of the trophies, throwing them easily over their shoulders and took off running, following Varitan and the pace he set.

“Tell me, does he really not like me?”

Lyeneru walked beside Einar, hands clasped behind her back, eyes firmly fixed ahead.

“That is not a matter of disliking you.  It is what your people have done… or what they haven’t done.  That which Viking’s have seem to have forgotten.”

Preparing to reply, he saw her hand rise and how she shook her head.

“Let me finish.”

Taking a deep breath she let it out, never once letting her eyes look anywhere but ahead.

“It is the responsibility of the Vikings to protect all the realms.  To hold back that which cannot be held back.  Too many of my kind and even of the dark elves have died because of that which now plagues our land.  We are not weak but the amount of enemies we face has limited our ability.  I would never have gone in to fight against a pack of five bellavan miogs.  Especially not at night.  It isn’t because we are weak or unskilled but it is because they are that dangerous.  The trick you employed was something some might say Loki would do.  The tactics came from Tyr himself.  Especially if the boon the one claims to have is true.”

She frowned, paused and finally looked at him.

“When you arrive at our town, you must allow yourselves to be tested.  If the spirit guide says she sees the thread, then we will know what you say is true and that will change much.  If you have lied…” Lyeneru turned her eyes toward the forest again.  “You will be escorted out of here and never allowed back in.”

“Then I will volunteer to be tested.”

“As you should.  Now tell me… Einar Sibbison… why are you really here? What would draw the attention of four gods to your group?”


No sooner than he had asked that question the answer smacked him in the head.

“You got a boon from Freyr.”

Wincing slightly, she nodded once.

“Thank you for being quiet when you said that.  Yes… as you all spoke it came. Mine is only for a week but when the spirit guide validates my claim, it will cause a lot of changes.  Now tell me again, why are you here?”

Rubbing his chin and wishing there was more than a little stubble on it, Einar weighed his choices.

I’m going to assume you have a plan… otherwise why bring her in on this…

“Ragnarok is coming.”

She stumbled a single step before catching herself.

There was no root, stone, branch or anything else on the trail they were walking.

“You’re certain?”

“I’m not sure of when it will be here, but every day draws us closer,” he replied, glancing to ensure they were far enough away from the others, still rejoicing in the success of their first mission. “I am here to fulfill the role we are supposed to take care of.  My pack and I will purge this land of every creature that threatens your kind that we can.  At the same time we will gather items to take back home and begin making new runes.  Runes that are stronger and will allow us to withstand what is coming.”

Clearing his throat, Einar pointed at her armor.

“We need better gear and part of that is things we can gather here and then we must seek out the dwarves.”

“Why would you need…”

Had he not been watching, Einar might have missed the color in her ivory face draining slightly.  

“You mean to invade the other realms!”

She had been louder than intended, covering her mouth quickly and glancing to make sure that no one else had heard her.

“I intend to build a warband, even more if I can and invade those realms.  There are items inside them that must be captured and some of those that have grown stronger, need to be reminded that we are willing to die to hold back the destruction of everything.”

He felt his eyes narrowing and the frown on his face as memories danced in his brain.

“There are other worlds, other beings, not just elves, Vikings and dwarves who need us to stop Ragnarok.  If I fail…”

His blue eyes locked onto her green ones and she saw the conviction in them.

“If we fail, all the realms will fall.”

Grunting in acknowledgement, she turned her eyes once more ahead.

“Then I shall do what I can to ensure that doesn’t happen.”



Thanks for the amazing chapter 😊 Shouldn't be hard to see the massive band between Einar and Odin (not a little string...) That will confirm their claims and get the needed changes to start faster then we can blink 😁

